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Should Iran trust the West?

Should Iran trust the West?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 16 94.1%
  • I do not know

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters
NO, Iran should keep building ties with regional countries plus China, Russia and India.
Fighting to death would be better than be humiliated in your own home and they will take Iran's oil too.

A great advantage Iran has is its oil, China and India need oil to sustain their ever expanding economies and the western ban on Iranian oil sale means Iran has sell it to China and India. Iran can take advantage of this dependency on oil and hire these two countries as their body gaurds.

One concern though is Saudis who might supply oil to China and India to change that dynamic.
Yeah, unjust systems can no survive any length of time. They also know it. That is why 90% of Israelis have a second passport on ready and almost all of the own stuff outside Israel.

I read that even if Iran should possess Nukes never mind use them a significant number of Zionists will leave for Europe. Blessed would be the Pakistani leadership if they gave 6 or so nukes with delivery systems to Iran
I read that even if Iran should possess Nukes never mind use them a significant number of Zionists will leave for Europe. Blessed would be the Pakistani leadership if they gave 6 or so nukes with delivery systems to Iran

You are so right. That is what Zionists are afraid of. Flight of people and specially brains from Israel. Thats why nuclear Iran is an existential threat for them. And thats why Iranian leaders are all the time saying that Zionism is nearing the end of the line. I wish we could make a NATO like structure with Iran. Would benefit both of us.
You are so right. That is what Zionists are afraid of. Flight of people and specially brains from Israel. Thats why nuclear Iran is an existential threat for them. And thats why Iranian leaders are all the time saying that Zionism is nearing the end of the line. I wish we could make a NATO like structure with Iran. Would benefit both of us.

Don't worry SCO is coming lol

And then there's the joker in the pack - the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Putin will want Pakistan to become a full member as much as China is interested in incorporating Iran. The repercussions would be ground-breaking - as in Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran coordinating not only their economic integration but their mutual security inside a strengthened SCO, whose motto is "non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-interference in the affairs of other countries".

Putin sees that with Russia, Central Asia and Iran controlling no less than 50% of world's gas reserves, and with Iran and Pakistan as virtual SCO members, the name of the game becomes Asia integration - if not Eurasia's. The SCO develops as an economic/security powerhouse, while, in parallel, Pipelineistan accelerates the full integration of the SCO as a counterpunch to NATO. The regional players themselves will decide what makes more sense - this or a New Silk Road invented in Washington.

Make no mistake. Behind the relentless demonization of Putin and the myriad attempts to delegitimize Russia's presidential elections, lie some very angry and powerful sections of Washington and Anglo-American elites.

They know Putin will be an ultra tough negotiator on all fronts. They know Moscow will apply increasingly closer coordination with China; on thwarting permanent NATO bases in Afghanistan; on facilitating Pakistan's strategic autonomy; on opposing missile defense; on ensuring Iran is not attacked.

He will be the devil of choice because there could not be a more formidable opponent in the world stage to Washington's plans - be they coded as Greater Middle East, New Silk Road, Full Spectrum Dominance or America's Pacific Century. Ladies and gentlemen, let's get ready to rumble

I think Iran shouldn't trust the West....none of us should but a confrontationist policy is something I wouldn't be very excited about either. If I may use a religious analogy : We (the Muslims) are weak and vulnerable right now so lets treat this as more of a building up period...a little like the period followed by the 'Treaty of Hudaibiya' is Islamic history !

For those of us who don't give a wooden nickle about the religious analogy...how about a Machiavellian approach instead ? Bid your time...suspend the Nuclear program if it comes to that but build your economy and your conventional forces up and just show a smiling face until that happens and then strike back if there is no other.
Don't worry SCO is coming lol

And then there's the joker in the pack - the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Putin will want Pakistan to become a full member as much as China is interested in incorporating Iran. The repercussions would be ground-breaking - as in Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran coordinating not only their economic integration but their mutual security inside a strengthened SCO, whose motto is "non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-interference in the affairs of other countries".

Putin sees that with Russia, Central Asia and Iran controlling no less than 50% of world's gas reserves, and with Iran and Pakistan as virtual SCO members, the name of the game becomes Asia integration - if not Eurasia's. The SCO develops as an economic/security powerhouse, while, in parallel, Pipelineistan accelerates the full integration of the SCO as a counterpunch to NATO. The regional players themselves will decide what makes more sense - this or a New Silk Road invented in Washington.

