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Ship begins 50-day patrol of Nansha Islands

It's our sea, and we will not shy away from patrolling it just to please foreigners. The Chinese government is responsible to the people of China only, and people of China demand we protect our sovereignty.
Since the sovereignty has been in dispute - mostly peacefully - for the past half-century the question is, "Why is China now so keen on making its neighbors into enemies?"
LOL. You still need jammers to jam others radars. Training won't do anything.
Training won't do anything ??Bro, wake up, CHina also have Training for modern wafare only, and if the beginning of MW started from 80s, we VN have lots of Real expericence with SoViet help already :smokin:
solomon2 said:
Since the sovereignty has been in dispute - mostly peacefully - for the past half-century the question is, "Why is China now so keen on making its neighbors into enemies?"
bcz of their propaganda, CHinese though without CHina-Soviet help, VN can do Nothing against CHina in SCS (east sea), they though they're the master of Asea, every Asea nations must listen to them now :lol:

Wake up Big bro, your little brother VN join back on the track in SCS(east sea) now :cheers:
1. approved by China emperor doesn't means it must belong to CHina, become CHina province.And can you show me any evidence that: we VN killed your fishmen on those island and robed them from you ??

2.Hehe, hope after traning, we can jam enemy radar, and they will keep quiet when talking about modern wafare. :lol:
If your leader has to be approved by the emperor, you are not a sovereign state, plain and simple. Your useless South Vietnamese attempted to beat us off the islands in 1974 in Xisha, and your sailors who are now feeding fish did the same again in Nasha in 1988.

As far as you jamming radars go, that's a good joke. China spent billions of dollars and over 15 years to develop this capability. Viets actually think they can achieve it overnight by running some search and rescue exercise with Americans. I am seriously considering the possibility that you're retarded.

Since the sovereignty has been in dispute - mostly peacefully - for the past half-century the question is, "Why is China now so keen on making its neighbors into enemies?"
We did not have the money and patrol ships to back up our claims, and now we do. China had always been open to talks. Malaysia and Brunei are both on friendly terms eventhough they're involved in the dispute. Vietnam on the other hand, wants a confrontation by drawing others in.
Training won't do anything ??Bro, wake up, CHina also have Training for modern wafare only, and if the beginning of MW started from 80s, we VN have lots of Real expericence with SoViet help already :smokin:
So much experience that your best planes were a joke to our pilots.

bcz of their propaganda, CHinese though without CHina-Soviet help, VN can do Nothing against CHina in SCS (east sea), they though they're the master of Asea, every Asea nations must listen to them now :lol:

Wake up Big bro, your little brother VN join back on the track in SCS(east sea) now :cheers:
Without outside help, you are incapable of doing anything in South China Sea. That's why you are begging for help desperately.
If your leader has to be approved by the emperor, you are not a sovereign state, plain and simple. Your useless South Vietnamese attempted to beat us off the islands in 1974 in Xisha, and your sailors who are now feeding fish did the same again in Nasha in 1988.

As far as you jamming radars go, that's a good joke. China spent billions of dollars and over 15 years to develop this capability. Viets actually think they can achieve it overnight by running some search and rescue exercise with Americans. I am seriously considering the possibility that you're retarded.

1. Your Emperor gave name to our country , approved the king positionn for us also, but we did not belong to CHina, so, if China discoverd those islands, but you didn't send troops to defence, they could not belong to you.You also don't have any envidence to prove that we VN killed your fishermen, robed those islands from you.

2.We only had few year to learn how to use the SAM, how to fly Mig 21, but we could shoot down B-52 when even Soviet , China though it's impoosible, so as long as we can have Jamming training, we can Jam your radar well also :smokin:

Without outside help, you are incapable of doing anything in South China Sea. That's why you are begging for help desperately.
Hehe, even US need help from Nato-Australia-Japan-India to control the world also, so it's will be so idiot to fight alone .
1. Your Emperor gave name to our country , approved the king positionn for us also, but we did not belong to CHina, so, if China discoverd those islands, but you didn't send troops to defence, they could not belong to you.You also don't have any envidence to prove that we VN killed your fishermen, robed those islands from you.
A tributary state does not equal a relationship built on royal ties. Vietnam was considered nothing more than 蛮夷, barbarians while Tibet was 外臣, a vassal. Princess Wencheng of Tang dynasty married into the Tibetan line of kings as far back as 620 A.C.E. Qing dynasty officially intergrated Tibet into its empire until the British occupied it.

