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Should India spend Rs 1000cr on a single fighter jet?

Rafale business is just a insurance guarantee if PAKFA fails, the only problem is the insurance fee is too high.

We have to plan contingency since we do not have the super 10th generation planes like J 15 (batter than Su 35), J 31, J 20 (F 22 killer) etc.

I don't think China will TOT WS10 even Pakistan is our best ally in the world. National interest is beyond anything. @Hari prasad: Can you understand?

Why do you ask this question to me? i have never questioned China's transferring or nontransfering the technology to Pakistan. Nor I have entered into the discussion of any technology transfer to India.

Why IAF willing to spend 50 millions to update a obsolete platform when they have better choice like Tejas? Even one brand new Tejas is not reaching 50 miilions USD. For Gesus christ sake!

This includes the cost of missiles and highly potent Radar and top of the class EW suit including some technology transfer. LCA will take some time to enter service in numbers.

It's not your PAKFA, it's Russians'.

HAL- Sukhoi PAKFA.
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What I can't understand is that when IAF is already superior in quality and quantity, why they want an expensive 4++ gen fighter similar to which they already have? They have LCA project they could have invested more into it and in result they could have a single engine plane near to Rafale capabilities which was locally built.

Rafale seem overkill to me, as India is already working on 5th gen project, upgrading current 4th gen fleet to 4++ gen standard with LCA around the corner, as stop gap India could have gone for production line of M2K9s until LCA and 5th gen arrived they could have served better, because Rafale is still an expensive 4++ gen fighter not a 5th gen fighter.

If Pakistan had money plane like Rafale could have extreme importance, because Pakistan lack a advance 4++ gen fighter, India don't have such issue.

I would say "Excellent analysis". +1.

The recent updation of IAF mirage is quoted for 50 millions per, you can image how India will be ripped off in the Rafale deal in the future. For weapon suppliers, there are other place like India on this planet. It is paradise.

You have a point.
If i were the decision maker, i would spend this money on building 10 new IITs which in a few years would produce professionals which would either earn foreign exchange or set up their own companies in India...and after 15-20 years india's economy would start reaping benefits from MY decision.... for the love of god spend on human development...

PS> as far as defence is concerned.... nothing gonna happen just few skrimishes here and there..no one goes to full scale war with a nuclear power..india not gonna attack pakistan not vice versa...and same goes for china and india equation..... at max india can make bla...we can make mujahideen...china can make a few tents...and none of these things require RAFALE...
india already did that List of New IITs
of course there are new NITs , IIITs,IIMs aswell.its not wise to compare defence with HRD we have separate ministry for that purpose and separate budget for that.these planes are to replace older ones and we do have less squadrons than required to defend the country.
Because not all solution can be solved by throwing money at it.

India can get full TOT on assembly the components. But not technology for materials. So the plastic would be out. The software for avionics would be out.

French will transfer engine technology. Just not the crystal blade technology to India. India can buy all the blades from France and assemble the whole engine in India.

You can dream whatever helps you to sleep tighly in your bed and for your kind information , we already have developed crystal blade tech. :wave:
You can dream whatever helps you to sleep tighly in your bed and for your kind information , we already have developed crystal blade tech. :wave:

Congrats. but not the kind that can be use to power Rafale. :)
You can dream whatever helps you to sleep tighly in your bed and for your kind information , we already have developed crystal blade tech. :wave:

Pl give more information. Any further information except Shiv Aroor Photos.
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There is no point in inventing wheel again and again... If some one invent some thing people make use of it they don't try to invent it rather produce it in more numbers in factories... If you really want to invent wheel again then wait for next thousand years...

This is not know as inventing.It is called Engineering.

You can dream whatever helps you to sleep tighly in your bed and for your kind information , we already have developed crystal blade tech. :wave:

We already manufacture them for AL 31 FP,TOT from Russia.
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Been saying this from time immemorial. This bizarre deal is not required for a developing country like India. We have so many domestic needs which takes top priority over this overpriced french shyt. people are crying foul about 300 crores it would cost the delhi govt to give free water supply to the people in a WHOLE year, but it is perfectly ok to spend 3 times that amount on JUST ONE SINGLE 4th Gen jet which would benefit only the fanboys in forums and the IAF foreign mall lobby. This is as dumb as it can get. Just a quick look reveals people here-
Live with less than $1.25 a day 32.7% (400 million)
Live with less than $2.00 a day 68.7% (841 million)
Live with less than $2.50 a day 81.1% (992 million)
Live with less than $4.00 a day 93.7% (1,148 million)
Live with less than $5.00 a day 96.9% (1,179 million)​

Just yesterday a woman got killed for just 700Rs... or some 12 dollars. :/

And if you think this deal wont cross the 25 billion mark then you are day dreaming. You have cost overruns, time delays, ToT issues which will crop up in the middile and then you have armament. Meteor missile(mica costs 2.5 million dollars each missile, lets assume Meteor costs twice as much as that since it incorporates new seeker and ramjet technology and will be costly in its initial years) with a conservative order of just 2000 missiles will cost a jaw dropping 6,30,00,00,00,000Rs <- what is that?? And that is just for the Meteor. Then there are short range Infrared guided missiles, and Anti-radiation missiles, then Air-Ground missiles. Oh my God. And it doesn't end there. The 2000 missiles ordered earlier and well as the other categories of missiles following that, must be replaced anyway because missiles come with a shelf life. So even if you don't fight a war, the missiles expiry date will be reached and you have to shell out money again to procure a new batch. :/ So 12,60,00,00,00,000Rs plus for the fighter jets + cost overuns + time delays + last minute milking through ToT or some other excuse from the French + ((6,30,00,00,00,000Rs(meteor) + IR guided missiles + Anti-Radiation missiles + various assorted arrays of Air to Ground Missiles) * 3 times shelf life expiry). I don't want to calculate that. It will just make me depressed more. ://

This deal will prove this country does have a low IQ, unable to rationalize, separate and prioritize basic needs for the population versus fancy fighter jets which are nothing more than air show pieces given India's spineless cowardly track record in dealing with its neighbours. What a criminal CRIMINAL waste of money.
now prepare to get blasted..........
Ordering rafale now with fgfa around eight years away would be financial mistake that India wil have delay fgfa by a decade or worse cancel their participation completely
Faithful. in reply
[And no country would sell such technology now. But 10-20 years later once they have replacements.

Dont be so naieve.

For the right price most people will sell their mothers .

$25 BILLION is dream deal for any country let alone a struggling company like Dassult
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