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Should India officially support Japan's sovereignty over the Senkakus?

Your ignorance is just amazing.

On 3 September 1995, Jiang Zemin, the core-leader of the third generation of the Communist Party of China (CPC), states, “China suffered economy loses directly about $100,000,000,000 and about $500,000,000,000 indirectly by the Japanese military invasion".[32] Given these facts, when Japan concluded the Treaty of Taipei with the ROC in 1952, Chiang Kai-shek waived reparations for the World War II. Similarly, when Japan normalized relations with mainland China in 1972, Mao Zedong waived Japan’s reparations for World War II.[33] According to a Japanese Sinologist's calculation, Japan would have to pay 52 trillion yen. Even though Japan had great economic power in 1972 (GNP $300 billion), Japan did not pay any money to the PRC for the war because China waived all rights to reparations.
People's Republic of China

40 billions for war crimes? You gonna say to the childrens of women suffered under IJ that take the money and shut their mouth if they had some shame?
You are making your fellow indians looking bad.
You are not a japanese deliberately making indians look bad, right?

The western axis that provides billions of aid to Pakistan every year. Right..:lol:

I was talking about China where even British American and other Euro diplomats as well as traders, tourists could easily indulge in bad relationships with local Chinese women which the Chinese mainstream films boastfully display, let alone Hollywood ones. What a pathetic nation which takes pride in portraying its women being used and abused by whites but leaves no effort to fabricate Japan who tried to liberate those women.

As for the compensation and aid from Japan, here you go genius.

Japan's Records on China

Chiang Kai-shek's Republic of China was one of the 48 allied nations which signed the Treaty of Peace with Japan, in 1951. In the treaty, Japan forfeited all its overseas assets, including even those in neutral countries. Japanese assets in China were vast, including not only governmental monetary deposits, but also railroads, factories, even monetary deposits of private citizens and private property, which are not normally forfeited. It is impossible to know the total value, but the Bank of Japan estimated total overseas assets at 111.1 billion dollars immediately after the war, a majority of them in China. How these assets were later utilized have been up to the discretion of the individual governments.

The following year, Japan concluded a peace treaty with Chiang Kai-shek's nationalist China, with which Japan had fought the war, and not the present-day Communist regime of People's Republic of China which came to control China as a result of civil war in the years following World War II. The world also recognized nationalist China as the major fighter of the Chinese battlefront, as witnessed by the fact that Chiang Kai-shek's China had been given one of five permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council. In this treaty, China deemed it fit to renounce any rights to demand war reparations, reciprocating agreements concluded in the Treaty of Peace with Japan the year before.

In 1978, the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China was concluded, which normalized bilateral relations. Prior to this treaty, the two governments issued a joint communique (1972) in which China waived demands of war reparations from Japan. This is because the matter of war reparations between China and Japan had already been settled in peace agreements concluded in 1951 and 1952. In addition, People's Republic of China gained an international strategic benefit, of attaining recognition as the ruling government of China.

In order to create constructive relations with Asian countries, Japan has spent huge amounts of taxpayer money on development aid.

So far, China has been the recipient of 2.26 trillion yen worth of government aid (1997)*1 When President Ziang Zemin visited Japan last year, Japan agreed anew to provide 390 billion yen aid.

In recent years, Japan has been China's no.1 aid donor. The most recent figures available for international comparison (1994-1996) shows that Japan has provided more than one half of aid that China receives from foreign countries.

For 1996, Japan's official development aid was about 862 million dollars. The second donor, Germany, provided 461 million dollars. The third donor, France, provided 97million dollars. For 1995, Japan's aid was 1.38 billion dollars, and for 1994, 1.48 billion dollars. The sudden drop in the amount of aid for 1996 is attributed to the fact that Japan stopped certain grant cooperation from mid-1995 to mid-1997 in protest of China's nuclear experiments.