We had patrolled the waters in South China Sea since Yuan dynasty and our fishermen had been there since. Putting troops to an area that was our fishing ground is stealing, and we will make you pay. Actually we already did in 1974 and 1988. Maybe it's time for another lesson. The fishes are getting hungry again.

2.We only had few year to learn how to use the SAM, how to fly Mig 21, but we could shoot down B-52 when even Soviet , China though it's impoosible, so as long as we can have Jamming training, we can Jam your radar well also :smokin:
That's utterly funny. Must you always demonstrate complete ignorance in military development? Electronic warfare requires constant upgrade of hardware, doctrine and training. Each year it costs China billions of dollars to maintain its edge. The age of network centric conventional warfare is beyond the means of small countries, thus they attempt to go for asymetric warfare instead. Do you really think your piss poor country can do the same with less money than a single province of ours?

Hehe, even US need help from Nato-Australia-Japan-India to control the world also, so it's will be so idiot to fight alone .
The scoundrel always think he will be saved if he brought bum buddies alone. Historically, he's the one that will end up being a beaten up pawn.
ASEAN chief looks to closer links with China - People's Daily Online July 23, 2011

The head of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) says closer links with China are important to the region's future.

"Further development of China-ASEAN relations is conducive to the east Asian region's stability and economic prosperity," ASEAN Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan said here Thursday, a day after China and ASEAN nations reached an agreement on resolving territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

A series of foreign ministers' meetings concerning the upcoming ASEAN Regional Forum were held here Thursday.

During an interview with Xinhua, Surin said both China and ASEAN were important economies in Asia, adding "ASEAN hopes to participate in China's rapid economic development, and play a role in the supply chain for the development."

He said ASEAN would celebrate the 20th anniversary of its dialogue partnership with China at the end of this year.

China and ASEAN nations reached an agreement Wednesday on guidelines for implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.

Surin said the agreement was of historic significance, displayed spirit of cooperation, and reflected the determination of China and ASEAN member states to settle differences and resolve misunderstandings or potential misunderstandings peacefully.

"This makes a leap forward between us," he said, "And it is a good foundation for our cooperation for the third decade of our cooperation."

Surin said ASEAN itself was not a party in the South China Sea disputes, and the bloc, as a collective, hoped all parties concerned could solve their rifts in a peaceful way. :lol:

1.A tributary state does not equal a relationship built on royal ties. Vietnam was considered nothing more than 蛮夷, barbarians while Tibet was 外臣, a vassal. Princess Wencheng of Tang dynasty married into the Tibetan line of kings as far back as 620 A.C.E. Qing dynasty officially intergrated Tibet into its empire until the British occupied it.

We had patrolled the waters in South China Sea since Yuan dynasty and our fishermen had been there since. Putting troops to an area that was our fishing ground is stealing, and we will make you pay. Actually we already did in 1974 and 1988. Maybe it's time for another lesson. The fishes are getting hungry again.

2.That's utterly funny. Must you always demonstrate complete ignorance in military development? Electronic warfare requires constant upgrade of hardware, doctrine and training. Each year it costs China billions of dollars to maintain its edge. The age of network centric conventional warfare is beyond the means of small countries, thus they attempt to go for asymetric warfare instead. Do you really think your piss poor country can do the same with less money than a single province of ours?

3.The scoundrel always think he will be saved if he brought bum buddies alone. Historically, he's the one that will end up being a beaten up pawn.
1.Your fishermen there doesn't mean those islands belong to you, you had No evidence to prove that we VN killed CHina fishermen and robed islands from you.

