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Shoe thrown on Iranian Leader In Egypt

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The fact it is a Syrian Refugee speaks volumes doesn't it?

Amazing how some people who lack basic cognitive abilities start accusing him of being X and Y. He is just angry at the man responsible for killing a lot of his country men that is all.
The fact it is a Syrian Refugee speaks volumes doesn't it?

Amazing how some people who lack basic cognitive abilities start accusing him of being X and Y. He is just angry at the man responsible for killing a lot of his country men that is all.

Do not worry. They are disliked by the whole Muslim world. They have seen their ugly face in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq. They will get their medicine in due time. Remember that they are a TINY minority. They have no chance. Only barking. Syria is just the first step if they don't change.
They should have used harsher methods to show that this Irani figurehead is not welcome in any Arab or Sunni Muslim country in the world. Sect members that account to less than 10-15 % of all Muslims should be ignored.
You have no right to speak on behalf of sunni muslims. Your kingdom is a handy tool for the west to implement their policy to "divide & rule" muslim world. In return the saud family is granted to live a lavish life and continue their Monarchy uninterrupted. So in summary The House of Saud have traded a deal with us(?) to make the muslim world divided ideologicaly so that it becomes easier for us to control the ummah.
Mosamania;3889765]Didn't you notice?? They already did.
Their is a small Minority still thinks their is a difference between Jews and House of Saud since you are super duper Saudi u knew their isn't one and i appreciate your help i didn't have to explain it to him.

This is a sectarian hate post of the highest order. Please take care of it.

That piece of news is taken from By Ayman Mohyeldin, Correspondent, NBC News

NBC share holders include House of Saud so u see its not a sectarian at all you guys are part owners of this Media giant why blame me.

But i do like this before you blame me of sectarian hate ''They already did. Look at Super Shia CHeetah's posts'' whats the matter only can dish it but cant take it.
You have no right to speak on behalf of sunni muslims. Your kingdom is a handy tool for the west to implement their policy to "divide & rule" muslim world. In return the saud family is granted to live a lavish life and continue their Monarchy uninterrupted. So in summary The House of Saud have traded a deal with us(?) to make the muslim world divided ideologicaly so that it becomes easier for us to control the ummah.

I thinks he meant muslim Arabs. And yes arabs do tend to have issues with Iranians. And Iranians still dont like that they were invaded by Arabs.

South Asian muslims are a different matter, far removed from the middle east and completely irrelvent to regional geopolitics.
No oil, no money, no resources, thus no influence.
You have no right to speak on behalf of sunni muslims. Your kingdom is a handy tool for the west to implement their policy to "divide & rule" muslim world. In return the saud family is granted to live a lavish life and continue their Monarchy uninterrupted. So in summary The House of Saud have traded a deal with us(?) to make the muslim world divided ideologicaly so that it becomes easier for us to control the ummah.

Divide and Rule ? A bengali saying that ? militant rebelion is a part of your history, Racism is part of your blood , it really don't suits a bengali specially from bangladesh who debate on monarchy and divide and rule philosophy when they theirselves had divided from two particular countries for two different reasons. Your own country's government governed by Dalals and Razakars as most Bangladeshis claims, What do you know about freedom? Plz , an ethinic racist must avoid debates on religious basis. Peace.
I thinks he meant muslim Arabs. And yes arabs do tend to have issues with Iranians. And Iranians still dont like that they were invaded by Arabs.

This argument would have contained some validity if S.A and other arab countries were ruled by democratically elected leaders. The members of "The House of Saud" is not such democracy minded that they decide on foreign policy as per ordinary peoples wish but rather they just carry out the orders taken from washington DC in this regard.

South Asian muslims are a different matter, far removed from the middle east and completely irrelvent to regional geopolitics.
No oil, no money, no resources, thus no influence.

Ok then don't reply to my comment.
Is it Iran Regime that with the help of West And Saudi's training Terrorist at its border and then send them into Syria cause its not exactly a secret who is.

Assad and Ahmadinajad see Syrian people as slaves who bought and mustered at slave markets...According to them Syrian people must not have any right of critizing regime, opposition, election, freedom of statement, freedom of press and essentail democratic rights...Any ones want such demands are terorists and deserve to be killed..

i ask you which nation of world deserved to be ruled for over 42 years like that way?

how long they continoue to decept their people and world by ranting of anti-west and anti-Zionist do they think?
thier battery of rant slowly running out..
Dear Egyptians,
Please respect the shoe!

Without it, you wont be able to walk properly!
Divide and Rule ? A bengali saying that ? militant rebelion is a part of your history, Racism is part of your blood , it really don't suits a bengali specially from bangladesh who debate on monarchy and divide and rule philosophy when they theirselves had divided from two particular countries for two different reasons. Your own country's government governed by Dalals and Razakars as most Bangladeshis claims, What do you know about freedom? Plz , an ethinic racist must avoid debates on religious basis. Peace.

Who am I ? Where am I from?

Is these two questions were of most important to you when you reply to me rather than actual points raised by me?
Have you spend a single minute to think about my point? If the answer is a No(which I suppose). Then try to read the passage carefully and then reply back me again.

As for your questions.
If I answer them it would take a lot of time(which I do'nt have) and will finally prove all your allegations are wrong(i.e Pakistanis are guilty of horrible crime against Bangladeshis) and will achieve nothing(i.e you will still believe in your allegations).
So I will not try to answer your irrelevant(for this thread) allegations.
SHOW :coffee:
Who am I ? Where am I from?

Is these two questions were of most important to you when you reply to me rather than actual points raised by me?
Have you spend a single minute to think about my point? If the answer is a No(which I suppose). Then try to read the passage carefully and then reply back me again.

As for your questions.
If I answer them it would take a lot of time(which I do'nt have) and will finally prove all your allegations are wrong(i.e Pakistanis are guilty of horrible crime against Bangladeshis) and will achieve nothing(i.e you will still believe in your allegations).
So I will not try to answer your irrelevant(for this thread) allegations.
Question were not important , but My expectations from your answers were the actual motives , Horrible crimes are the similair cause behind the militant rebelion in Syria . Now don't claim that Bihari massacre was not done in bangladesh by your liberation fighters , But In my opinion , Bengalis were the right about their demand of proper share of power as they were in a majority in East Pakistan , similarly Syrian Sunnis demand for greater share of power under a dictator who ruled them since 40 years, who had done hama massacre in 1982 . Who killed millions of peoples on the basis of different ideology , different background. Their is no divide and rule theory could be applied here , its a matter of justice.
Dear Egyptians,
Please respect the shoe!

Without it, you wont be able to walk properly!

Egyptians do have issues with shoes lol

Very inappropriate and disrespectful. Nejad had a warm welcome by the people in the mosques he visted thu, except from the Salafis probably, but you guys know that they hate everybody, even fellow Egyptians :D
Who can blame this poor Syrian ? Iran and Its fil**y Hezbollah alongside Assad terrorist regime are responsible of the killing of more than 70,000 Syrians, he should throw a 7.62×54mm through his skull instead of a shoe. :)
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