*1 Telephone interview with Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Unfortunately, the Chinese people remain totally ignorant of these facts. Apparently for political reasons, the Chinese government has made little effort, if any, to inform the public that Japan has been the greatest aid donor to China, and has constructed numerous facilities and infrastructure to contribute to the welfare of its citizens.

additional sources:
1. Sankei Shinbun, Jan.22nd 1999 issue / 2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs on ODA figures

Japan's Records on China
Japan can look after its self, it doesn't need Indian interferance. If it wants India's help it can ask for it either openly or behind closed doors and I'm sure India will be there in a heartbeat but until then there is no need for anyone else to get involved-JMHO.
I was talking about China where even British American and other Euro diplomats as well as traders, tourists could easily indulge in bad relationships with local Chinese women which the Chinese mainstream films boastfully display, let alone Hollywood ones. What a pathetic nation which takes pride in portraying its women being used and abused by whites but leaves no effort to fabricate Japan who tried to liberate those women.


As for the compensation and aid from Japan, here you go genius.
lol``funny an Indian talking about pride```

and by the picture you have posted and the things you have discussed, i start to doubt whether you are a false flagger
If India believes that is a way to compare your strength with China, then go ahead.
lol``funny an Indian talking about pride```

and by the picture you have posted and the things you have discussed, i start to doubt whether you are a false flagger

Yes, I posted the picture to show to what extent Chinese propaganda machine can go. Even the still photos say it all. BTW, I am actually very curious to know how could Zhang Yimou who had made Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles in 2005, change his perception of Japan within a span of mere five years and make such blatant propaganda in 2011, hiring a white actor to play the role of a lone savior in his Flowers of Bullshit. So who actually paid Yimou behind the screen for the making of this propaganda, Beijing or Taipei?
As for the so called comfort women, it is well known, who those women were and what they had been doing to their British-American lords before the Japanese soldiers liberated them. In fact, the Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto have also suggested that the so called wartime sex slaves were merely prostitutes. Its documented statement.

I sincerely hope that you don't seriously believe that or you're just trolling :disagree:

Even our country's Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has stated very recently that the 'comfort women' used by Japan should be referred to instead as 'enforced sex slaves' (which by the way greatly displeased the Japanese government). Not to mention many people from Koreans to Chinese and more do not take kindly at all to how Japan refuses to acknowledge it as such.

BTW, China received $40 billion in low interest loans from Japan as reparations, right? So when China took the money, it should have shut its mouth up if it had some sense of shame.

Most of that 'aid' were soft loans, that is, to be repaid with interest abeit low interest. As you can see, even after WWII, Japan was still trying to milk China as much as it could get away with under the pretense of 'improving relations'. The mainland eventually got its worth in taking expensive high speed rail tech right under the Japanese companies noses :laugh:

I should also mention that barely any 'aid' was given to the mainland (most of it were loans), after WWII, because it was communist (except for USSR, but they ended the aid and withdrew their advisers less than 2 decades later because of Sino-Soviet split). Might be a bit hard for you to understand, but mainland China did not have the luxury of getting free checks from various countries for 7 decades counting like your country :agree:

Japan's Records on China

Chiang Kai-shek's Republic of China was one of the 48 allied nations which signed the Treaty of Peace with Japan, in 1951. In the treaty, Japan forfeited all its overseas assets, including even those in neutral countries. Japanese assets in China were vast, including not only governmental monetary deposits, but also railroads, factories, even monetary deposits of private citizens and private property, which are not normally forfeited. It is impossible to know the total value, but the Bank of Japan estimated total overseas assets at 111.1 billion dollars immediately after the war, a majority of them in China. How these assets were later utilized have been up to the discretion of the individual governments.

The following year, Japan concluded a peace treaty with Chiang Kai-shek's nationalist China, with which Japan had fought the war, and not the present-day Communist regime of People's Republic of China which came to control China as a result of civil war in the years following World War II. The world also recognized nationalist China as the major fighter of the Chinese battlefront, as witnessed by the fact that Chiang Kai-shek's China had been given one of five permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council. In this treaty, China deemed it fit to renounce any rights to demand war reparations, reciprocating agreements concluded in the Treaty of Peace with Japan the year before.

