No, it is not exactly like what u think it is over here in Singapore. The PRC Chinese coming over here, also in large number have Mandarin as a bridge to help them out integrate with the mainstream Singaporean culture. The Chinese Singaporean plays an important part in this.
It works differently for the Indians. The 'native' community here in Singapore is the Tamil community. Like I mentioned earlier it is a culture that developed over here independently of the subcontinent for 2 centuries almost. The incoming Indians however are Hindi-based, both the language and customs are alien to most Singaporeans and that is where alot of the conflicts start. The aliens tend to think 'Indian Singaporean' should follow something along the lines of the Republic of India, Hindi should be used to represent them and they are superior etc. Alot of those dynamics they are used to back in their country, they bring it across here. That's where the conflict starts, it began with the Hindi issue and now it has gone and spread to even religious ones. A new one is the issue on how temples should be used. Alot of those coming in from India are used to the concept of having temples as community places where they congregate to catch up. As opposed to our more pragmatic Singaporean style which is, 'go in, say your prayers, GTFO and go back or go to a coffeeshop and catch up'.
Though the Indian Singaporean culture did have its beginnings in the Indian subcontinent 2 centuries ago, it is an identity in its own right and has developed completely independent of India. That is something many aliens coming in fail to understand and appreciate. They want the Republic of India to replace the Indian Singaporean culture, which sorry fellas, ain't happening. The more u push the bigger the backlash you would face so it's best to stop lording over us.
As for Pakistanis, yes, in Singapore they integrate alot faster. Not saying this to be biased in their favor, no. First their community is alot smaller. Secondly they integrate with the local Muslim community quickly with no hassles. Many of those whom I've seen tend to be pleasant and religious at the same time. When it comes to Pakistanis, u guys have to also understand one thing. You guys in India hate them over the partition, which to us is a non-issue. Anything to do with Kashmir is also a non-issue to Indian Singaporeans. So when we see Pakistanis, we take them for what they are as regular people and we don't consider any of their political problems. They understand this over here and mingle with the Indian Singaporean community as well. So there are no problems we really noticed. That's why I did not mention anything about Pakistanis, cos there is nothing to talk about.