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Sheikh Rasheed confirms/hints about buying J-10 Jets

Good air superiority fighter in my opinion. As far as Mirages role, it would be stupid to make it do those roles which would be better fulfilled by JF-17s.
Not a true Air superiority jet Like J-11 series of jets but true Multi role jet like F-16
Not a true Air superiority jet Like J-11 series of jets but true Multi role jet like F-16
Not completely true, but has better capabilities then JF-17 currently with ability to carry 4 SD-10s, but no clue about the radar.
its multi role jet like F-16, its able to carry 6 SD-10, and radar is the classified information
How is EFT an air superiority fighter theen bring CL we to the same weight? Radat quality?

J-10A is an air superiority jet.
I thought so, EFT is used as an air superiority fighter and is not much heavier nor much better then the J-10.
Extremely expensive, and Pakistan currently lacks $$$ to buy EFT
I never said it was a good purchase, just saying it is a similar size in terms of weight but is used as an air superiority fighter by user nations like UK.
I never said it was a good purchase, just saying it is a similar size in terms of weight but is used as an air superiority fighter by user nations like UK.
PAF more like Multi role jet like F-16/J-10C/Mig-35 than Single mission EFT with limited ground attack capability
It would be great to see J-10Cs in PAF livery but somehow, I doubt PAF will induct them. From the time of placing order, getting it modified for PAF requirements, receiving them and forming squadrons, training all the ground crew/pilots for these fighters, and understanding the J-10Cs inside-out; it could take 7-10 years before PAF could use them effectively. Correct me if I'm wrong as my knowledge is a bit limited. :-)

I think, like some of our well known members on PDF, that PAF's best options are to try and acquire more JF-17 Blk 2s -- Blk 3 would be great -- at a faster rate than 12/year, if the production can be accelerated.

If the Trump administration is feeling kinder, some extra F-16s would be welcomed by PAF too.
Maybe, but J-10 won't be used in a good role if it is doing ground attack.
May be not, it is confirmed that PAF like more Multirole jet than pure air superiority jets, and J-10 as good as F-16 in a ground attack missions
May be not, it is confirmed that PAF like more Multirole jet than pure air superiority jets, and J-10 as good as F-16 in a ground attack missions
Would be not used effectively it is a much better air superiority fighter, JF-17 would be a better ground attack fighter with CMs.
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