In 1978, the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China was concluded, which normalized bilateral relations. Prior to this treaty, the two governments issued a joint communique (1972) in which China waived demands of war reparations from Japan. This is because the matter of war reparations between China and Japan had already been settled in peace agreements concluded in 1951 and 1952. In addition, People's Republic of China gained an international strategic benefit, of attaining recognition as the ruling government of China.

In order to create constructive relations with Asian countries, Japan has spent huge amounts of taxpayer money on development aid.

So far, China has been the recipient of 2.26 trillion yen worth of government aid (1997)*1 When President Ziang Zemin visited Japan last year, Japan agreed anew to provide 390 billion yen aid.

In recent years, Japan has been China's no.1 aid donor. The most recent figures available for international comparison (1994-1996) shows that Japan has provided more than one half of aid that China receives from foreign countries.

For 1996, Japan's official development aid was about 862 million dollars. The second donor, Germany, provided 461 million dollars. The third donor, France, provided 97million dollars. For 1995, Japan's aid was 1.38 billion dollars, and for 1994, 1.48 billion dollars. The sudden drop in the amount of aid for 1996 is attributed to the fact that Japan stopped certain grant cooperation from mid-1995 to mid-1997 in protest of China's nuclear experiments.

*1 Telephone interview with Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Unfortunately, the Chinese people remain totally ignorant of these facts. Apparently for political reasons, the Chinese government has made little effort, if any, to inform the public that Japan has been the greatest aid donor to China, and has constructed numerous facilities and infrastructure to contribute to the welfare of its citizens.

additional sources:
1. Sankei Shinbun, Jan.22nd 1999 issue / 2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs on ODA figures

Japan's Records on China

You need to work on researching your facts. ROC, along with PRC, were deliberately excluded from the negotiations and signing of the Treaty of San Francisco (AKA The Treaty of Peace with Japan) and as a result, neither ROC or PRC accepts the legitimacy of the treaty on matters concerning them (which is why they negotiated separate bilateral treaties with Japan). Also, as said before, nearly all of that 'aid' were loans. Though in fairness Japan was at least nice enough to make their loans low interest :)

From Wikipedia, Treaty of San Francisco:

Neither the Republic of China in Taiwan nor the People's Republic of China in mainland China were invited because of the Chinese Civil War and the controversy over which government was legitimate, and as a consequence of U.S.-U.K. disagreement over the Chinese participation, neither North nor South Korea was invited.
I sincerely hope that you don't seriously believe that or you're just trolling :disagree:

Even our country's Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has stated very recently that the 'comfort women' used by Japan should be referred to instead as 'enforced sex slaves' (which by the way greatly displeased the Japanese government). Not to mention many people from Koreans to Chinese and more do not take kindly at all to how Japan refuses to acknowledge it as such.

Most of that 'aid' were soft loans, that is, to be repaid with interest abeit low interest. As you can see, even after WWII, Japan was still trying to milk China as much as it could get away with under the pretense of 'improving relations'. The mainland eventually got its worth in taking expensive high speed rail tech right under the Japanese companies noses :laugh:

I should also mention that barely any 'aid' was given to the mainland (most of it were loans), after WWII, because it was communist (except for USSR, but they ended the aid and withdrew their advisers less than 2 decades later because of Sino-Soviet split). Might be a bit hard for you to understand, but mainland China did not have the luxury of getting free checks from various countries for 7 decades counting like your country :agree:

You need to work on researching your facts. ROC, along with PRC, were deliberately excluded from the negotiations and signing of the Treaty of San Francisco (AKA The Treaty of Peace with Japan) and as a result, neither ROC or PRC accepts the legitimacy of the treaty on matters concerning them (which is why they negotiated separate bilateral treaties with Japan). Also, as said before, nearly all of that 'aid' were loans. Though in fairness Japan was at least nice enough to make their loans low interest :)

From Wikipedia, Treaty of San Francisco:

Some documents you may need to go through can be downloaded from the link posted below.

Society the Dissemination of Historical Fact

I say it again, more war crimes were committed by the Allied troops, wholesale rapes were committed by the Allied troops. Go read about how the Anglo Saxons raped women of all ages wherever they landed for occupation, Google war crimes by Allied troops and you get the results, I am not posting as its off topic, so many war crimes by them went unnoticed and unpunished be it in Okinawa or Berlin.