2. It' cost you billions of dollars to maintain its edge coz No one help you in maintaining and upgrade it.EX: you invest lots of money to make a new design air craft, but we only pay 25 milion to buy that one, it's much cheaper if we can buy instead of spending money to invent it our self.

3.hehe, with your thought , we can understand why China never can take Taiwan back, coz CHina alwasy have to fight alone, no one gona help an arrogance boy :smokin:
grey boy said:
Surin said ASEAN itself was not a party in the South China Sea disputes, and the bloc, as a collective, hoped all parties concerned could solve their rifts in a peaceful way.
Hehe, the rest of ASEAN always listen to US, got US donation to upgrade military, if VN can solve the Rifts with US, so ASEAN problem will be solve peacefuly :cheers:
First, it seems that you have enjoyed vietnam's status very much.

For a small country that has been burned and bombed first by the Japs, then French and then U.S.A.

With China's help, finally it became a country but then quickly turned its gun against China. Of course, it gots its axx kicked very hard by China as well.

It wanted to build a pan-vietnam country that can engulf vietnam, laos as well as cambodia and part of thailand. We all knows such a dream will never be achieved since China will never allow that happen. The border war during the 70s has already shown that.

During the 80s, you have been kept at bay by China since you always wanted to bite something away from China. China simply rotated her seven military regions to keep you busy while herself growing at astounding pace.

Finally, your leaders learned something and came to Beijing and kowtowed for peace.

Even nowadays, there are tons of investment coming from China into Vietnam. Many resources including electricity, you have to import from China. Without China's investment and help, your economy will go nowhere but down.

However, I still see you and other vietnamese members jumping up and down like monkeys.

What a joke.

About we fought alone? Well, you probably forgot who have fought along your side against U.S.A. during vietnam war. How many Chinese soldiers had donated their lives in your land to help you gain independence? How many things we have donated to you even though we have many people starved to death in our own land during our most difficult time???

I can only say you and vietnam people are just a bunch of conscience-less animals.

During Korean war, U.S.S.R, China and N.K. fought along together.

Even today, you can simply ask your Asean countries and who would fight along with you against China?

Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Singapore... none of them will stand against China for you. Actually, quite a few of them have good relationship with China as well.

About U.S.A.? You think it will help you when it matters???

If U.S.A. is that helpful, you may ask the Georgia's president where U.S.A. was while his axx got burned by Russia's bombs???

1.Your fishermen there doesn't mean those islands belong to you, you had No evidence to prove that we VN killed CHina fishermen and robed islands from you.

2. It' cost you billions of dollars to maintain its edge coz No one help you in maintaining and upgrade it.EX: you invest lots of money to make a new design air craft, but we only pay 25 milion to buy that one, it's much cheaper if we can buy instead of spending money to invent it our self.

3.hehe, with your thought , we can understand why China never can take Taiwan back, coz CHina alwasy have to fight alone, no one gona help an arrogance boy :smokin:
Hehe, the rest of ASEAN always listen to US, got US donation to upgrade military, if VN can solve the Rifts with US, so ASEAN problem will be solve peacefuly :cheers:
First, it seems that you have enjoyed vietnam's status very much.

For a small country that has been burned and bombed first by the Japs, then French and then U.S.A.

With China's help, finally it became a country but then quickly turned its gun against China. Of course, it gots its axx kicked very hard by China as well.

It wanted to build a pan-vietnam country that can engulf vietnam, laos as well as cambodia and part of thailand. We all knows such a dream will never be achieved since China will never allow that happen. The border war during the 70s has already shown that.

During the 80s, you have been kept at bay by China since you always wanted to bite something away from China. China simply rotated her seven military regions to keep you busy while herself growing at astounding pace.

Finally, your leaders learned something and came to Beijing and kowtowed for peace.

Even nowadays, there are tons of investment coming from China into Vietnam. Many resources including electricity, you have to import from China. Without China's investment and help, your economy will go nowhere but down.

