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Sheikh Mujib on independence

Was mujib a traitor?

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Mujib was a street agitator and not an administrator

Street agitator is downgrading him. He was a truly capable leader. Not very many leaders can unite an entire nation of millions and rally behind him.

He was not a good administrator, I agree with this one.

I an ideal world, I would like Mujib to be the leader--------
Downgrade or what, read one of his agitating calls. The country still has no real addresses for the residential houses whereby a postman has to deliver letters on assumptions. Ayub Khan was trying to put addresss as you find in a modern country.

Mujib in the east and ZA Bhutto went against his good deeds that caused Ayub's downfall. So, Mujib was more a street agitator and an unsuccessful administrator because he did not learn how to create a proper administration for its proper functioning. He was not trained for doing that kind of thing.

"আইয়ুব খান প্রতিটি বাড়িতে নম্বর লাগাচ্ছে। এর উদ্দেশ্য কি জানেন ? ভাইসব শোনেন , আইয়ুব খান প্রতি বাড়ি শুধু নয় প্রতি বাড়ির প্রতি চুলার উপর ট্যাক্স বসাবে। এখনও সময় আছে তাকে হটাবার। আপনারা রাস্তায় নামেন এবং বাড়িতে আলকাতরা দিয়ে নম্বর লাগানো বন্ধ করেন। না হলে আপনাদের চুল পর্যন্ত বিক্রি করে ট্যাক্সের পয়সা ভরতে হবে"।
Downgrade or what, read one of his agitating calls. The country still has no real addresses for the residential houses whereby a postman has to deliver letters on assumptions. Ayub Khan was trying to put addresss as you find in a modern country.

Mujib in the east and ZA Bhutto went against his good deeds that caused Ayub's downfall. So, Mujib was more a street agitator and an unsuccessful administrator because he did not learn how to create a proper administration for its proper functioning. He was not trained for doing that kind of thing.

"আইয়ুব খান প্রতিটি বাড়িতে নম্বর লাগাচ্ছে। এর উদ্দেশ্য কি জানেন ? ভাইসব শোনেন , আইয়ুব খান প্রতি বাড়ি শুধু নয় প্রতি বাড়ির প্রতি চুলার উপর ট্যাক্স বসাবে। এখনও সময় আছে তাকে হটাবার। আপনারা রাস্তায় নামেন এবং বাড়িতে আলকাতরা দিয়ে নম্বর লাগানো বন্ধ করেন। না হলে আপনাদের চুল পর্যন্ত বিক্রি করে ট্যাক্সের পয়সা ভরতে হবে"।

I think you have reached a drastic conclusion. Mujib was not a mere street agitator, he was a great leader. I disagree with you there. I however agree that he was not a good administrator.
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The Syrian Republican Guard wasn't created by Assad but it was meant to keep Assad at power.
There are some differences. Mujib's surrounding were treacherous to him . If you look at current politicians of Bangladesh , you will see the difference between them and the politicians of other countries .

Thankfully Hasina do not care about the sycophants by considering them true followers unlike Bangabandhu . You see now AL cabinet has no such ministers who established Mujib Bahini . Where is Tofael ahmed , Abdur razzak?

PS:@Old School , I see that you voted yes . But it was you who few days ago used to praise Mujib as a pro Pakistani and also stated that Pakistan army treated him with great respect when he was captive . On the othe hand Pakistan Army hanged Bhutto brutally.

Have you changed your position now about Mujib ?

@Michael Corleone , you should never had posted any poll in a Pakistani forum related to Mujib . You saw that 70% vote was against our father of nation . It giving me headache. Was the poll necessary?We know what Pakistanis think of Our father of nation . We also know that they respect the enemies of Bangladesh who grabbed the power with gun and looted Bangladesh over decades ( specially their family members ).
There are some differences. Mujib's surrounding were treacherous to him . If you look at current politicians of Bangladesh , you will see the difference between them and the politicians of other countries .

Thankfully Hasina do not care about the sycophants by considering them true followers unlike Bangabandhu . You see now AL cabinet has no such ministers who established Mujib Bahini . Where is Tofael ahmed , Abdur razzak?

PS:@Old School , I see that you voted yes . But it was you who few days ago used to praise Mujib as a pro Pakistani and also stated that Pakistan army treated him with great respect when he was captive . On the othe hand Pakistan Army hanged Bhutto brutally.

Have you changed your position now about Mujib ?