The day before yesterday some madarc**d professional was lecturing me about war crimes committed by Japanese troops whereas the British American or Russian troops were angels according to that troll. There are many documents (motion and still photos) which show how captured enemy troops were executed in a firing squad, if you search on youtube, you will get some.
India should support Japan, not only that I think you should sign a defense treaty which includes Diaoyu Islands!!! GOGO INDIA!!! ;)
India should support Japan, not only that I think you should sign a defense treaty which includes Diaoyu Islands!!! GOGO INDIA!!! ;)

Definitely India needs to support Japan and India should publicly propose Japan to send troops to be deployed on the Senkakus.
Definitely India needs to support Japan and India should publicly propose Japan to send troops to be deployed on the Senkakus.

We are all sitting here while waiting for it to happen!!

Hahaha, you know one day Sino-Japanese relation is gonna ease, what will India do then?? huh?? :what:
Tell me why India should not.

@ professional,

ka chcha, apne aapko firse filmy hero samajhne lage ho ka? firse tohar dimag me garmi char gail ka, itna garmi iss umar me sehad ke liye achcha na bhail, samjhe... chaliye, so jaiye, subha ho gaya... bahut ho gaya nautanki...

We are all sitting here while waiting for it to happen!!

Hahaha, you know one day Sino-Japanese relation is gonna ease, what will India do then?? huh?? :what:

War between India and China will break out before such day will loom in the horizon. You note it down.
Some documents you may need to go through can be downloaded from the link posted below.

Society the Dissemination of Historical Fact

I say it again, more war crimes were committed by the Allied troops, wholesale rapes were committed by the Allied troops. Go read about how the Anglo Saxons raped women of all ages wherever they landed for occupation, Google war crimes by Allied troops and you get the results, I am not posting as its off topic, so many war crimes by them went unnoticed and unpunished be it in Okinawa or Berlin.

The day before yesterday some madarc**d professional was lecturing me about war crimes committed by Japanese troops whereas the British American or Russian troops were angels according to that troll. There are many documents (motion and still photos) which show how captured enemy troops were executed in a firing squad, if you search on youtube, you will get some.

This kind of poor memory recall will never get you through either the IAS or even the IPS, and then you will have to join politics or the Patna Bar Association for a living.

To refresh your memory, you came out with some utterly ignorant lines about the status of combatants who were fighting for professional reasons and their liability to suffer losses in battle. You were then educated that the pictures you were referring to were pictures of disarmed prisoners of war being executed; that the treatment of prisoners of war was governed by the Geneva conventions, which apparently you did not know; and that the content of the pictures constituted war crimes.

At that point, having no answer, you broke into dialect and, of course, the depth of your knowledge and competence to discuss military topics were revealed.

I have no interest in your bucolic ramblings, and am writing this to correct the selective, even constructive failures of your memory. While that behaviour displays a proper state of mind to take up constabulary duties in Bhagalpur, the thought of your involvement with the competitive examinations is a thrilling one. I wish the IPS and IAS the very best of luck, and hope that they will stand up to your onslaught with fortitude.
Tell me why India should not.

@ professional,

ka chcha, apne aapko firse filmy hero samajhne lage ho ka? firse tohar dimag me garmi char gail ka, itna garmi iss umar me sehad ke liye achcha na bhail, samjhe... chaliye, so jaiye, subha ho gaya... bahut ho gaya nautanki...

War between India and China will break out before such day will loom in the horizon. You note it down.

HAHA noted! You know why no countries has taken side yet besides the US right?
HAHA noted! You know why no countries has taken side yet besides the US right?

Which country apart from USA and India you expect to take side? If USA takes side, that means Nato is on the side of Japan. Or do you expect France or Italy or Australia making a side taking statement in public? Russia will not because Russia itself occupies large territories of Japan. Only one left is India as a vital military power and it would have taken side, had your DM not come to India to make some concessions under the table. What I want to say is that only those will take side who have stakes or interests tied to side taking.
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