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Sheikh Hasina's Govt. wants to malign Pakistan, says Pakistan Foreign Ministry

Why you are so much upset.. Whatever I have claimed is through authenticate source not by just saying in air.
And I haven't claimed any victory. I just question about the incident and about propaganda. And I don't think I have done wrong. Problem with you people is that you just follow chanakaya theory blindly. Now everyone is aware of that too. And now a days news and information media is too active. You can just claim that 20,000-90,000 army killed 3000000 people and raped 500000 women's. No one will buy out that.

Look, you are the one who believes that Indians follow Chanakya. Ask the majority of the Indian members on PDF if they have even read his treatises. The answer will be an overwhelming no. You are the one who is soaked in propaganda.

As for use of the internet to access information, you will gain little by using it the way you do. You could have used it to gain perspective on how your country has committed genocide, a history that is still not taught in your schools. You could have gained information about state-sponsoring of terrorism from the 80s onwards, and how it has created the monster that your country is now fighting in the form of three civil war. You could have used it to understand how minorities are ill-treated in Pakistan. You could have used it to understand that your Hudood laws are an insult to humankind. You could have used it to find out that Pakistanis are the most deported people in the world, because wherever they go, they indulge in illicit activities and fraud. You could have used it to understand how the rest of the world perceives your country.

Instead, you have used it to understand that all Indians follow Chanakya. Your internet connection is wasted. Get rid of it and save yourself some money.
1.Alas! While BD is all but subdued, Pakistan is dancing to the music of India. What a sad day for the Muslims of SA!
2. Both nations need each other for the preservation of the Islamic faith in SA. Although SA has the largest concentration of Muslims, we face a neo-Andalusia project of inquisition and eradication at the hands of the Hindu extremists. We can only pray for sensible leadership to rise in both political and intellectual arena of both BD and Pakistan. Else Cordoba followed by Grenada shall happen again.
1.SHW/BAL has been installed into power illegally without election by RAW. Therefore, BD's national security and foreign affairs are outsourced to Delhi. Delhi desires a total cutting off of our umbilical chord with the Ummah. The Constitution has been amended to make it a secular nation, not a Muslim nation.
2. Pakistan must accept her part of the blames. She erred in '71 by not handing over powers to the elected govt. And then, massacring own citizens is an inexcusable sin that the Pakistani nation must bear for long.
3. Except SHW, Pakistan had good relations with all BD govts. She should have taken initiative to:
a. Move ahead in terms of the Hamudoor Rahman Commission and put on trial all those responsible for the break-up of the country.
b. Pakistan should have tried all those responsible for wanton killings and rapes which are a disgrace to any army or any man in uniform anywhere in the world.
c. Form a joint commission with BD to share national assets as on 25 March 1971.
4. These actions would have brought natural balance and strength in our relationship that India could not have exploited.

21 August 2004 .... BD changed forever
Why you are so much upset.. Whatever I have claimed is through authenticate source not by just saying in air.
And I haven't claimed any victory. I just question about the incident and about propaganda. And I don't think I have done wrong. Problem with you people is that you just follow chanakaya theory blindly. Now everyone is aware of that too. And now a days news and information media is too active. You can just claim that 20,000-90,000 army killed 3000000 people and raped 500000 women's. No one will buy out that.

The numbers are over a 9 month period. It is entirely plausible.

we will never know the true numbers
The numbers are over a 9 month period. It is entirely plausible.

we will never know the true numbers
These all are totally baseless claim. What can we expect from a traitor who was involved in conspiracy from 1969 and was caught red handed. Nobody counted the Indian Muslims who migrated to east Pakistan in 1947. A proper investigation is due. These exaggerated figure was a total propaganda who don't want to see two Muslims brothers to unite.Same strategy is adopted in middle east between Sunni and Shia. Its divide and rule theory.
Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971 - Al Jazeera English
These all are totally baseless claim. What can we expect from a traitor who was involved in conspiracy from 1969 and was caught red handed. Nobody counted the Indian Muslims who migrated to east Pakistan in 1947. A proper investigation is due. These exaggerated figure was a total propaganda who don't want to see two Muslims brothers to unite.Same strategy is adopted in middle east between Sunni and Shia. Its divide and rule theory.
Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971 - Al Jazeera English

The Punjabi Muslim & Mohajhir elite in charge of Pakistan discriminated against Bengalis. Why impose Urdu language when majority of the population speaks Bengali ? Why deploy 90% of your army in West Pakistan when East Pakistan is 60% of your population. Biharis account for 2-3% of East Pakistan's population.

