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Shiekh Rasheed Interview with Sami Ibrahim | May 3 2022

If india can buy oil @ 40% discount while being a Quad member why Pakistan can't make deals which are in the best interest of our people. Why army has a problem with that?
Are you delusional? Bruh india is progressing massively economically and militarily with progressive policies.

Their foreign policy is independent because they don't have a dependent economy like we do.

China is a world power because it became a manufacturing hub for all electronics and shit. Now india is moving toward that route with assembling and manufacturing apple products and in near future tesla. Just look at their IT exports.

Stop comparing India with Pak. We have zero progressive policies. Is the army responsible for developing the economy and or governance? Civilian leadership has failed to deliver since our inception.

China is gonna suck us dry by giving us loans with higher interest and lack of transfer of tech or capability to manufacture. Russia is a sinking boat and you wanna sit in it's lap, so we could get cheap wheat and gas while we export the maximum stuff to EU and america. Lol.

Neutrality is the way forward. We need to develop the economy. Beggers can't be choosers, We are a small nation with massive ego. Dickheads overhere want to dictate superpowers while begging them for money. Lol. First put your house in order.

Having solid relations with the US are a compulsion, regardless of any right-wing propaganda.

For as long as a unipolar system is prevalent in the world, robust economic and security ties with the US have to be maintained for a country like Pakistan which does not have oil or any other significant resources to fall back on.

Most members here know this but fail to acknowledge this dependency because they have bought into IK's anti-US rhetoric hook, line and sinker. I can guarantee that if IK comes back to power, he will walk back on this strong rhetoric (primarily for domestic consumption) because this is a road to nowhere and nobody knows this better than IK and those who have sat in the chair, so I expect a full U-turn on his part when back in the hot-seat. Anything contrary is a complete and utter dead-end for at least another decade if not more for anyone wanting to walk-down this anti-American path. Keep in mind that IMF, WB, FATF, etc. all roads lead back to the US and there is no Chinese or Russian or Khaleeji alternate to any of these.

Second point, the military is facts based. It is looking at its existing capabilities and realizing that no matter what we get from China, it does not address the high-end of the technology spectrum just yet (our Chinese friends are looking at the same and they too realize that there is some catching up to do, no slight on what they graciously assist Pakistan with here) specially when our adversary is introducing a lot of high-end western gear. A case in point is the dismal performance of the Russian hardware against low-end, but high-tech western weaponry in the Ukraine war. Such lessons from this war are not lost on those in uniform.

Our high-end weapons systems are all US based. There is a reason for this. When push comes to shove, it is these very same American made artillery guns that fire thousands upon thousands of rounds without requiring a change of the barrels on account of the quality of metallurgy used. For the young generation so brought up on to this anti-amreekanism, it was the famous "AAA" that was touted by Pakistan in the 1965 war as its savior. Depending on whom you talk with, it was Allah, Army and the Air Force for some and Allah, Army and Artillery for others. At least two of the "A"s (AF and Artillery) were American origin and the Army was a US trained one which gave the country a fighting chance.

Even today, it is the high performance engines and airframes in the F-16s that can fly 12,000 hours, over their life, which is unmatched by any Russian/Chinese platforms. The Turks did what IK is doing, i.e. went full bore on anti-Americanism, then realized that they have no option but to go back to the American alignment (thus the request for F-16V upgrades for their Air Force).

So as I always say, naray-baazi and talk of khuddari are all fine, but these alone do not give confidence to those who have to carry out the job of fighting. Not having effective, modern combat aviation is already resulting in massive casualties in the FATA. Not being able to leverage EDA via MNNA is impacting the fight in both Balochistan and the FATA. If even IK on a populist platform could not make peace in these two areas (despite him claiming that nobody knows FATA/KP better than he does), the only option is to fight the anti-state elements and when doing so, having access to the best technology to do the job is a must and currently, US is the only source with such options.

Our Ertugril-fan club should also realize that Turkey has gone full circle and is now open to dealing with the Americans. They realized that at least currently and for the next decade plus, America is the dominant power with whom dealings cannot be put off. The Pakistani establishment has very correctly and objectively arrived at this very same conclusion.
Sir you've put this perfectly. IK was on a collision course, he would've sunk us.

With the damage PTI is doing to foreign policy by consistently blaming the US, i am pretty sure if IK comes in power, us is gonna give us thr stick.
A couple of esteemed members here, don't know what they are high on. For a thousandth time, Imran Khan is neither anti-US himself nor trying to sell this narrative to the public. He is Pro-Pakistan. If you are so naïve to not understand the difference between these two, it just shows immaturity.

The world is becoming multipolar and US is going nuts trying to keep their hold on some nations which in the past had been toeing their line, Pakistan being one of them. Imran khan just wants to break this vicious cycle while still maintaining broad based relations.
High on IK copium. Man keep on drinking immi koolaid and wait for your beloved leader to suck upto the US when he takes massive Uturn, if comes to power again. Still you'll defend his sorry ***.
if that one was fake...just take the latest....

