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"Shining India, Swaggering India" - Times of India

Republic of India replacing Indian Singaporean culture - Basically India people coming in here sticking to their ways and expecting us to bend to their ways because supposedly they set the standards for 'Indian culture'. Well, that's not going to happen here and your trident or whatever stays put back in India. Over here, do as what we do, behave like what we do in temples and public places, that including : not eating with all 5 fingers and licking those in public, we use cutlery here, not harrassing women who wear shorts and mini-skirts in public - In India they may be wh0res if dressed in that manner, over here they are not, not pissing or taking a dump in public, that will invoke a very violent response from us till u r toilet trained, not screaming louder than a jetplane on your handphones - I don't need to know who was creeping into your wife's bedroom last night, and certainly NOT treating our customer service staff with disrespect - I have roughed your kind for this and I would certainly do it again.


i m very sorry that u feel this way about indians in general. this is not new. i have also heard about these incidents from other sources (sorry folks, i cant go on fishing for links, if u have patience, google it or go to utube)and not only abt indians only but south asians as a whole. its really shameful that ppl behave in this ghastly manner. etiquette is a thing which is still alien to our daily lives (i wont include culture or race coz day to day life n culture are different and cant be equated in this regard). pissing on street sides, blaring over the phone, eating habits and unnecessary aggression (topic) etc etc are also common in india....but allmost of these traits which u speak about are most prevelant in rural ppl or in semi urban populace. the new breed of cosmopolitan ppl who had access to good education and a good upbringing dont show these above mentioned traits. i dont blame u for being judgemental in this regard bcoz u speak of wat u saw, which i m sorry to say, a miniscule of a very large diaspora. if somebody comes into my house and behaves improperly then i shall definitely be pissed off like u.
and i dont want to compare our ways with other nationalities, i m sure they have their shortcomings too.
@baajey - Thank you for your post mate. I think you understand where I was coming from and my grievances. Much appreciated.:tup:

If what I have seen represent only a minority of the population, then I'm most certainly glad. It is not in my intention to be hateful either. I do apologize if I did come off wrong. The conversation kept heating up constantly without much of a break.
LMAO I just did!!! :partay:

Oh my god! Is that what u guys really think about your country?!! Totally hilarious! Wake up and smell the coffee pls, forget the West, first try earning the respect of fellow Asians. Why bother looking outside the continent when 1/2 the countries in Asia are still better?

They insult us too
when we insulted Singapore? Mr false flager.

Bite the hand that feeds u.....
and who feed us?
I was under the impression it was a bunch of small states most of the time. One guy came along occasionally, unified all of them, and then they went back to squabbling till the next guy came along and conquered them. There wasn't really a unified country there was there?

India was one under British,Mughal and Maurya empire.

But yeah it wasnt one for sometime and people were fighting with each other.But the culture,religion was very different from the western enemies we had.

During the British empire Indians came together and fought against the British..maybe realised that unity is stength and have been united ever since.
Republic of India replacing Indian Singaporean culture - Basically India people coming in here sticking to their ways and expecting us to bend to their ways because supposedly they set the standards for 'Indian culture'. Well, that's not going to happen here and your trident or whatever stays put back in India. Over here, do as what we do, behave like what we do in temples and public places, that including : not eating with all 5 fingers and licking those in public, we use cutlery here, not harrassing women who wear shorts and mini-skirts in public - In India they may be wh0res if dressed in that manner, over here they are not, not pissing or taking a dump in public, that will invoke a very violent response from us till u r toilet trained, not screaming louder than a jetplane on your handphones - I don't need to know who was creeping into your wife's bedroom last night, and certainly NOT treating our customer service staff with disrespect - I have roughed your kind for this and I would certainly do it again.


