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"Shining India, Swaggering India" - Times of India

No, it is not exactly like what u think it is over here in Singapore. The PRC Chinese coming over here, also in large number have Mandarin as a bridge to help them out integrate with the mainstream Singaporean culture. The Chinese Singaporean plays an important part in this.

It works differently for the Indians. The 'native' community here in Singapore is the Tamil community. Like I mentioned earlier it is a culture that developed over here independently of the subcontinent for 2 centuries almost. The incoming Indians however are Hindi-based, both the language and customs are alien to most Singaporeans and that is where alot of the conflicts start. The aliens tend to think 'Indian Singaporean' should follow something along the lines of the Republic of India, Hindi should be used to represent them and they are superior etc. Alot of those dynamics they are used to back in their country, they bring it across here. That's where the conflict starts, it began with the Hindi issue and now it has gone and spread to even religious ones. A new one is the issue on how temples should be used. Alot of those coming in from India are used to the concept of having temples as community places where they congregate to catch up. As opposed to our more pragmatic Singaporean style which is, 'go in, say your prayers, GTFO and go back or go to a coffeeshop and catch up'.

Though the Indian Singaporean culture did have its beginnings in the Indian subcontinent 2 centuries ago, it is an identity in its own right and has developed completely independent of India. That is something many aliens coming in fail to understand and appreciate. They want the Republic of India to replace the Indian Singaporean culture, which sorry fellas, ain't happening. The more u push the bigger the backlash you would face so it's best to stop lording over us.

As for Pakistanis, yes, in Singapore they integrate alot faster. Not saying this to be biased in their favor, no. First their community is alot smaller. Secondly they integrate with the local Muslim community quickly with no hassles. Many of those whom I've seen tend to be pleasant and religious at the same time. When it comes to Pakistanis, u guys have to also understand one thing. You guys in India hate them over the partition, which to us is a non-issue. Anything to do with Kashmir is also a non-issue to Indian Singaporeans. So when we see Pakistanis, we take them for what they are as regular people and we don't consider any of their political problems. They understand this over here and mingle with the Indian Singaporean community as well. So there are no problems we really noticed. That's why I did not mention anything about Pakistanis, cos there is nothing to talk about.

Ur Ignorance is astounding..show me one 'hindi' indian who has said that the country should be represented by Hindi or they are superior..the basic Indian concept is u can have different religions and culture and still be Indian. may be u should think about in that way

I know what u r trying to do here..by placing ur self as Tamil..and making bigoted comments on hindi speaking people u think that this will flare up into language wars and u will have ur wish of degrading Indians...

One little thing let me tell u..the last time language issue rose up was in 1960's when the govt was confused on what should be our national language... but some Pakistanis and Chinese here tend to still think that issue is still there,..guess u are one of those kind. And the crap about Republic of India replacing Indian Singaporean culture- can u explain what u mean by that??
With half the Populace below Poverty Line, there is not much cause to SWAGGER.
please dont point out the poverty everytime........only few states of india have this issue not all..........country with more population obiviously have this issue........that doesnt mean that we cannot overcome this........we will be free from poverty within next three decades......:tup:
Another idiot don't even know iota of sdlc but will pretend as know it all and make fool of himself.
Even at 1/3rd the cost, those guys aren't even worth it. No country on earth has less aptitude for IT than India. This is proven by every international coding competition where Indians always finish dead last.

u are rite..we dont have the aptitude of coding...so now go back to sleep....
Lim Peh = Hokkien for 'your father'. It's part of 'Singlish' which is our localized dialect or pidgin of English. Don't know if I'm proud of being Tamil or not lmao, that never crossed my mind even once. Over here we are proud to be Singaporeans and that's it.

As to the other guy who said Indians are still getting visas, yes, but that number has been steadily dropping. I live here, I know the ground realities better than anyone.

And this line proves you are fake Tamil. I have lived with Tamils and your words are highly peculiar to me.
And this line proves you are fake Tamil. I have lived with Tamils and your words are highly peculiar to me.

You have lived with Tamils from Singapore or Tamils from India? They are practically two different people. Even East and West Germans have developed differently, although we were cheek to cheek and had close contact.
Ur Ignorance is astounding..show me one 'hindi' indian who has said that the country should be represented by Hindi or they are superior..the basic Indian concept is u can have different religions and culture and still be Indian. may be u should think about in that way

I know what u r trying to do here..by placing ur self as Tamil..and making bigoted comments on hindi speaking people u think that this will flare up into language wars and u will have ur wish of degrading Indians...

