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Sheikh Hasina's Govt. wants to malign Pakistan, says Pakistan Foreign Ministry

Pakistan should abdicate its colonel mentality. Bangladesh is an independent country now, just because it was a colony of Pakistan before doesn't mean Pakistan has the right to interfere in Bangladesh affairs.
These are matters between two brothers.. Who are you?
"Begani shadi mein abdullah deewana"
She is an educated, influential and an honourable woman who has the integrity to recognise the truth despite being against her own ethnicity. She has the courage and acumen to present the truth by authoring a book. And looser and delusional like you who has no achievement in life except for trolling in PDF with his head in his own rear end, is calling her names....wow....you are an ISO certified delusional and sick.
How many pages you have actually read ?
madam its 2015

Pakistan could easily close the chapter by acknowledging the human right violations and stating a public apology. You cannot undo the past. But there is no reason for bad relations with Bangladesh. Just my two cents.
Pakistan could easily close the chapter by acknowledging the human right violations and stating a public apology. You cannot undo the past. But there is no reason for bad relations with Bangladesh. Just my two cents.
what next?????????

Musharraf apology to Bangladesh

By David Blair in Islamabad

12:01AM BST 31 Jul 2002

President Pervaiz Musharraf of Pakistan took a bold step yesterday when he implicitly apologised for the atrocities that scarred Bangladesh's war for independence from his country in 1971.

Gen Musharraf's expression of "regret", the first by a Pakistani military ruler, came during an official visit to Bangladesh.

His words received a mixed response, with the Bangladeshi government welcoming them but the country's opposition denouncing his gesture as inadequate.

Gen Musharraf visited a war memorial at Savar, near the capital, Dhaka, and left a handwritten note in the visitors' book.

"Your brothers and sisters in Pakistan share the pain of the events in 1971," he wrote. "The excesses committed during the unfortunate period are regretted. Let us bury the past in the spirit of magnanimity. Let not the light of the future be dimmed."

Musharraf apology to Bangladesh - Telegraph
Did you people apologise for slaughtering hundreds and thousands of kashmiris. Did you people apologise for slaughtering, raping muslims on streets of gujraat? Did you people apologise for killing muslims/Pakistanis in smjhota express? Give you hypocrisy a break and clean your own house first.
You people cant even tolerate food prefrences of your neighbours and yet jump in the first row to lecture others.
If you people really care about death of Muslims please stop sending your gust faculties from Islamia jehadia Institute of terrorism, Bhawalpur

And regarding Gujarat, It was a riot started by few hundreds of Islamic fanatics by burning the train filled with pilgrims without any provocation. though I condemn it, we have to live with it
If you people really care about death of Muslims please stop sending your gust faculties from Islamia jehadia Institute of terrorism, Bhawalpur

And regarding Gujarat, It was a riot started by few hundreds of Islamic fanatics by burning the train filled with pilgrims without any provocation. though I condemn it, we have to live with it

Sure words of indians can be trusted without adoubt

Firstly, all the trouble in the North-East is sponsored by ISI, as always. Seems pretty much all the violence in South Asia has a Pakistani involvement to it. So any human rights violations are an equal responsibility of Pakistan as much as anyone else.

Read about ISI spawning terror in India's North-East:

India’s Treacherous Northeast

Secondly, the only reason India is held to a higher standard in human rights is because we have respected them. So any ans every violation that happened is held against us and we take responsibility for it. Countries such as Pakistan that don't respect them are not held to the same standard. Because neither will Pakistan stop the violations, nor will you take responsibility for them. Take for instance Balochistan, and the horrible violations being perpetrated there as we speak:

HRCP says concerned over rights violations in Balochistan - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Unabated Human Rights Abuses in Balochistan, and the Silence of the United Nations - Balochi TV Online

Balochistan: 'Hundreds of people abducted and murdered by Pakistan army' activists warn

UK Baloch Diaspora raises stink about rights violations back home | Business Standard News

I too investigated it

Congratulations for independently investigating and refuting what 101 investigation commissions, 1001 court cases and 10001 authors could find.

Did you people apologise for slaughtering hundreds and thousands of kashmiris. Did you people apologise for slaughtering, raping muslims on streets of gujraat? Did you people apologise for killing muslims/Pakistanis in smjhota express? Give you hypocrisy a break and clean your own house first.
You people cant even tolerate food prefrences of your neighbours and yet jump in the first row to lecture others.

Kashmir, Gujarat, Samjhauta, Beef. So if the past two decades had not happened, Pakistan's list of complains against India would have only been Kashmir, right? Did that stop Pakistanis from eternal enmity towards India till 2000? You can concoct whatever you wish to concoct to explain virulent Pakistani hatred for Indians. The hatred came first, the justifications afterwards.
Whatever the grievances of East Pakistani's @ 1971, I'm sure there were systems in place to resolve the issues amicably and there was absolutely no reason to go sleep with the enemy. It was Bengalis that actually declared war on West Pakistan, therefore, they got what the begged for. Treachery was answered with treachery. No one needs to apologize, specially Pakistan to Bangladesh.

Furthermore, other Indian false flaggers here better watch what they write. Don't go on with your hyperboles, if you have proof, then explain everything in detail, otherwise, your Yankee sounding nicks will be in red, way sooner than you can say ooops!
Ok sleep well pls. Bangladesh is not looking towards Pakistan. Infact it is vice versa Pakistan looking to get Loan from Bangladesh as brotherly help. They are far far ahead in economy , security and development.

I suspect you are a Pakistani not Bangladeshi
It is beginning to dawn on the Sangh Parivar at last, that there is no difference when it comes to the question of VHP's plans of establishing Akhand Bharat eliminating all Muslims from SA - not just from India.
It is beginning to dawn on the Sangh Parivar at last, that there is no difference when it comes to the question of VHP's plans of establishing Akhand Bharat eliminating all Muslims from SA - not just from India.

This will not going to happen. Pls wakeup from dream.

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