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Should India officially support Japan's sovereignty over the Senkakus?

Japan only wanted India to get independence because if British left India, India would be weak, and it would give Japanese a chance to invade
simpleton indians wont know what is reality, you can see all of those newbie indians came to PDF with Bollywood scripts```lol, they always over-estimate themselves, c'mon, they are penuts in world stage which is the reality they always refuse to accept..

and the island issue between China and japan will only be solved once U.S stays out of this matter
simpleton indians wont know what is reality, you can see all of those newbie indians came to PDF with Bollywood scripts```lol, they always over-estimate themselves, c'mon, they are penuts in world stage which is the reality they always refuse to accept..

and the island issue between China and japan will only be solved once U.S stays out of this matter

We must claim our piece of pie too as everyone doing it right ?
i acknowledge the so called chinese superiority over us inferior south asians .

they are so brave that they kill their own people with tanks , last i knew it was tianmenn square with 1 lakh crushed with their proud modern tanks .

the mighty chinese laugh at our slums because they kicked all the poor and honest people from their for highrises for their chinese royal families ( only difference from royal - they don't name themselves king ).

if u have money then you can have 2 babies there , if u don't your 2nd even if in womb will be aborted whatever its gestational age it is .

and if u chinese have guts , just say on this forum , sympathizing a little for the tianmenn massacre , NO YOU CAN'T because then next day you will find yourself in some concentration camp .

( we have differences with pakistan , but they are infinitely much better people than chinese , they are independent , ARE YOU )

powerful chinese , my foot !
As if cheeni existed .Still today people have doubts what is real china.is it PRC or is it ROC.................:rofl:

there is a difference between multiple gov vs creation of a new nation. Indian nation was created in 1947.

On the contrary, the current international atmosphere allows India to force China and India has already forced. Indian Ministry of Defence has already issued official statement saying China occupies Indian lands. What does it mean? It means India has signaled China that its time you vacate Aksai Chin. Today's meeting between two defense Ministers will finally bring the result. Guanglie already told that not a single Chinese troop is deployed in the disputed region and also China won't have any naval base in the Indian ocean in a way as if he is asking for clemency. Meanwhile, India has asked Chinese defense Minister to visit Amar Jyoti Jawan memorial to pay homage to the Indian troops who were KIA in 1962 just to remind him that the war is not over. Chinese defense Minister was so scared that he refused to visit the memorial. Something like that must have happened. Whatever it is, Guanglie is under pressure and he will have to compromise this time. He may lie to Chinese people after going back to China for face saving.

You r worse than the timetravel troll
We must claim our piece of pie too as everyone doing it right ?
yes, thats your rights to claim your own```but you are not there yet````just read your country's profile from WIPO or World Bank, its rather an appalling third world country (economically, technologically, socially, politiaclly and level of equal rights)
And Taiwan :D , I guess before this Planet earth even existed right ?
If you do not know, the official name of Taiwan is Republic of China. Taiwan is the name of a province create by them quin dynasty in the late 1800s
When was the last time india ever took a firm stance on any international issue, especially when it comes to taking sides with one and agravating the other?

As sson as the voting starts, indian reps in UNO start taking turns to the toilet (not kidding this is a known and reported fact)
Just do it and see how India disintegrates。:azn:
they are so brave that they kill their own people with tanks , last i knew it was tianmenn square with 1 lakh crushed with their proud modern tanks.

I would say they are cowards becaus ethey used "tanks" to suppress US funded civil unrest. When it comes to bravery, no one comes close to iddians, they kill their own flesh and blood with their bare hands, be it an hour old daughter or 10 year old.

Chines killed 100,000 (highly inflated figure by western media) dissidants more than two decades ago, indaind kill more than million just born girls every year.

Indians win hands down. The bravest scumbags on the face of this earth. how many daughters have you killed so far? or how many sisters did your parents killed?

Just do it and see how India disintegrates。:azn:

don't worry we all know they don't have balls, its nothing more than mouth farting and even that is stinky..........
I would say they are cowards becaus ethey used "tanks" to suppress US funded civil unrest. When it comes to bravery, no one comes close to iddians, they kill their own flesh and blood with their bare hands, be it an hour old daughter or 10 year old.

Chines killed 100,000 (highly inflated figure by western media) dissidants more than two decades ago, indaind kill more than million just born girls every year.

Indians win hands down. The bravest scumbags on the face of this earth. how many daughters have you killed so far? or how many sisters did your parents killed?

don't worry we all know they don't have balls, its nothing more than mouth farting and even that is stinky..........

amazing justifications ! says the people who abduct the daughters of minorities , rape them , and force their religion on them !

and so for your exact statement ...

(from CNN )

At a morgue in Pakistan's largest city, five linen pouches -- each the size of a loaf of bread -- line the shelf of a walk-in freezer.

Wrapped inside each small sack is the corpse of an infant.

The babies are victims of what one relief agency calls Pakistan's worst unfolding tragedy: the killing and dumping of newborns.

"Sometimes they hang them, and sometimes they kill by the knife, and sometimes we find bodies which have been burned," said Anwar Kazmi, a manager at Edhi Foundation, Pakistan's largest privately run social service and relief agency.

Records at Edhi Foundation show that more than 1,200 newborns were killed and dumped in Pakistan last year, an increase of about 200 from the previous year.

Families view many of these children as illegitimate in a culture that condemns those born outside of marriage.

Statistics show that roughly nine out of 10 are baby girls, which families may consider too costly to keep in a country where women frequently are not allowed to work.

The babies are usually just days old. Their corpses are often dumped in Karachi's sprawling garbage dumps, where they're sometimes mutilated by street animals, Kazmi said. He estimates that hundreds of baby corpses are never found.

The head of Edhi Foundation, 83-year-old Abdul Sattar Edhi, blames Pakistan's crippling poverty and a government that, for decades, has failed to educate the masses, generate jobs and provide citizens with the most basic needs.

"The distribution of resources by the government is wrong," Edhi said. "Many people don't pay taxes; there's no charity, and what you get from the government is all based on your wealth."

The Pakistani government has said it's improving education, but 55 million Pakistanis remain illiterate, according to the United Nations. And the government is billions of dollars in debt while entangled in a costly fight against the Taliban and other Islamic militant groups.

The killing of newborns gets little attention in Pakistan, and rarely are they investigated by a police force that's often poorly trained, lacks resources and stays focused on what's perceived to be more important crimes.

In many parts of the world, female infanticide is still practiced through direct violence but also by intentional neglect, according to the World Health Organization.

Killing of infants on the rise in Pakistan - CNN
cheerleaders are targeting a new master to save them from completely out of work!

Just do it and see how India disintegrates。:azn:

india is rotting fast from within, be patient and wait for a few more years!
Japan only wanted India to get independence because if British left India, India would be weak, and it would give Japanese a chance to invade

Vo vo vo tum Don Jaguar ho na ??
Jhoot mat bolna . When u gets banned ( in a regular basis :lol: ) don comes along and when Icewolf's ban is lifted don Jaguar just vanishes and is nowhere to be seen .

Akash A.
India should officially declare Senkakus as Indian Islands :D:D .. if not give me one good reason why we should jump in disputes of other countries?
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