@Michael Corleone , you should never had posted any poll in a Pakistani forum related to Mujib . You saw that 70% vote was against our father of nation . It giving me headache. Was the poll necessary?We know what Pakistanis think of Our father of nation . We also know that they respect the enemies of Bangladesh who grabbed the power with gun and looted Bangladesh over decades ( specially their family members ).
Tbh it showed their reliability when they claim they are speaking from a neutral point of view. Neutral point would be that if anything he was a traitor only to the Bengali people for his inactions on the activities of some of his family members, or that his slow progression towards a one party state.
Anyways the pole was necessary so that you can ignore idiots from now on. I ignore what a lot of these stupid people has to say nowadays.
Tbh it showed their reliability when they claim they are speaking from a neutral point of view. Neutral point would be that if anything he was a traitor only to the Bengali people for his inactions on the activities of some of his family members, or that his slow progression towards a one party state.
Anyways the pole was necessary so that you can ignore idiots from now on. I ignore what a lot of these stupid people has to say nowadays.

The poll was unnecessary in my opinion, the thread itself is fine.

This is a matter of national history and strife any Pakistani who doesn't vote "yes", must be a special one.
To Pakistan Mujib is a traitor and that is fine, they're entitled to feel however they want to about him.

As for Bangladeshis bashing Mujib on here, be glad we are Independent, show some respect instead of bashing him.

The man had his faults, but don't we all. At least he did as he said and gave us our own country.
The poll was unnecessary in my opinion, the thread itself is fine.

This is a matter of national history and strife any Pakistani who doesn't vote "yes", must be a special one.
To Pakistan Mujib is a traitor and that is fine, they're entitled to feel however they want to about him.

As for Bangladeshis bashing Mujib on here, be glad we are Independent, show some respect instead of bashing him.

The man had his faults, but don't we all. At least he did as he said and gave us our own country.
The bangladeshis here who aren’t grateful are just frickin opportunist whining about everything. Don’t wanna take names but there are some living in US OR CANADA THAT KEEP WHINING ABOUT HOW EVERYTHING IS SHIT WHEN THEY ARE SETTLED IN A DIFFERENT COUNTRY.
I think you have reached a drastic conclusion. Mujib was not a mere street agitator, he was a great leader. I disagree with you there. I however agree that he was not a good administrator.
Yes, he became a leader but basically he was a agitator who found many faults in those parties and personalities who were in power and when he was in the opposition. But, when time came to lead the country he failed to deliver things that many other world leaders did in the past. Leadership is not speaking loud. It is about deliver what he promised. He could not buildup a functional administration, he wanted to demolish the military.

However, you have the right to believe he was a great leader. To me, he was also like a loudspeaker that sounded much without substance. I am not a blind person and I will not give positive ratings to Mujib as a national leader. Period.
Yes, he became a leader but basically he was a agitator who found many faults in those parties and personalities who were in power and when he was in the opposition. But, when time came to lead the country he failed to deliver things that many other world leaders did in the past. Leadership is not speaking loud. It is about deliver what he promised. He could not buildup a functional administration, he wanted to demolish the military.

However, you have the right to believe he was a great leader. To me, he was also like a loudspeaker that sounded much without substance. I am not a blind person and I will not give positive ratings to Mujib as a national leader. Period.

There are two different deliveries we are talking about here. One is leading the nation against the Pakistani establishment and gaining independence. He did the job perfectly. The other is delivering as the PM after independence, he is a failure in that regard. I just give credit to him where it's due, he deserves credit for independence, he did a superb job.
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There are some differences. Mujib's surrounding were treacherous to him . If you look at current politicians of Bangladesh , you will see the difference between them and the politicians of other countries .

Thankfully Hasina do not care about the sycophants by considering them true followers unlike Bangabandhu . You see now AL cabinet has no such ministers who established Mujib Bahini . Where is Tofael ahmed , Abdur razzak?
Everybody looks after their own interest and same goes for Assad regime. In fact, very few are loyal to Assad but they know that their fate is tied to him.

As for Hasina, it's part of taking control by putting in loyalist yes men. Bangabandhu did very little for independence and credit should go to Zia and Osmani.
Yes, he became a leader but basically he was a agitator who found many faults in those parties and personalities who were in power and when he was in the opposition. But, when time came to lead the country he failed to deliver things that many other world leaders did in the past. Leadership is not speaking loud. It is about deliver what he promised. He could not buildup a functional administration, he wanted to demolish the military.

