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Shiekh Rasheed Interview with Sami Ibrahim | May 3 2022

I don't think Russia would forsake india to get pakistan as an ally. Only uncompromised ally we can have is China bcz they are in direct confrontation with india. Every other country would first look at the economic side.
America Murdabad while sitting and reaping the benefits of America.. typical Pakistanis.

I suspect that most Pakistani-Americans are criticizing American foreign policy, not American ideals or ordinary Americans.

Every citizen has the right to disagree with the country's foreign policy. This right is not reserved for, or denied to, someone based on their ethnicity.
So the powers that be replaced IK due to his close ties with Russia and China. Just throwing this out there:

India's Russian oil purchases since Ukraine invasion more than double 2021 total​


Meanwhile beggar in chief and his tolay are making a mockery of the country:
I suspect that most Pakistani-Americans are criticizing American foreign policy, not American ideals or ordinary Americans.

Every citizen has the right to disagree with the country's foreign policy. This right is not reserved for, or denied to, someone based on their ethnicity.
Some people have difficulty in understanding this. I can criticize without being anti. I love UK, it's a wonderful country and the people here have done a lot of good, but I don't like the fact that they host our corrupt/criminal politicians who have absconded Pakistan.
Why buy Chinese weapon if PA is so pro US. They could have allied with US on many matters if they are pro US. This article doesn't sounds right.
Because this thread and the premise behind it is full of bullcrap. Pakistanis or those with brain cells learned their lesson during the GWOT who are our allies and who are users/abusers. The USA has no allies - just temporary acquaintances.
This article doesn't sounds right
It doesn't! Pakistan knows the US is not going to give us a damn apart from maybe a few dollars. Imran Khan chose an independent foreign policy because of that and once he is back, this is how it's going to be.

In an ironic turn of events, after Bajwa’s buckling under pressure, the following has happened.

1. The army’s reputation has taken a severe hit. Bajwa and his generals are likely unable to salvage the situation any time soon.
2. The stooges installed by powers that be are being scorched.
3. IK/PTI’s popularity skyrocketed.
4. Anti US sentiment amongst the public.

With next mandate most likely going to PTI, what have the US and its cronies achieved?

IK always wanted relationship on mutually beneficial with US. We have been hearing this argument that Pakistan needs to do America’s bidding for a good 3 decades.

Pakistan has to look out for herself and improving its relationship with China/Russia in a changing multi polar world was the most prudent of strategies.
Army has experience of long and they decide things Pragmatically


Allah has given us IK, a visionary Leader
And his Decisions in Corona pandemic were enough to showcase as an evidence

Army Leadership decided based on their experiences, Menawhile IK once again Proved everyone wrong

There will be No 3rd Time if we Neglect the Decision of Allah
Today's interview of Sheikh Rashid with Sami Ibrahim....

Watch from 32:14

"The only problem is that institution wants to stay with US and they say that IMF will give us money whereas you want to go with Russia and take gas/oil @ 30% less and you want to go with China & CPEC. This is the only problem"

Things have started to come out in the open confirming that our institution wants to stay as the lapdog of US and don't want to have an independent dignified position on the world stage. The real question is why?

1. Dollar Khori - Institution has been addicted to dollars after war on terror and the huge influx of non-audited dollars received from US. As it has been stopped so they are behaving like an addict without his fix.

2. Personal Interests - Personal interests of top generals and core commanders. Their children studying here, living there, doing businesses there, and the general themselves want to have a lavish retired life in the west.

3. Resistance to Change - Since last 70 years Pakistan has been aligned with US and the institution don't want to change the direction towards Russia & China. Don't know what kind of ally we were though considering Pak was one of the most heavily US sanctioned and droned country. US back stabbed Pakistan and left it high n dry everytime their interest was over.

What dignified position do you have to side with a barbaric regime like russia? A country btw with a smaller economy than spain.

Pakistan trade is far bigger with USA and EU. Its that simple.

In an ironic turn of events, after Bajwa’s buckling under pressure, the following has happened.

1. The army’s reputation has taken a severe hit. Bajwa and his generals are likely unable to salvage the situation any time soon.
2. The stooges installed by powers that be are being scorched.
3. IK/PTI’s popularity skyrocketed.
4. Anti US sentiment amongst the public.

With next mandate most likely going to PTI, what have the US and its cronies achieved?

IK always wanted relationship on mutually beneficial with US. We have been hearing this argument that Pakistan needs to do America’s bidding for a good 3 decades.

Pakistan has to look out for herself and improving its relationship with China/Russia in a changing multi polar world was the most prudent of strategies.

That multipolar world will not have Russia as a pole.

You support Russia? Means you become enemy of Europe and USA. So what have you left? China. A 100% dependency of China
Having solid relations with the US are a compulsion, regardless of any right-wing propaganda.

For as long as a unipolar system is prevalent in the world, robust economic and security ties with the US have to be maintained for a country like Pakistan which does not have oil or any other significant resources to fall back on.

