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Sheikh Mujib on independence

Was mujib a traitor?

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Our people are unruly. After such a war it was needed that he talked and acted strong. Note also that many of his cronies became also Power Kings due to his absence in 1971. Thus, he was not actually holding an absolute power. Think of Tajuddin, Sk. Moni and many others.

But, the real problem was Mujib was a street agitator and not an administrator. He lost his vision as then west Pakistan was not to be contested. He became a dictator although Moni was very powerful then.

We can't make judgement on them, while relying on historical records and accounts which in a country like Bangladesh are tampered with on will.

I believe the truth has been buried so deep we will never know what actually happened when the assassins entered his house.

However, he did his job, he gave us a Bangladesh, where we are free to do as we please and a Bangladesh where if we are to get tortured to death atleast it will be at the hands of a bangali and not people like the one commented above this post.

That was his promise and he delivered. The ball is now in our court; the Bangladeshi people. What happens to Bangladesh is still in our hands, we can change the future if we make a concerted effort to push our country to newer heights.

Unfortunately, we are an absurd bunch of people, who put money and religion over national interest.

I often bash blindly nationalistic Indians and sanghis but I'm never afraid to admit the truth. We should envy Indians and their nationalism. Indians everywhere make a singular effort to represent their country in a positive light and promote their country whenever possible.
I've known people who drive far far away just to buy made in India products even though alternatives are available nearby.

There is always something to learn from everyone and I believe life is a journey with one true objective : to learn as much as possible. We should take the good values from people and incorporate them into ourselves, as such we should learn the good bits even from sanghis.
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Come on. I have seen bangladeshi youth filled with this unseen pakistani hate.it pains me because we in Pakistan are not taught to hate.
Unfortunately you saw some leftists bastards who were actually burden of AL . Very few in number , but get huge media coverage . Because unfortunately our Media is totally under control of moles .

Most of Bangladeshi have no bad feelings for Pakistan . Specially the youth even do not bother to think what happened at past . Pakistan is just a Muslim country to our youth, so by default brotherly nation .

Look you create visited pakistan 3 years after seperation that clearly shows that he though a traitor to Pakistan but after getting his goal, he didn't wnat his nation to hate pakistan.
He was not a traitor and that is the proof . After got freedom from ruling class of Pakistan , he established great relationship with Pakistan because he knew that common west Pakistani folks ( now Pakistani) were innocent , and brothers to East Pakistani ( now Bangladeshi ) . So there is no way any hate should exist . You yourself proved that Mujib was not traitor but the real traitor was the ruling class of Pakistan . But surely i do not blame a single Pakistani for the sin of the ruling class.
But anyway what's done is done.

Yes right , what is done is done , I believe almost all Bangladeshis moved on many decaded ago . Pakistanis should move on too .

And we don't criticise bangladeshi government or democracy. We only aak hassina to not kill old men who love Pakistan or oppose the creation of banhaldesh or stayed loyal to Pakistan.
Acyually this subject is a bit disturbing because who were killed by Hasina were not loyal to Pakistan , but always had been loyal to govt establishment . If you take a look at past , you will find that they opposed the creation of Pakistan in 1947 . But let's not talk the controversial topic .

And besides don't even compare to pakistan. The challenges we face you cannot even imagine.

What challenges we are going to face in future ,you even dare not to imagine mate . Wait 15/20 more years . You will see . Just pray for us that we can stand tall against hostile entity .

