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Sheikh Rasheed confirms/hints about buying J-10 Jets

Its in our plans.
Same case with F15s operating with F16s

Technically yes, philosophically no. F-15 Eagle was built as a dedicated tactical air-superiority fighter. Whereas F-16 was designed as a lighter multirole fighter. Both aircraft were and still are intended to complement each other. Initially, USAF was not interested in a multirole version of F-15. In fact, they were opposed to it. Strike Eagle, the multirole version of F-15, emerged only because McDonnell Douglas took the initiative on its own.

What about MIG-35 sir its a good jet with relatively cheap price

What we should consider, even if believe it to be defunct, is the fact that PAF has always been a Westernized air force. Its Chinese systems were acquired while still keeping the Western airpower philosophy and available capabilities on the mind i.e. F-6 and F-7 were equipped with AIM-9 missiles. IMO, there will always be this itch for a Western capability that suits PAF's Western air combat philosophy. Russian aircraft would come with everything Russian, requiring PAF to reorientate itself for that. Besides, I think the impression of Russian air-to-air missiles has gone south after the Op Swift Retort. But then again, the R-73 and R-77 didn't perform well because they didn't get to perform at all (didn't get fired). IAF though seems to be running to diversify its A2A missile inventory, ostensibly disillusioned by the Russian missiles. Moreover, there are still political contentions to overcome with regards to buying major offensive Russian arms. There is a possibility of Russia playing bait-and-switch with Pakistan in order to force India to stick by Russian weapons.
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