Make no mistake. Behind the relentless demonization of Putin and the myriad attempts to delegitimize Russia's presidential elections, lie some very angry and powerful sections of Washington and Anglo-American elites.

They know Putin will be an ultra tough negotiator on all fronts. They know Moscow will apply increasingly closer coordination with China; on thwarting permanent NATO bases in Afghanistan; on facilitating Pakistan's strategic autonomy; on opposing missile defense; on ensuring Iran is not attacked.

He will be the devil of choice because there could not be a more formidable opponent in the world stage to Washington's plans - be they coded as Greater Middle East, New Silk Road, Full Spectrum Dominance or America's Pacific Century. Ladies and gentlemen, let's get ready to rumble


I hope Putin comes back. He was a much nicer guy. This Medvedev is a joke wanna be American. I hope Russians vote him again. He is the Ahmadinejad of Russia.
we ordered s-300's and su-30 mkp from russia but when the medvediof came he f&$ed these deals
Putin will redeal
now we dont need s-300.just we need russian su-30.
I hope Putin comes back. He was a much nicer guy. This Medvedev is a joke wanna be American. I hope Russians vote him again. He is the Ahmadinejad of Russia.

He is back. Or will be he has just been elected president. That will be 6 years and then by Russian constitution he can stand again for another 6 years.

Something that supports your assertion about Medvedev us that throughout his term he was on the same page as Putin except when Putin likened the Libyan fiasco to a new crusade.

BBC News - Medvedev rejects Putin 'crusade' remark over Libya

---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

must not...they support terror group against israel..:no:

A nation of a billion plus needs help from a nation of 4 million and come on here and behave like sycophants to Israel in the hope they will get protection in a rough neighbourhood lol
i have to say the iranian crisis is going well untill now
if usa attack they will pay a high price
if they dont iran will get stronger and the us and isreal will loss alot
not to mention the econimic crisis in the west and how they escape from iraq becouse they simply cant continue fighting and alot of european countrys would have left anyway
what they can do is try to isolate iran by attacking syria and cut the supply of hezballah and try to make adeal with russia
He is back. Or will be he has just been elected president. That will be 6 years and then by Russian constitution he can stand again for another 6 years.

Something that supports your assertion about Medvedev us that throughout his term he was on the same page as Putin except when Putin likened the Libyan fiasco to a new crusade.

BBC News - Medvedev rejects Putin 'crusade' remark over Libya

---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

A nation of a billion plus needs help from a nation of 4 million and come on here and behave like sycophants to Israel in the hope they will get protection in a rough neighbourhood lol

I hope when Putin comes to power then he removes Medvedev from all responsibilities and send him home. Putin is a cool guy. When he was younger and working for KGB he had been undercover as a tourist following Reagan and harassing him with questions when he had visited Moscow during the cold war:

No I don't think so we can NOT vividly trust in them . we gotta persevere in our way 'cause as starter mentioned they're not trustworthy whatsoever it's a thing that history proves it , their actions proves it .the only way is resistance .
I hope when Putin comes to power then he removes Medvedev from all responsibilities and send him home. Putin is a cool guy. When he was younger and working for KGB he had been undercover as a tourist following Reagan and harassing him with questions when he had visited Moscow during the cold war:

you are wrong buddy.Putin never gone out in russian federation.He was holding the russia through remote control.
and only concern b/w russia and U.S is missile shield and U.S is ready to provide the missle secrets to russia to convey their concerns about shield.

you are hoping much from russia and they care about their own interst only.
well in future,you may see a big deal in U.S and russia about control in afghanistan;).
you are wrong buddy.Putin never gone out in russian federation.He was holding the russia through remote control.
and only concern b/w russia and U.S is missile shield and U.S is ready to provide the missle secrets to russia to convey their concerns about shield.

you are hoping much from russia and they care about their own interst only.
well in future,you may see a big deal in U.S and russia about control in afghanistan;).

You are wrong. There are two strategies for our neighbourhood. The one proposed by the Americans which is for India to play a proxy role and the silk road deal. Putin proposes an alternate that is supported by China Pakistan Iran etc

Its not just the missile shield
You are wrong. There are two strategies for our neighbourhood. The one proposed by the Americans which is for India to play a proxy role and the silk road deal. Putin proposes an alternate that is supported by China Pakistan Iran etc

Its not just the missile shield

Yeah, it is only missile shield, the oil and resources under arctic, Nato encroaching and crawling nearer to Moscow, Islands disputed between Russia and Japan, gas prices, gas transit royalties, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, etc etc. Lol.
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