We are federation and surrounded by 2 of mortal enemies.
Nah afghanistan is not your mortal enemy , neither Iran is . Just look at us , we are light of truth surrounded by darkness . from 3 side w are surrounded b y India and from a corner in south east with Miyanmer . So we have to stand tall , otherwise we will be doomed .
Yes right , what is done is done , I believe almost all Bangladeshis moved on many decaded ago . Pakistanis should move on too .
Seriously friend
You seems an logical person .
We in Pakistan respect and love bangladesh. And we have moved on. I think half of Pakistanis don't even know about Bangladesh being part of Pakistan, unless they read in 9th or 10th grade. That's when I learned about it. We don't want anything from bangaldesh expect good relations and respect. No one and I repeat no one in pakistan wants or plans to once again capture or take back bangaldesh.
But then we occasionally see statements from bangladeshi leaders some even go as far as insulting Pakistan. Others reminding of cruelty which I would belive only when you give me prove. Others we just bad mouthing.
We have moved on. It's you who have to move on now.
Nah afghanistan is not your mortal enemy , neither Iran is . Just look at us , we are light of truth surrounded by darkness . from 3 side w are surrounded b y India and from a corner in south east with Miyanmer . So we have to stand tall , otherwise we will be doomed .
Well Afghanistan is the most problematic neighbour one can have. And I went as far as to say worse then India. We share longest borders with India and Afghanistan.
And India uses Afghanistan and afghans offer themselves to be used against Pakistan. Afghans are a different creature. They mind works differently. They have destroyed their country and hate you for no reason.
Anyways. India pose a threat.
And all above that, its the threat or unseen bomber or terrorist that India sends though Afghanistan or even India, we have to close half our country. We have to be very careful about our security. Take every step with caution. Access to terrorism and bad activities is curbed but still defences needs to be strengthened. And this constant fight with our two neighbours. Has thrown us into a security mindset.
That's not right for a country to grow.

What challenges we are going to face in future ,you even dare not to imagine mate . Wait 15/20 more years . You will see . Just pray for us that we can stand tall against hostile entity
You are best friends with India. Atleast that the message we get from your and Indian media. You work well as a benign state working beside India with no threat to India. And economy is going good. Yes you too have like Pakistan and Turkey this issue of refugees. But again if economy is going great then what is the issue.
Both enemy of Pakistan got what they deserved, Allah's wrath befall upon both 1 was murdered by the same people he so called want to liberate , and other was hanged by the same Radical Dictator he placed in position .
Yes buddy we should wait and observe few decades , I agree.

Since there is no evidence of either deep state or foreign infiltration , so let's agree to disagree here. Time will tell what power is backing Hasina.

@Old School seems to have good knowledge about these stuffs . He thinks the opposite . And in Bangladesh many people think the opposite too, and the number is increasing . India Mujib connection is only to defame him I believe . But leave it, because I do not feel that you will be convinced .

One has to be a part of the state machinery in order to understand both the state and deep state. I usually avoid these discussions when I don't know who I am discussing with. Ten years ago, when I joined , PDF used to have members with connection to the state machinery. That is not the case any more. It has now become a gossip forum where pigs can fly at will.
According to interviews of Jail staff who were serving duties when Mujib ul Rehman was kept there and who had opportunity to engage in small talks with him occasionally. He considered Tajjudin and a few other east Pakistani Politicians and Statesmen as traitors and Indian Stooge among his ranks. And that keeping him jailed and cracking him down, the Government is making Pro India Lobby within Bangladesh stronger and making his influence compromised. And if the trend continues, their will come a point where even he will be powerless to stop the deteriorating situation.

Its a very controversial and subjective issue. There are so many versions and perspectives.
I myself consider the Official versions of Both Pakistan Government (Half a population becoming traitors overnight and approval of mass crackdown on them :hitwall:) and Bangladesh Government (Few Thousand soldiers massacring and raping Millions :crazy:) total BS to serve their own agendas.

Any ways what is done is done.
Modern day Pakistanis don't see Mujib as a good person obviously, But Yahya is not in good books either. I have never met across anyone who admires Yahya Khan, he is considered Drunk incompetent fool by almost everyone here. Even to Pro Army Guys.
And Understanding Bangladesh/East Pakistan Tragedy, we need to study the Issue Right from 1950s and follow the activities of likes of Molana Bhashani and Sheikh Mujib directly by books and not by narrated scripted stories.
Perhaps that's the reason no one from his family was in high position in AL except Sohel Taj was a state minister?However why exactly he resigned ? Wanted to become a hero or serving India like his father too?
You saw that the daughter of Tajuddin wanted to steal the glory of Bangabandhu and gave it to her father in her book!Probably we know who want to defame banga bandhu .
That twat just wanted the comfortable life he lived in America. To him, fighting against bureaucracy was too much work
If any son of Mujib really did bad thing ( although there is no concrete evidence of it) , then that does not make Mujib Himself a traitor . Mujib was unaware of many bad acts of his own people . However still nothing justifies the murder of Mujib and his family . Sheikh Russel was only 10 years old that time .

