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Shivalik Class Frigates Thread

i don't think so, india has zero capability of taking offensive action against china while we have significant capability to take offensive action against india.

Ya, we are sitting ducks for China. China can annihilate India just by pelting stones from atop himalayas.

Keep thinking, for it makes a lot of us laugh and lighten up our mood.
From what I understand, China does indeed have a formidable force. India can only counter it by getting assistance from Russia, Israel, EU countries and more recently, the US. Without assistance, the technology, just as the economic gap, between China and India will just grow larger. As a result, India will have to rely more and more on foreign assistance. Eventually, without the US direct assistance, India will fall into the Chinas centric political axis that will include Russia. If Korea and Japan rely on the Chinese market more so than the US market, its conceivable that these countries will be pull into the Chinese orbit. But it more likely that they will stay with US lead western allies.

Which side will India choose? India should choose wisely.

and what abt ur copy paste stealing technologies from russia and france regarding everything related to defence..and if u think that US
is going to pay ur debt back keep on dreaming..d day is not far off when all of a sudden d dollar value will fall or delibaretly made to fall,dats y ur mao shouts for an international currencythe US nexus is way more complex then u can even imagine.japan n taiwan r not being armed for nothing.
Buddy it is Uncle sam who needs india to counter china not the vice versa. I agree china and India went for war once but that does not mean they will war again especially in these circumstances where both are developing very quickly.
India's foreign relations depends on its interests rather than taking sides. If you talk about market then India can offer a huge market to Japan, korea and australia in the coming years. You cannot undermine the India as a guy who is in between two giants :taz:

Yes. India would have a large market. But it still is growing and maturing. Without massive infrastructure investment, there would be a limit to India's economic growth. So compare to US and China, it would be atnot up to par compare to those two at least in the next 40-50 years. Maybe in 2100, but not much sooner than that.

As for taking sides, it would become clear that India would eventually have to take sides. Would it take the side of Russian/chinese axis or US lead western countries is still anyone's guess. However, India by itself won't have the economic/military nor political ability to be a 3rd force. Its economy/military/technology is just not there in the next 40 years. This would only happen if US or most likely, China, crashes. But the possiblity of this happening is remote and getting more remote with time.
From what I understand, China does indeed have a formidable force. India can only counter it by getting assistance from Russia, Israel, EU countries and more recently, the US. Without assistance, the technology, just as the economic gap, between China and India will just grow larger. As a result, India will have to rely more and more on foreign assistance. Eventually, without the US direct assistance, India will fall into the Chinas centric political axis that will include Russia. If Korea and Japan rely on the Chinese market more so than the US market, its conceivable that these countries will be pull into the Chinese orbit. But it more likely that they will stay with US lead western allies.

Which side will India choose? India should choose wisely.

and what abt ur copy paste stealing technologies from russia and france regarding everything related to defence..and if u think that US
is going to pay ur debt back keep on dreaming..d day is not far off when all of a sudden d dollar value will fall or delibaretly made to fall,dats y ur mao shouts for an international currencythe US nexus is way more complex then u can even imagine.japan n taiwan r not being armed for nothing.

Dude, you talk as if I'm from red china. I'm from Taiwan now living in US. Do you know what Taiwanese flag look like?
Hi faithfulguy -

As for taking sides, it would become clear that India would eventually have to take sides. Would it take the side of Russian/chinese axis or US lead western countries is still anyone's guess

Whats the basis of creation of Russia/China axis?
Why Shivalik-class frigates matter to India

In a bid to build a blue-water navy capable of operating across oceans, India is all set to commission the first of the Shivalik-class multi-role frigate with stealth features.

The hard to detect warships will form a crucial component of the Indian Navy after getting commissioned on April 29. It is equipped with a mix of Indian, Russian, Israeli and Western weapons and sensors.

Director-General Naval Design Rear Admiral K N Vaidyanathan said new design features give the ship enhanced operational capabilities in terms of survivability, stealth, sea keeping, ship handling and weapons.

The Shivalik-class vessels are being built entirely in India and have Club anti-ship missiles, Shtil surface-to-air missiles, Barak air and missile defence systems and RBU 6000 anti-submarine warfare rockets.

"The total indigenous efforts account for over 60 percent of ship cost. It also has stealth features against radar and heat seekers and through technical means its underwater signatures have also been reduced," said Rear Admiral Vaidyanathan.

"The cost of building each Shivalik class frigate will be close to Rs 2,800 crore," Rear Admiral Vaidyanathan added.


The Shivalik is being built at the Mazagaon Dock Ltd (MDL) at Dockyard Road in Mumbai. The construction is under the massive modernisation that the Indian Navy is undertaking to increase its fleet strength.

The other two frigates of this class are named Satpura and Sahyadri. While Shivalik was launched in 2002, Satpura and Sahyadri were launched in 2004 and 2005, respectively. These ships are now undergoing sea trials and are named after hill ranges.

According to sources, the second of these ships is to be commissioned by the end of this year, and the other in the series in 2011.


The commissioning of Talwar-class frigates, which were designed and built in Russia, precedes these three Shivalik class ships.

The follow-on of the Shivalik class would be the Project 17 Alpha, under which a total of seven ships will be built.

Indian Navy's Directorate of Naval Design envisaged the project way back in 1997.

The design, construction and equipment development for Shivalik is a watershed in 50 years of indigenous warship building efforts.

^^ So true.. It has been the quickest to absorb and encourage indegenous efforts followed by IAF and then by IA.. And the results are there to be seen..
soon we might be having every part of Navy home made:chilli::chilli:

meaning more jobs for Indian shipyards:taz:
we have indigenous frigates....,indigenous corvettes,indigenous destroyer, even indigenous aircraft carrier & nuclear submarine....
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