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Shoe thrown on Iranian Leader In Egypt

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Secondly as a Bengali you should rather concentrate on helping fellow Muslims in Burma instead of turning a blind eye to the crimes just at your backdoor before acting like you have a moral high ground. No offense. Also nobody has claimed that everything is perfect in KSA or the Arab world let alone the Islamic world. That would be a lie. But I know where I would live (KSA vs Bangladesh) if I had a choice and the Muslims from all over the world have made their choice as well. KSA is the biggest receiver of Muslim immigrants of any country in the world.

I do not claim to have a moral high ground and never will. I would have been very happy if my country were in forefront to protest ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Burma.
But sorry to say that we have no influence over Burmas military leadership. Despite being small in terms of population; Burma is enriched in natural resources. So regional powerhouses try to keep friendly relationship with it(i.e not to disturb it's military leadership). And now Burma is the new darling of the west. So who have the audacity to question about human right situation in Burma when saviors of human rights(west) is it's friend(Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia none have protested Burma; wheres Iran has)?

For your kind information: According to refugeesinternational[***]org
Bangladesh is hosting over 200,000 Rohingya refugees from Burma in the eastern region, and in recent years recognized the nationality rights of large numbers of Urdu-speaking minority (also known as Biharis or Stranded Pakistanis).
Us Arabs are popular in all the Islamic world.

You mean in your country ? of course you are .

Cold facts. Why are no Muslims coming to Iran? Or Western people for that matter? Also when will you give equal rights/autonomy to non-Persians who make up 50 percent of your population and most of your territory?

The reason that they don't come is western Propaganda . Whoever that has visited Iran and seen what kind of people Iranians are , how well mannered and hospitable they are , what their culture and religion are has completely changed his view about Iran and It's people .

All the people in Iran such as Pars , Turk , Kurd , Baluch , Lor , Gilaki , Mazani , Arab and etc are called Iranians and there is no difference between them in Iran . You can see all of them in top positions . This is the same for religions too , There is no difference between Shia , Sunni , Jew , Christian and Zoroastrian , Cos they all have 1 common thing that is Iran and Iranian blood , so please find another story to fool people here .

After all we are MUCH more numerous and influential than you.

Good for you dude , we appreciate that .

Also it is funny that you love your regime that much. Most of your regime are apparently of distant Arab ancestry. Although of a brainwashed kind.

Iranians believe in Islam which can't be found in your countries' including your history since the rise of Islam . Your problem is that , you think Islam is an Arabian religion which shows the roots of racism ( I mentioned before ) while most Iranians believe that divine religions have come for the whole world not 1 special tribe , region or etc .

If a Wahhabi attacked him , then I admire Mahmoud .... when a Wahhabi attacks and insults you ,that mean you doing good things ...

Although Mahmoud is Crazy and I would do that if he was close to me , But no one can ignore his intelligence and ability in making others mad and confused . adding that , He's the only one answers questions with questions .

Thank you Mahmoud , You've brought heaven to the earth ( Iran ) in the last 8 years and Iranians could see the holy heaven before their death .
If a Wahhabi attacked him , then I admire Mahmoud .... when a Wahhabi attacks and insults you ,that mean you doing good things ...

Everyone who hates me is "Wahhabi" (whatever the hell that means).... Seriously?? What logic you people have. He threw a shoe at him because he is backing Assad who is killing his family back home. I guess that translates into "Wahhabi" (This made up word for made up people that don't and never existed in this version of the universe) for some people here.
The Amir of Qatar ,Turkish President and House of Saud are more deserving then him for supporting zionist and helping it to massacre muslim in Yemen,syria,egypt,libya,Mali and Pakistan .

He deserved that shoe throw just like Bush.

Iran regime has the responsibility of every drop of spilled blood of 65 K, each ruined cities and houses, each missing people, 160 K politic prisoners that under torture in jails of Syria.
He is absolutely right because the muslim who are fight in syria are wahhabi and thats why you don't see them winning .
the Other muslim and christian are happy with Asad and are supporting him.

Everyone who hates me is "Wahhabi" (whatever the hell that means).... Seriously?? What logic you people have. He threw a shoe at him because he is backing Assad who is killing his family back home. I guess that translates into "Wahhabi" (This made up word for made up people that don't and never existed in this version of the universe) for some people here.
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