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"Shining India, Swaggering India" - Times of India

LimPeh's post are more sincere or correct to a higher extent but then again he also has a strong prejudice & bias in many arguments on here too.
yeah...real convinient and real tough son...sitting some 2000 kms away and talking about taking the fight "elsewhere".

besides, all this heat coming from singapore?!?! are you kidding me...who or what the f@#K are you? and explain to me how you are relevant. an ordinary indian joint family is bigger than your entire population...i can understand the chinese and pak friends ranting on...

you guys (singaporeans?! - **** is that how you refer to people from that little stretch of land) are like the garnish over a nice juicy steak...without the meat you are just a bunch of colorful leaves...

We are a basically a people and a nation who have the capacity to feed, clothe and gainfully employ a segment of your population which your own government is unable to provide for. That's who we are. We may be a drop in the ocean next to your gigantic population and land mass, yet we outperform u on every level.

Deal with it.

LimPeh's post are more sincere or correct to a higher extent but then again he also has a strong prejudice & bias in many arguments on here too.

I don't deny there was some initial prejudice to begin with. But Indian posters over here just made it worse by dragging in my ethnicity and by constantly deflecting the argument with alot of other irrelevant stuff. My initial point was about how Indians do not really seem to fit in when they are abroad, citing my own country as an example. It is very relevant to the topic. And then it went downhill from there.
We are a basically a people and a nation who have the capacity to feed, clothe and gainfully employ a segment of your population which your own government is unable to provide for. That's who we are. We may be a drop in the ocean next to your gigantic population and land mass, yet we outperform u on every level.

Deal with it.

I don't deny there was some initial prejudice to begin with. But Indian posters over here just made it worse by dragging in my ethnicity and by constantly deflecting the argument with alot of other irrelevant stuff. My initial point was about how Indians do not really seem to fit in when they are abroad, citing my own country as an example. It is very relevant to the topic. And then it went downhill from there.

Indians tend to be most integrated when they go outside the country....only in very few counties have we faced racist attacks in large scale..only when insecure people like u face the prospect of losing job to a more qualified Indian then they start rumors or theories that Indians dont fit in when they go abroad...wonder why??

Ur knowledge shows when u say Chinese and Pakistanis integrate well compared to Indians..that statement itself shows how much ur prejudice is against India and Indians..the world knows that Chinese are very racist and they dont even like to integrate even in some societies(like US) where they lived for centuries...And about Pakistanis, even many Pakistani writers agree that the way Indians have integrated with different societies is something they should learn....
Limpeh is giving some message to others. He may be Tamil but he's a Singaporean who thinks about his country first. Isn't that great?
Limpeh is giving some message to others. He may be Tamil but he's a Singaporean who thinks about his country first. Isn't that great?

Yes it's great

As long as you don;t ridicule other culture to show yourself in a better light

It is called racism

Dont read things selectively

This picture is from Paraospolis Favela, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Samantha Li, No essay or magazine article in the world can...
Indians tend to be most integrated when they go outside the country....only in very few counties have we faced racist attacks in large scale..only when insecure people like u face the prospect of losing job to a more qualified Indian then they start rumors or theories that Indians dont fit in when they go abroad...wonder why??

Ur knowledge shows when u say Chinese and Pakistanis integrate well compared to Indians..that statement itself shows how much ur prejudice is against India and Indians..the world knows that Chinese are very racist and they dont even like to integrate even in some societies(like US) where they lived for centuries...And about Pakistanis, even many Pakistani writers agree that the way Indians have integrated with different societies is something they should learn....

No, it is not exactly like what u think it is over here in Singapore. The PRC Chinese coming over here, also in large number have Mandarin as a bridge to help them out integrate with the mainstream Singaporean culture. The Chinese Singaporean plays an important part in this.

It works differently for the Indians. The 'native' community here in Singapore is the Tamil community. Like I mentioned earlier it is a culture that developed over here independently of the subcontinent for 2 centuries almost. The incoming Indians however are Hindi-based, both the language and customs are alien to most Singaporeans and that is where alot of the conflicts start. The aliens tend to think 'Indian Singaporean' should follow something along the lines of the Republic of India, Hindi should be used to represent them and they are superior etc. Alot of those dynamics they are used to back in their country, they bring it across here. That's where the conflict starts, it began with the Hindi issue and now it has gone and spread to even religious ones. A new one is the issue on how temples should be used. Alot of those coming in from India are used to the concept of having temples as community places where they congregate to catch up. As opposed to our more pragmatic Singaporean style which is, 'go in, say your prayers, GTFO and go back or go to a coffeeshop and catch up'.