Do not blame Mujib when West Pakistan was not willing to give the East Pakistanis their fair share.

If outsiders are responsible for the breakup nothing stops Pakistan and Bangladesh from unifying.

If Saddam had treated the Shias and Kurds as human beings they are less likely to be bitter. It is easy to blame others for your faults.
DHAKA, November 30, 2015
Updated: November 30, 2015 23:22 IST

Pakistan denies war crimes in Bangladesh

  • main_qimg_c9fe51f581696fd1f631bdf155c3b9b7.jpg

The Pakistan Foreign Ministry has summoned Bangladesh’s envoy in Islamabad to protest Dhaka’s reactions.

Pakistan on Monday denied that its armed forces had committed war crimes during Bangladesh’s Liberation War in 1971. Earlier, the Bangladesh government had strongly criticised Islamabad’s comments on the war crimes trial and execution of convicted war criminals.

The Pakistan Foreign Ministry on Monday summoned Bangladesh’s envoy in Islamabad to protest Dhaka’s reactions.

It termed Dhaka’s reactions as “baseless and unfounded assertions of Bangladesh against Pakistan”.

“It is regrettable that attempts have been made by the Government of Bangladesh to malign Pakistan, despite our ardent desire to develop brotherly relations,” the foreign ministry said.

“Pakistan believes that the peoples of both countries not only want to maintain but also further strengthen the bonds of friendship and brotherhood,” it said.

Pakistan denies war crimes in Bangladesh - The Hindu

I wonder why Sheikh Hasina or Bangladesh doesn't deny the war crimes, genocide and brutality of Mukti Bahini? Heh?
Look, you are the one who believes that Indians follow Chanakya. Ask the majority of the Indian members on PDF if they have even read his treatises. The answer will be an overwhelming no. You are the one who is soaked in propaganda.

As for use of the internet to access information, you will gain little by using it the way you do. You could have used it to gain perspective on how your country has committed genocide, a history that is still not taught in your schools. You could have gained information about state-sponsoring of terrorism from the 80s onwards, and how it has created the monster that your country is now fighting in the form of three civil war. You could have used it to understand how minorities are ill-treated in Pakistan. You could have used it to understand that your Hudood laws are an insult to humankind. You could have used it to find out that Pakistanis are the most deported people in the world, because wherever they go, they indulge in illicit activities and fraud. You could have used it to understand how the rest of the world perceives your country.

Instead, you have used it to understand that all Indians follow Chanakya. Your internet connection is wasted. Get rid of it and save yourself some money.
There are thousand of Institute and government organisation in India named chanakaya.
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Minorities are illtreated countlessly in India..and live videos are floating in youtube and others channels on daily basis.
You have shared two videos in your blog. These can't be considered by any one as single persona is narrating the stories.
Mujahiddin was creatd in 1980 to fight Soviet Russia but that was the need of both Pakistan and Afghaistan and in past Russia was involved in east Pakistan partition, so we pay them back.
I can't accept that monster was created. Taliban was doing good job in Afghanistan under the leadership of Mullah Omar. All drugs activities was stopped. Even before 9/11 they were involved in many economic front including US.
You can't blame them for 9/11 too as majority of Americans believe that it was inside job.
But after 9/11 things goes wrong when americans attacked. But they too were defeated. But in between RAW and NDS were successful in creation of TTP after swat valley operation. They killed 80000 pakistanis. But they are not spared and almost they are finished in pakistan though some are still under safe haven of NDS in Afghanistan.
You are saying about deportation. This is totally different matter. It was taken place because of paris attack by ISIS and it affects globally.So you can't blame singly on pakistan.
Some pakistani are bringing fame to pakistan globally and some defaming. Same I can give example with Indians also.
And I am using internet not only for exploring history but also in many technologies i.e. database and .net what wrong in that.
But you please use internet in right direction instead of claiming wrong information such as sri krishna commision.