One little thing let me tell u..the last time language issue rose up was in 1960's when the govt was confused on what should be our national language... but some Pakistanis and Chinese here tend to still think that issue is still there,..guess u are one of those kind. And the crap about Republic of India replacing Indian Singaporean culture- can u explain what u mean by that??

show me one 'hindi' indian who has said that the country should be represented by Hindi or they are superior - Just google up for it. Plenty of Singaporean forums out there which brought up this issue.

I know what u r trying to do here..by placing ur self as Tamil..and making bigoted comments on hindi speaking people u think that this will flare up into language wars and u will have ur wish of degrading Indians... - not at all. But yes we look at Hindi as a complete alien identity. Not even related to our culture one bit.

guess u are one of those kind. - can't speak for the other two, but no, don't really know anything about your language issue. Infact thanks for the info.

Republic of India replacing Indian Singaporean culture - Basically India people coming in here sticking to their ways and expecting us to bend to their ways because supposedly they set the standards for 'Indian culture'. Well, that's not going to happen here and your trident or whatever stays put back in India. Over here, do as what we do, behave like what we do in temples and public places, that including : not eating with all 5 fingers and licking those in public, we use cutlery here, not harrassing women who wear shorts and mini-skirts in public - In India they may be wh0res if dressed in that manner, over here they are not, not pissing or taking a dump in public, that will invoke a very violent response from us till u r toilet trained, not screaming louder than a jetplane on your handphones - I don't need to know who was creeping into your wife's bedroom last night, and certainly NOT treating our customer service staff with disrespect - I have roughed your kind for this and I would certainly do it again.

There are others, but I shan't delve into those right now. But that's just to give u an idea as to what's 'alien Indian' to us. We don't live like you guys do and we certainly have standards, noone can deny that. So adapt if u r here.
is anybody here interested on the "topic" anymore or are more happy in mudslinging ???
I am sorry, did the title of this thread change to "Crybaby Singaporeans get their panties in a twist and whine about Indians"? I dont think so, so kindly GTFO :wave:

The thread starter doesn't own the thread and become the mod here on PDF , so you GAFC and you GTFO.
Götterdämmerung;2965369 said:
You have lived with Tamils from Singapore or Tamils from India? They are practically two different people. Even East and West Germans have developed differently, although we were cheek to cheek and had close contact.

Really!!! There are many points on which a Tamil always feel proud of being Tamil and surely a fake guy won't know that. A Tamil will prefer committing suicide instead of calling,"I am not proud of being Tamil". Another point to prove is forgery that he is saying his ancestor came form Tamil Nadu but not even once he mentioned that place in Tamil Nadu and actually there was no Tamil Nadu back in 1820.
Still proud to be an Indian.Lucky to be born in a democracy specially in this part of the world.Commies can take a hike..Jai Hind!

Really!!! There are many points on which a Tamil always feel proud of being Tamil and surely a fake guy won't know that. A Tamil will prefer committing suicide instead of calling,"I am not proud of being Tamil". Another point to prove is forgery that he is saying his ancestor came form Tamil Nadu but not even once he mentioned that place in Tamil Nadu and actually there was no Tamil Nadu back in 1820.

There was a Tanjore and a Palakkad even back then. Those are the two I know. There are others too but I don't know of those.

And no, not every Tamil thinks like what you think we do. Alot of it depends on where we live and grow. Tamil is not very relevant in our day to day lives, except when we go to the temples and stuff. There are those who are more 'Tamil' in that sense who like music and movies from Madras. I don't. Doesn't make me non-Tamil or any less of a person. It's just a preference. For us born here, national identity and country is all that matters.
There was a Tanjore and a Palakkad even back then. Those are the two I know. There are others too but I don't know of those.

And no, not every Tamil thinks like what you think we do. Alot of it depends on where we live and grow. Tamil is not very relevant in our day to day lives, except when we go to the temples and stuff. There are those who are more 'Tamil' in that sense who like music and movies from Madras. I don't. Doesn't make me non-Tamil or any less of a person. It's just a preference. For us born here, national identity and country is all that matters.

Yes, with every comment you prove that you are a fake Tamil. And I know Pakistanis and Chinese too much obsessed with Indian Tamils.
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