Most members here know this but fail to acknowledge this dependency because they have bought into IK's anti-US rhetoric hook, line and sinker. I can guarantee that if IK comes back to power, he will walk back on this strong rhetoric (primarily for domestic consumption) because this is a road to nowhere and nobody knows this better than IK and those who have sat in the chair, so I expect a full U-turn on his part when back in the hot-seat. Anything contrary is a complete and utter dead-end for at least another decade if not more for anyone wanting to walk-down this anti-American path. Keep in mind that IMF, WB, FATF, etc. all roads lead back to the US and there is no Chinese or Russian or Khaleeji alternate to any of these.

Second point, the military is facts based. It is looking at its existing capabilities and realizing that no matter what we get from China, it does not address the high-end of the technology spectrum just yet (our Chinese friends are looking at the same and they too realize that there is some catching up to do, no slight on what they graciously assist Pakistan with here) specially when our adversary is introducing a lot of high-end western gear. A case in point is the dismal performance of the Russian hardware against low-end, but high-tech western weaponry in the Ukraine war. Such lessons from this war are not lost on those in uniform.

Our high-end weapons systems are all US based. There is a reason for this. When push comes to shove, it is these very same American made artillery guns that fire thousands upon thousands of rounds without requiring a change of the barrels on account of the quality of metallurgy used. For the young generation so brought up on to this anti-amreekanism, it was the famous "AAA" that was touted by Pakistan in the 1965 war as its savior. Depending on whom you talk with, it was Allah, Army and the Air Force for some and Allah, Army and Artillery for others. At least two of the "A"s (AF and Artillery) were American origin and the Army was a US trained one which gave the country a fighting chance.

Even today, it is the high performance engines and airframes in the F-16s that can fly 12,000 hours, over their life, which is unmatched by any Russian/Chinese platforms. The Turks did what IK is doing, i.e. went full bore on anti-Americanism, then realized that they have no option but to go back to the American alignment (thus the request for F-16V upgrades for their Air Force).

So as I always say, naray-baazi and talk of khuddari are all fine, but these alone do not give confidence to those who have to carry out the job of fighting. Not having effective, modern combat aviation is already resulting in massive casualties in the FATA. Not being able to leverage EDA via MNNA is impacting the fight in both Balochistan and the FATA. If even IK on a populist platform could not make peace in these two areas (despite him claiming that nobody knows FATA/KP better than he does), the only option is to fight the anti-state elements and when doing so, having access to the best technology to do the job is a must and currently, US is the only source with such options.

Our Ertugril-fan club should also realize that Turkey has gone full circle and is now open to dealing with the Americans. They realized that at least currently and for the next decade plus, America is the dominant power with whom dealings cannot be put off. The Pakistani establishment has very correctly and objectively arrived at this very same conclusion.

Oh please add the cost-paid and to-pay analysis too or is that too much of an ask in an utterly one sided post.

US tech - dream on! It ain't coming.

Slave and beggar mentality will lead to death by thousand cuts.

What you have written is an admission of Establishment willingly allowing slaughter of 80k of our people (with 120b+ loss to the economy). That's damning enough for such decision makers to be hanged on lamp posts!

Enough of these BS excuses. Whenever peacetime generals take charge, they make blunders that cost lives. Pakistani lives are not theirs to sacrifice for warped strategies for the greater game.
It doesn't! Pakistan knows the US is not going to give us a damn apart from maybe a few dollars. Imran Khan chose an independent foreign policy because of that and once he is back, this is how it's going to be.

This was some PC, I guess gloves are coming off
Now I'm wondering whose decision it was to send Abhinandon back to India the next day...
Today's interview of Sheikh Rashid with Sami Ibrahim....

Watch from 32:14

"The only problem is that institution wants to stay with US and they say that IMF will give us money whereas you want to go with Russia and take gas/oil @ 30% less and you want to go with China & CPEC. This is the only problem"

Things have started to come out in the open confirming that our institution wants to stay as the lapdog of US and don't want to have an independent dignified position on the world stage. The real question is why?

1. Dollar Khori - Institution has been addicted to dollars after war on terror and the huge influx of non-audited dollars received from US. As it has been stopped so they are behaving like an addict without his fix.

2. Personal Interests - Personal interests of top generals and core commanders. Their children studying here, living there, doing businesses there, and the general themselves want to have a lavish retired life in the west.

3. Resistance to Change - Since last 70 years Pakistan has been aligned with US and the institution don't want to change the direction towards Russia & China. Don't know what kind of ally we were though considering Pak was one of the most heavily US sanctioned and droned country. US back stabbed Pakistan and left it high n dry everytime their interest was over.

When Imran Khan wants to go with China/Russia does that mean he wants to be or is a lapdog of China or Russia or a lapdog of both?

IK’s Pro-Pakistan foreign policy is hard to penetrate the thick skulls of neutrals and their stooges. They are unable to understand how Pakistanis can be Pro-Pakistan.
Yeah, a propped up puppet knew more about foreign policy than those who brought him to power!!!

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