If you really support this coup , still they only could through Mujib out from power .They murdered the whole family instead. Only evils can murder a baby , only evils can justify killing an innocent baby .
The head of a state being "unaware" of mass corruption and human rights violations is nothing but a joke. If he was unaware, then he is incompetent. In fact, the creation of "Mujeeb Bahini" is a prime example of creating a militia to control the military.
Our people are unruly. After such a war it was needed that he talked and acted strong. Note also that many of his cronies became also Power Kings due to his absence in 1971. Thus, he was not actually holding an absolute power. Think of Tajuddin, Sk. Moni and many others.

But, the real problem was Mujib was a street agitator and not an administrator. He lost his vision as then west Pakistan was not to be contested. He became a dictator although Moni was very powerful then.

Mujib was a street agitator and not an administrator

Street agitator is downgrading him. He was a truly capable leader. Not very many leaders can unite an entire nation of millions and rally behind him.

He was not a good administrator, I agree with this one.

I an ideal world, I would like Mujib to be the leader and Tazuddin to be administering the country.

That twat just wanted the comfortable life he lived in America. To him, fighting against bureaucracy was too much work

Rumor abound Sheikh Selim slapped him. So he left.
Mujib was a street agitator and not an administrator

Street agitator is downgrading him. He was a truly capable leader. Not very many leaders can unite an entire nation of millions and rally behind him.

He was not a good administrator, I agree with this one.

I an ideal world, I would like Mujib to be the leader and Tazuddin to be administering the country.

Rumor abound Sheikh Selim slapped him. So he left.
Good, he deserved it
he came back last election, but went back after he couldn’t achieve his goals, opportunist at best.

As for your views on tajjuddin, I disagree... I think all the people in mujib’s cabinets were snakes.
The head of a state being "unaware" of mass corruption and human rights violations is nothing but a joke.
It's not a joke . It's reality . After independence intelligence agencies were not too powerful to inform the head of state . Also Mujib used to believe people a lot ( Hasina does not do it ) , and that usually backfired .
the creation of "Mujeeb Bahini" is a prime example of creating a militia to control the military.
Mujib Bahini was not created by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , but it was created by Fazlul Haqw Moni and So the logic is already invalid .
Mujib Bahini was not created by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , but it was created by Fazlul Haqw Moni and So the logic is already invalid .
The Syrian Republican Guard wasn't created by Assad but it was meant to keep Assad at power.
Traitor of one nation is hero of another. I believe Pakistan and Bangladesh should had been different countries from the day one and this was the initial proposal. It was evident that separation will take place and it did
People often say the guy was a traitor along with Bhutto but by independence, he didn’t mean a separate country, listen to what he has to say and for, your judgement
My grandma saw both the 1965 war and the 1971 war with her very own eyes. According to her, in 1970, there was a general election and Sheikh Mujib won by a large margin. Bhutto didn't even come close. Yet General Yahya Khan and Bhutto conspired against Mujib and did not accept the election result.

Initially there was no intention to create a separate homeland but after Pakistani atrocities against Bengalis, on the 26th March, it was decided that Bengalis need a separate state.
My grandma saw both the 1965 war and the 1971 war with her very own eyes. According to her, in 1970, there was a general election and Sheikh Mujib won by a large margin. Bhutto didn't even come close. Yet General Yahya Khan and Bhutto conspired against Mujib and did not accept the election result.

Initially there was no intention to create a separate homeland but after Pakistani atrocities against Bengalis, on the 26th March, it was decided that Bengalis need a separate state.
That’s the consensus among my grandpa and father too... bengalis wouldn’t have driven up in mass to rebel had operation searchlight didn’t happen. Suffice to say Pakistan’s military is its curse

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