i m very sorry that u feel this way about indians in general. this is not new. i have also heard about these incidents from other sources (sorry folks, i cant go on fishing for links, if u have patience, google it or go to utube)and not only abt indians only but south asians as a whole. its really shameful that ppl behave in this ghastly manner. etiquette is a thing which is still alien to our daily lives (i wont include culture or race coz day to day life n culture are different and cant be equated in this regard). pissing on street sides, blaring over the phone, eating habits and unnecessary aggression (topic) etc etc are also common in india....but allmost of these traits which u speak about are most prevelant in rural ppl or in semi urban populace. the new breed of cosmopolitan ppl who had access to good education and a good upbringing dont show these above mentioned traits. i dont blame u for being judgemental in this regard bcoz u speak of wat u saw, which i m sorry to say, a miniscule of a very large diaspora. if somebody comes into my house and behaves improperly then i shall definitely be pissed off like u.
and i dont want to compare our ways with other nationalities, i m sure they have their shortcomings too.

Actually, we had pointed that out to him in the very early posts itself...we had said the same thing and that to very civilly that we are a nation 1.2 billion people and there will be definitely some people who dont care about proper etiquette when going to foreign lands...but this guy kept on making stupid statements about Indians..from there he jumped on to Hindi speaking people and what not...That guy needs serious help
India was one under British,Mughal and Maurya empire.

But yeah it wasnt one for sometime and people were fighting with each other.But the culture,religion was very different from the western enemies we had.

During the British empire Indians came together and fought against the British..maybe realised that unity is stength and have been united ever since.

Thanks for that info. I do have more questions but I'd save those for another thread. ;)
Here since we are discussing mannerism let me point out the bad mannerism of Chinese


They do this pretty much everywhere.. Applicable to both the gentlemen fighting in this thread..

They call us primitavies and dont realise what do they eat.Anyways if i was a low life troll like them i could have also said many things..but there is a difference between us and them and always should be there.
i m very sorry that u feel this way about indians in general. this is not new. i have also heard about these incidents from other sources (sorry folks, i cant go on fishing for links, if u have patience, google it or go to utube)and not only abt indians only but south asians as a whole. its really shameful that ppl behave in this ghastly manner.

Not sure why are you feeling sorry for it.... If these chaps are breaking any law then you can hold them accountable but being sorry for them just because they are conservative is sounding ridiculous to me...I mean are you saying people who are conservative don't have the right to live?? I myself is not a conservative and stayed in US for almost 5 years however ht doesn't mean chaps who were conservative are any lesser than me..I mean when somebody from western world comes to India then do they simply shed their culture just to appease Indians??? Do women start wearing our tradional dresses all the time???

etiquette is a thing which is still alien to our daily lives (i wont include culture or race coz day to day life n culture are different and cant be equated in this regard). pissing on street sides, blaring over the phone, eating habits and unnecessary aggression (topic) etc etc are also common in india....but allmost of these traits which u speak about are most prevelant in rural ppl or in semi urban populace. the new breed of cosmopolitan ppl who had access to good education and a good upbringing dont show these above mentioned traits.

Sorry but this explanation is lame...It is easy to put all the muck on rural people and semi urban people but reality is far from different...Anyhow this is one aspect i will hold myself from debating...

i dont blame u for being judgemental in this regard bcoz u speak of wat u saw, which i m sorry to say, a miniscule of a very large diaspora. if somebody comes into my house and behaves improperly then i shall definitely be pissed off like u. and i dont want to compare our ways with other nationalities, i m sure they have their shortcomings too.
Well IMHO the expectations are not very realistic and fair..Are you saying that nobody in Singpore harrass women but Indians??? Are you saying nobody in Singapore take a piss on streets but Indians...I am still at loss of words that what is wrong in eating with hand??? I mean once someone from Singapore arrives in India shall we expect him/her to start eating with hands??? See how stupid it is sounding..no??

Guys what are we talking about here...I might have missed something in the back(ignored since lot of trolling) but would appreciate if you can point it to me...
i think the matter is settled ....we can move on to the core issue now....
Thanks for that info. I do have more questions but I'd save those for another thread. ;)

Look,I want you to talk sensible and with respect.I dont like being rude to people or insulting them.Please open a thread and ask whatever you want to but in a good tone...dont be like low life trolls. :-)

Cheers :cheers:
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