However, I still see you and other vietnamese members jumping up and down like monkeys.

What a joke.

About we fought alone? Well, you probably forgot who have fought along your side against U.S.A. during vietnam war. How many Chinese soldiers had donated their lives in your land to help you gain independence? How many things we have donated to you even though we have many people starved to death in our own land during our most difficult time???

I can only say you and vietnam people are just a bunch of conscience-less animals.

During Korean war, U.S.S.R, China and N.K. fought along together.

Even today, you can simply ask your Asean countries and who would fight along with you against China?

Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Singapore... none of them will stand against China for you. Actually, quite a few of them have good relationship with China as well.

About U.S.A.? You think it will help you when it matters???

If U.S.A. is that helpful, you may ask the Georgia's president where U.S.A. was while his axx got burned by Russia's bombs???

1. Help VN means help your self also, before 1975 Soviet wanted VN to restraint CHina from the South, and we refused that order.If we listen to Soviet, we also strong enough to kicked US out. and what did CHina do to VietNam ??you killed our men in 1974 , robed our islands , you broke the relationship first, not VIetnam.

2.Now Laos-Cam- part of gulf of Thailand are safely under VN control , if you still think you can do some think to break it, Ok, let keep dreaming bro, and who will fight against CHina with us, of course Cam-Laos will help us. :cheers:

3. Soon we will have nuclear eletricity, so we will not need to buy your electric any more.

4. If US is not helpful , so why do you scare of US weapons, US jammer ?? we will try to buy lots of US weapon to deal with you, hope US will teach us on how to jam your radar :lol:

Stop talking again and again like this, I answer you Chinese at least 3 times already.
Stop talking again and again like this, I answer you Chinese at least 3 times already.

there no answer from you but kids rantings..

your arguments on defence technologies, economy and history are laughable to the best, as all of them with '0' reality awareness

1. you keep bragging about radar jamming, and buying from U.S, but neglect the basic fact that radar jamming techs are highly stratigical and classified, even U.S doenst export and de-code its own radar frequency and detial to its closest allies like U.K and Japan, you think they gonna share with a stone age vietcon 'glorious' army? and US spending billions every year to upgrade and maintain their electronic kits and weapons every single year, they basically spend your whole pony economy just to maintain and upgrade, do you think vietcon can cope with that?

2. radar jamming is way more complicated than your ignorant brain can comprehend, different radar system has different radio frequencys and software. one type of jammer can deal with specific type of radars but almost ineffective to others``the types of radar PLA has is more than the amont of poorly maintained Su-27 and Su-30 you vietcon has.

3. vietnam has almost no experience in information and electronic centric modern warfare, these is even a huge question mark on whether uneducated vietcon soldiers can operation it. for example, before the Gulf war, Iraq had lots very advanced USSR weapons at that time, however all their radars, jammers, fighter jets and missiles performed poorly against the allie army. because even they had latest weapons but their understanding of modern warfare was very limited, and trainings were poor.

4. you keep bragging about in 70s few B-52 got shoot down by Mig-21``lol dont listen too much into your vietcon propaganda``the amount of downed B-52 compared to their missions sorties were neglectable, there is nothing you can be proud of. besides B-52 is clumbsy stratigic bomber and Mig-21 is argile intercepter, shooting down defenceless B-52 with Mig-21 is no harder than putting an egg into a basket.

5. you keep saying Ph, Laos, Malay, Indo and Thailand will side with you against China.. kid do you know international relationships are all built on mutual interests. what they can gain from backward Vietnam``economy? technology? trading? weapons? culture?``maybe vietcon propaganda projects``? but China bring them business, infrastructures and culture.
there no answer from you but kids rantings..

your arguments on defence technologies, economy and history are laughable to the best, as all of them with '0' reality awareness

1. you keep bragging about radar jamming, and buying from U.S, but neglect the basic fact that radar jamming techs are highly stratigical and classified, even U.S doenst export and de-code its own radar frequency and detial to its closest allies like U.K and Japan, you think they gonna share with a stone age vietcon 'glorious' army? and US spending billions every year to upgrade and maintain their electronic kits and weapons every single year, they basically spend your whole pony economy just to maintain and upgrade, do you think vietcon can cope with that?

