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Ship-Launched Ballistic Missile Dhanush test fired

Again, I am not much of a fan of Ship launched ballistic missiles. There is little precedent for it... especially when a system like the Arihant is coming online .
agree! it's more like mobile user test range. gives more freedom and flexibility at the same time it wont have comfort of land based test range( ever unstable platform)
It is Russian Missile Painted in india ..... just each time pakistan launch something new india will respond in painting the old missile to give it look of new missile nothing new .....
It is Russian Missile Painted in india ..... just each time pakistan launch something new india will respond in painting the old missile to give it look of new missile nothing new .....

Nice username. :enjoy:
I was not even paying attention to killing of carriers. Rather the need to base these weapons on a surface combatant in the first place. One possibility could be that some fellow in the IN higher ups wanted to test a particular radar system on a future surface combatant on what may be a Chinese sub/surface launched anti-ship SRBM.. but that is just my opinion.

Well, there are methods.. and then there are always those folks who cant stop talking and the rest of the department tried to elbow them furiously screaming "Shut the hell UP!" inside their heads.

As I said, there is little in the missile itself that needed testing.....

As for the latter; sometimes "white-noise' has to be generated...... for a purpose.
it is not needed my friend,in case of you are launching a nuclear missiles.get the current location,and fire..if high yield nuke,then it'd destroy a ship even if it lands quite a far.

as you can see,Dhanush was developed quite a long time ago.though in 2012,it was first time publicly tested.

It doesn't work like that my friend. That doesn't mean to say your approach won't work, but that approach carries far too much of inherent risk, something no professional force will accept. I'll try my best to simplify the modern process of Anti shipping for you.

The first screen consists of your spaced based ISR assets, which are very good at detecting ships. Unfortunately, due to their very short time over target, they are useless at tracking them. But nonetheless, they are useful for providing advance warning to friendly ship.

The second screen ideally consists of HALE drones and/or AWE&Cs, which are directed to pick up and keep track of the hostile ships detected by the satellites. As they make contact with the hostile ship, the co-ordinates are dispatched to available friendly ships to close-in on their hostile ships, coming to within the standoff ranges of their AShM, in this case the Dhanush.

With the target not confirmed and own AShM assets now in place, the hostile ship can now be engaged.

Fact is, without ISR assets detecting and tracking the target, it might be impossible to even bring your own assets to within firing range of your missiles. Now add that uncertainty to the fact that you are launching a Nuke, and you will realise that that would be a very dangerous plan of action.

And in any case, without ISR assets, you cannot do damage assessment. A scary thought.
India is the only country in the world that has a ballistic missile that is surface ship based. Congrats.
You made another non sense comment .Congrats.
Now come back after the testing K 15 or K 4
A pakistani sub can be sank if an Indian sub anchor next to it in the harbor and explode. Maybe this should be India's new sub warfare strategy.

Or employ Chinese technicians in Pak sub .One hell of the professional Navy that successfully launched their own SLBM in to same sub platform
This testing of different system is specially for that purpose only. P:)

Ship based ABMs are still a long way off.

It is Russian Missile Painted in india ..... just each time pakistan launch something new india will respond in painting the old missile to give it look of new missile nothing new .....

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