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Imran Riaz khan journalist also arrested just now. According to some tweets:

What the f*ck man

I condemn this cowardly and undemocratic action orchestrated by the anti-state NaPak army. It has been hijacked as institution by anti-Pakistan elements.

Sheikh Rasheed is facing the brunt of hostile agencies.
using indian phrases. hm...

BTW. what is the charge against sh. rashid? is it to do with stealing laal hawaili?

if so, he did this some 4 decades ago, and all the PDM partners knew it just like they know that sana ullah is a killer (not talking about killing of canuck mullah's mureeds) and a wholesale narcotics dealer
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About time that clown and sorry excuse for a human was arrested. He should be arrested for crimes against hair styles alone with his hairpiece.
Older folks expressed the same concern I think, but were brushed aside.

I think Immi is too trigger happy.

That, and he needs to get rid of that Peerni b*tch. Most of my close circle of contacts with the Pakistan government said she's the number one problem.

I was relayed a few stories I can't relay due to security reasons and her influence on him.

Though he has a good heart, he's not politically savvy. One of my friends Rizwan Aslam Butt (Gujranwala PTI politician), once told me to be in politics, you have to have the mindset to stab your mother; if you can't, don't bother. He tried teaching this to IK but was pushed aside.

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