I wonder why Sheikh Hasina or Bangladesh doesn't deny the war crimes, genocide and brutality of Mukti Bahini? Heh?
Bro don't worry. Seikh Hasnia is criminal and against Islam and very soon she too will be hanged along with other family members. Majority of Bangladeshi is against her.
There are thousand of Institute and government organisation in India named chanakaya.

There are thousands :-) of institutes in India named Chanakya, so why then you could find only 2/3? Post the list of thousands :coffee:

And QED, Indians are followers of Chanakya! @mods Why don't you have a minimum IQ threshold for membership to PDF?
These all are totally baseless claim. What can we expect from a traitor who was involved in conspiracy from 1969 and was caught red handed. Nobody counted the Indian Muslims who migrated to east Pakistan in 1947. A proper investigation is due. These exaggerated figure was a total propaganda who don't want to see two Muslims brothers to unite.Same strategy is adopted in middle east between Sunni and Shia. Its divide and rule theory.
Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971 - Al Jazeera English

GOP should engage with GOB and seek the list of killed. These are available in GOP as well as GOB records. Civil admin in BD had remained intact almost till the end. The list should categorize fols:

a. Non-Bengali / Bihari civilians killed.
b. Rajakars n/ collaborators killed.
c. Bengali civilians killed.
d. Bengali FFs killed.
e. Bengali regular troops killed.
f. Pak soldiers, WP Rangers,FC Scouts, WP Police, etc killed.
g. Indian troops killed. Indians give out a figure of 3,900, but it is not clear if that is only for BD or also the Western front.
The Punjabi Muslim & Mohajhir elite in charge of Pakistan discriminated against Bengalis. Why impose Urdu language when majority of the population speaks Bengali ? Why deploy 90% of your army in West Pakistan when East Pakistan is 60% of your population. Biharis account for 2-3% of East Pakistan's population.

Do not blame Mujib when West Pakistan was not willing to give the East Pakistanis their fair share.

If outsiders are responsible for the breakup nothing stops Pakistan and Bangladesh from unifying.

If Saddam had treated the Shias and Kurds as human beings they are less likely to be bitter. It is easy to blame others for your faults.
There were some political problems in every country and that doesn't mean that outsider will interfere. I am talking about Mujibur Rehman agartala conspiracy well before election.
Agartala Conspiracy confession, what does it mean for our history

There are thousands :-) of institutes in India named Chanakya, so why then you could find only 2/3? Post the list of thousands :coffee:

And QED, Indians are followers of Chanakya! @mods Why don't you have a minimum IQ threshold for membership to PDF?
Hahahahaha...You are fool..
Just type "chanakaya" in google..I bet you too will find out that.. Not so hard dude...
These all are totally baseless claim. What can we expect from a traitor who was involved in conspiracy from 1969 and was caught red handed. Nobody counted the Indian Muslims who migrated to east Pakistan in 1947. A proper investigation is due. These exaggerated figure was a total propaganda who don't want to see two Muslims brothers to unite.Same strategy is adopted in middle east between Sunni and Shia. Its divide and rule theory.
Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971 - Al Jazeera English

Oh I missed this gem from you....so you finally posted that Al Jazeera article.:lol::lol::lol:

Abe duffer, gadhe kahin ke. Read the article! It was posted by Sharmila Bose in response to scathing criticism of her shitty book! In which she defends her research methodology. No groundbreaking news here.

Bhai tu school kyun nahin gaya tha?:D
21 August 2004 .... BD changed forever

BD may change as it may but Indian core planners have not deviated from their Objective of subjugating BD slowly and gradually like a python devours a rabbit.
GOP should engage with GOB and seek the list of killed. These are available in GOP as well as GOB records. Civil admin in BD had remained intact almost till the end. The list should categorize fols:

a. Non-Bengali / Bihari civilians killed.
b. Rajakars n/ collaborators killed.
c. Bengali civilians killed.
d. Bengali FFs killed.
e. Bengali regular troops killed.
f. Pak soldiers, WP Rangers,FC Scouts, WP Police, etc killed.
g. Indian troops killed. Indians give out a figure of 3,900, but it is not clear if that is only for BD or also the Western front.
Yes I too agree with you. Both government should involved. I truly appreciate.
Bro I never want to see muslims fighting muslims around the globe even with non-muslims without any cause means if other party is doing something wrong.

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