Though the Indian Singaporean culture did have its beginnings in the Indian subcontinent 2 centuries ago, it is an identity in its own right and has developed completely independent of India. That is something many aliens coming in fail to understand and appreciate. They want the Republic of India to replace the Indian Singaporean culture, which sorry fellas, ain't happening. The more u push the bigger the backlash you would face so it's best to stop lording over us.

As for Pakistanis, yes, in Singapore they integrate alot faster. Not saying this to be biased in their favor, no. First their community is alot smaller. Secondly they integrate with the local Muslim community quickly with no hassles. Many of those whom I've seen tend to be pleasant and religious at the same time. When it comes to Pakistanis, u guys have to also understand one thing. You guys in India hate them over the partition, which to us is a non-issue. Anything to do with Kashmir is also a non-issue to Indian Singaporeans. So when we see Pakistanis, we take them for what they are as regular people and we don't consider any of their political problems. They understand this over here and mingle with the Indian Singaporean community as well. So there are no problems we really noticed. That's why I did not mention anything about Pakistanis, cos there is nothing to talk about.
Dude he is obviously a Chinese masquerading as Indian. We have a whole lot of them hiding behind German, Taiwan, Canada flags. Just ignore the trolls.

There are zero Chinese with exclusively German or Canadian flags. If you're talking about Gotterdamerung, he speaks perfect German. The Taiwanese here are real Taiwanese, and fly their residence flag as well. Every overseas Chinese here clearly identifies with the PRC and residence flags. There are only 2 people who I think are Chinese, who don't fly the PRC flag, because they were born overseas, stayed overseas, and so are technically unassociated with China, and are not false flaggers.

However, there's significant evidence of Indian false flagging.
You should read the article before commenting, it says that the rich and powerful are "swaggering", not the ordinary Indian.

If by ordinary Indian you mean the majority and given the low internet penetration in India, they have no voice here or anywhere else and per the OP article are suffering under the arrogance of the better off Indians.
Indians tend to be most integrated when they go outside the country....only in very few counties have we faced racist attacks in large scale..only when insecure people like u face the prospect of losing job to a more qualified Indian then they start rumors or theories that Indians dont fit in when they go abroad...wonder why??

Ur knowledge shows when u say Chinese and Pakistanis integrate well compared to Indians..that statement itself shows how much ur prejudice is against India and Indians..the world knows that Chinese are very racist and they dont even like to integrate even in some societies(like US) where they lived for centuries...And about Pakistanis, even many Pakistani writers agree that the way Indians have integrated with different societies is something they should learn....

Australia is known to be very tolerant and many of our Singaporean students have been educated over there with no problems. Did you ask yourselves why there was a huge backlash and riots in that country over the presence of Indians? It won't hurt to introspect a little and figure out where u go wrong u know. Now it's extending to Singapore. Please understand the other's viewpoint as well before thumping your chests.
I'm not going to say anything regarding Indians, just please stop accusing us of false flagging whenever some foreigners talk about you. The truth is, most Chinese posters here only retaliate against gross insults. There have been almost no Chinese national false flaggers, all the big posters like ChineseTiger, ChineseDragon, SinoChallenger, shuttler, houshanghai, below_freezing and myself clearly identify ourselves as Chinese.
Nobody wants to hear the long rant of **** hurt confused identity Singaporean who's probably got roughed up by north Indians there in Singapore. But then again as they say in hindi, dhobi ka ...
Nobody wants to hear the long rant of **** hurt confused identity Singaporean who's probably got roughed up by north Indians there in Singapore. But then again as they say in hindi, dhobi ka ...

Lol how typical. Just what I was expecting. Another deflection to the discussion. I thanked you for it. You helped me prove my point.
Even at 1/3rd the cost, those guys aren't even worth it. No country on earth has less aptitude for IT than India. This is proven by every international coding competition where Indians always finish dead last.

I deleted most of the article in the repost due to length and just bolded the part I wanted to draw attention to. I've seen that rising arrogance amongst the Indian expats and guest workers here myself. One actually went so far as to tell me "We are here because Singapore needs us. We are better for these jobs than anyone else. India is the leader in IT"

Our response is "No. Let's not even compare India and Singapore. You are here only because those companies rather slash their costs by 2/3 and pay way less for you guys than what they would for a Singaporean."

Just stop trying to lord over others based on your recent success guys, which hasn't been much anyway. I know you fired some missile somewhere and that made news, quite a few other military achievements too. But your HDI ranking is real low and any kind of comparison with the genuine Asian success stories like China, Taiwan or Singapore is pointless. You can be cocky, I'm not saying no, but stick to the Pinoys or even the Indonesians if u want please. Don't try it with those who are better, ESPECIALLY if you are going to their country to earn a living. I hope Indians do realize this and wake up if they wish to see themselves play a bigger role on the global scale.
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