What does it mean Pakistan is always a "problem"? It means that Pakistan has always done what it has wanted to do to serve its own national interests, as it should, and does, as a sovereign nation. For example: hanging Bhutto, pursuing atomic weapons' program, the nuclear blast, multiple changes of government by extraconstitutional means, missing persons, curbs on press freedoms, to name a few. When did Pakistan listen to anybody from outside?
High on IK copium. Man keep on drinking immi koolaid and wait for your beloved leader to suck upto the US when he takes massive Uturn, if comes to power again. Still you'll defend his sorry ***.
we have not found any alternate leadership ...till thn we have no other option....can't accept blood sucker shabaz or zardari to lead us.

What does it mean Pakistan is always a "problem"? It means that Pakistan has always done what it has wanted to do to serve it own national interests, as it should, and does, as a sovereign nation. For example: hanging Bhutto, pursuing atomic weapons' program, the nuclear blast, multiple changes of government by extraconstitutional means, missing persons, curbs on press freedoms, to name a few. When did Pakistan listen to anybody from outside?
right...but who is doing all this?
right...but who is doing all this?

Only Pakistanis have the responsibility and the power and the authority to decide on whatever they feel is best for their country. After all, it is one of the biggest countries in the world, and its one and only Muslim nuclear power. After all, it went ahead with CPEC despite what USA said, did it not?
Replacing Imran with the most Pro-Chinese party (given recent history), yeah big brain play for trying to get on the US side..

The amount of irony coming from all this is amusing though, take for example blasmephy, funnily enough Imran Khan was very vocal w.r.t the west taking action against 'blasmephous' content. Now his party is being labelled blasmephous and PTI is trying to show the same western states how 'diabolical' the current government is..

Also you would think that PTI would stand firm and take an 'absolutely not' stance against the US as some members have so passionately mentioned buuut instead you got them doing this..

Listen, the tldr of what i am trying to say is this, PTI is a political party at the end of the day just like PPP and PMLN. They use scummy tactics and PTI is not immune from doing so too. So instead of hypocritically doing the same cult following things other parties are lambasted for, critically analyze things. You'll be able to understand things with better clarity.
Man it's a futile effort to reason with Cult followers. They have this weird worshipping attachment to khan, that they can't reason. A Lot of people are busy spreading fake news and attacking state institutions.
It's not "never". Pak got US stuff but they had a very poisonous carrot n stick transactional relationship with Pakistan since beginning. And they want you to toe their line as a payback.

This attitude is not acceptable anymore. The people are tired of this slave/master type of relation but apparently army is still happy to liick the shoes.
US did not approve the Turkish sale of helicopters to Pakistan because the engines were American. Philippine on the other hand ordered the Turkish helo at a much later date and in smaller quantity got approved and delivered.

The only weapons Pak will get from the US will be mid- or early Cold-War era weapons. With its close alignment to the US, the Pak military will not get the most advanced weapons from either the US or China. But for the generals, that isn't a problem. They have their retirements planned in Texas. :)
We’re morons if we really don’t know how to walk and chew gum at the same time. And let me defend the latter here, if the army wants us on good terms with the US, they don’t want it at the expense of strong relations with China.
This is a defeatist mentality and must be routed out .

They cannot win any wars or economy can propser when you have generals who will cover to a super power

I honestly believe that in a long line of generals the Americans have finally found a defeated COAS. The supporters of Bajwa will try to present a so-called balanced approach. In reality, this is a massive defeatist mindset at work. All one has to do is to listen to Bajwa's remarks until the PTI government was overthrown. Bajwa suddenly became a politician. Reminding us how important the US is. How important it is for Pakistan to have good relations with India. This is a not coincidence. It all fits the narrative to present Pakistan as an ally of the US.

Unfortunately, most of the younger members here have no understanding of what is going on here. This urge by the Americans to control Pakistan through a likeminded proxy has existed for decades. It is nothing new. The US has a very complicated relationship with Pakistan. One has to factor all angles of this relationship before making any judgement. I have seen and heard these narratives for a while now. I am familiar with the pro-US clan in Pakistan and most reside in the upper echelon of the Pakistani army. This might be news to some, but I am not under any illusion.
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We’re morons if we really don’t know how to walk and chew gum at the same time. And let me defend the latter here, if the army wants us on good terms with the US, they don’t want it at the expense of strong relations with China.

CPEC is a perfect example here.
True. They even blocked engines for T-129. Never gave us money back for the F-16 we had paid for before arms embargo.

China on the hand is a true brother. JF-17, J-10C, Al Khalid, Type 039 etc...

There are still Pakistani PDF members licking Yankee shoes. We need people in charge who put Pakistan first and only Pakistan first. No other country on the planet should come before Pakistan.

Your attitude is a NO-No. You will get color-changed... So said the Americans.
Never gave us money back for the F-16 we had paid for before arms embargo.

Would you like to remind us all what Pakistan was doing that led to that embargo? Hint: It was following its own national interests.
US did not approve the Turkish sale of helicopters to Pakistan because the engines were American. Philippine on the other hand ordered the Turkish helo at a much later date and in smaller quantity got approved and delivered.

The only weapons Pak will get from the US will be mid- or early Cold-War era weapons. With its close alignment to the US, the Pak military will not get the most advanced weapons from either the US or China. But for the generals, that isn't a problem. They have their retirements planned in Texas. :)

Pakistan isn't getting a needle from the US. Let alone weapons. The Americans want only one thing from Pakistan. Obedience and subservience. That too free of cost and without any nagging. You know why. When the Americans say that they will forgive Pakistan they really mean to say be thankful that we didn't turn you into Tora Bora.

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