2. radar jamming is way more complicated than your ignorant brain can comprehend, different radar system has different radio frequencys and software. one type of jammer can deal with specific type of radars but almost ineffective to others``the types of radar PLA has is more than the amont of poorly maintained Su-27 and Su-30 you vietcon has.

3. vietnam has almost no experience in information and electronic centric modern warfare, these is even a huge question mark on whether uneducated vietcon soldiers can operation it. for example, before the Gulf war, Iraq had lots very advanced USSR weapons at that time, however all their radars, jammers, fighter jets and missiles performed poorly against the allie army. because even they had latest weapons but their understanding of modern warfare was very limited, and trainings were poor.

4. you keep bragging about in 70s few B-52 got shoot down by Mig-21``lol dont listen too much into your vietcon propaganda``the amount of downed B-52 compared to their missions sorties were neglectable, there is nothing you can be proud of. besides B-52 is clumbsy stratigic bomber and Mig-21 is argile intercepter, shooting down defenceless B-52 with Mig-21 is no harder than putting an egg into a basket.

5. you keep saying Ph, Laos, Malay, Indo and Thailand will side with you against China.. kid do you know international relationships are all built on mutual interests. what they can gain from backward Vietnam``economy? technology? trading? weapons? culture?``maybe vietcon propaganda projects``? but China bring them business, infrastructures and culture.

1. Did US allows Japan, S.Korea to enrich uranium and WHy US allowed VN ??don't compare US-VN relation with S.Korea, Japan-US relation, it's diffrent.

2.Soviet during 70-80 used jammer to jam the Western radio , we're Soviet allies, so we also can learn the basic already.and I think CHina knew Nothing about jamming during that time:smokin:
Indeed, on
20 August 1980 Soviet jamming activities were extended to Poland
during the crisis caused by the emergence of the Solidarity
trade union[4] and Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria were also aided in
their jamming activities against RFE-RL. (All skywave jamming
originated from the USSR, because of the type of interference
required. At the same time, ground wave or local jamming was
done from the countries to which the broadcasts were directed.)
In fact, only Romania and Hungary--which ceased jamming Western
radio broadcasts in 1963 and 1964--continued to allow unhindered
transmissions after 1975.
The Jamming of Western Radio Broadcasts to Eastern Europe and The Soviet Union: The CSCE Compromise and its Future

3.Iraq perform a poor combat coz they didn't know how to use Fake target to cheat enemy, see how we used Fake to cheat you in 1984 when CHina even had US satellite support, and see again in Kosovo war, NATO still got cheat by Fake target also.

btw: can NATO jam Serbian's radar ??why rumor said Serbian shot dow B-2 ??

4.SO can CHina use mig 17 to boom US destroyer if you think Mig 21 shoot down B-52 is easy ??don't forget B-52 was protected by many F-4, can Mig 21 China shoot down any F-4 ??

3.I never said Malay, Indo and Thailand will side with VN against China.I only said Laos-Cam will be in VN side, coz we're special friend, belive it or not, your choice, but thanks for your money sending to Viet-Laos bank, that's all
Since the sovereignty has been in dispute - mostly peacefully - for the past half-century the question is, "Why is China now so keen on making its neighbors into enemies?"
Because now we have enough nukes to ward off USA and enough military muscle to destroy our enemies! Then we can take all the resources and massive amounts of cheap labor and become even more powerful.
Because now we have enough nukes to ward off USA and enough military muscle to destroy our enemies! Then we can take all the resources and massive amounts of cheap labor and become even more powerful.

There was another Asian nation during WW2 who tried to do the same,

it didn't end well for them.
There was another Asian nation during WW2 who tried to do the same,

it didn't end well for them.
China is not only an Asian nation, we the Middle Kingdom. And our superiority can be proven by our military might, not talk.
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