However, you have the right to believe he was a great leader. To me, he was also like a loudspeaker that sounded much without substance. I am not a blind person and I will not give positive ratings to Mujib as a national leader. Period.

These are all valid nuanced points, but point is ....is Mujib a traitor? (for this poll/thread)

Traitor is very black/white issue. If George Washington side lost (and it really didnt look good for them for the longest part of the war if you study it), he would be remembered as a traitor.

But his side prevailed and won and now he is remembered as great revolutionary, general, founding father, president etc.

Washington had a past in service with British Army actually (I'll spare you the details but he actually arguably did a big role in starting a major bloody war with France in the area, whom later was his biggest ally when he turned against British) that is often overlooked by those who think his only history starts with US war of independence.

Your and other criticisms of Mujib is similar to criticisms given on Mao (Mao made many grievous mistakes in his rule of China). But I don't think anyone would call Mao a Traitor...given he did fight a war to establish the pre-eminent Chinese political state in modern times. Neither would any reasonable Indian call Nehru a traitor whatever mistakes he made during his tenure.

Simply put, most Pakistanis would see Mujib as a traitor (esp given something was pushed all in and blood was put on the line and spilled on it...hurt and pain and psyche damage sustains it).

But most Bangladeshis would see him the exact reverse (1st leader, political founder and "friend of Bengal").

It is my impression (and this is getting me increasingly in conflict with some Pakistani members here) that Mujib also did his level best to preserve the political union (he definitely believed in Pakistan original concept), given he won that election fair and square and should have been PM of all of Pakistan.

I personally would not call him traitor even from Pakistani perspective tbh...rather the West Pakistani political elite + military elite were traitors to (esp democratic system of) Pakistan, especially the actions they later did (to innocent people at vast scale) after rejecting and voiding the democratic result.

@Cliftonite may be one of the few Pakistanis in this forum to agree, when he is back from his ban. Let us see.

@Joe Shearer @itsanufy
I personally would not call him traitor even from Pakistani perspective tbh...rather the West Pakistani political elite + military elite were traitors to (esp democratic system of) Pakistan, especially the actions they later did (to innocent people at vast scale) after rejecting and voiding the democratic result.
In reality Pakistani political establishments except a few like Asghar Khan were traitors. They took away most of our export money and built industries in their side. When PM Suhrawardy was trying to reverse the flow he was sacked. General Ayub and General Yahya in a 1958 coup sacked Mirza Iskander from the east.

However, I must admit Ayub himself did quite a good job in the east. For example Kaptai Dam Electricity Project and many others. But, he was also basically a Bengali-hater. He built his career on the love for him by the Bengali politician/public when he was the GoC East Pakistan. He was promoted gradually at their recommendations. But, this very handsome Hazara Pathan did not quite like ugly Bengalis. So, he was not sincere towards the east.

The true nature of west Pakistani political establishment came out when they saw Mujib was going to be the PM of Pakistan. However, I must say it was not really racial but an expression of hate towards him and people in the east for showing solidarity against the west.

Actually, there were four President/PM form the east. Even Khwaja Nazimuddin of Dhaka took the place of Governor General after the death of Quaid-e-Azam. So, it might not have been the case of black or white.

After watching his capability in BD I sometimes think Yahya should have allowed him to be the PM. He would have fallen from power within six months because he had no real capability to build a country's economy although he was a disciple of a great mind of the east, H.S Suhrawardy.

By the way, I believe Mujib wanted Yahya to remain the President of Pakistan after his becoming the PM. You have to read between lines of his 7 March speech to understand this. It could have been a good balance, but drunkard Yahya either did not understand the gesture or did not want it that way. Yahya himself was another Bengali hater. He did not even allow the former Pakistan President Mirza Iskander to be buried in Pakistan soil. This President from the east was buried in Tehran.
except a few like Asghar Khan

A great man. One of highest scruples and honour. World would be better place if more politicians took page out of his book to shape their career the hard noble way, rather than easy immoral way.
Both enemy of Pakistan got what they deserved, Allah's wrath befall upon both 1 was murdered by the same people he so called want to liberate , and other was hanged by the same Radical Dictator he placed in position .
Do not please spit at the sky. It will fall upon your face. You are cursing a nation whom you bullied to the core and now cursing it. 1971 was a happy ending against a people who are not willing to develop their country.

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