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She asked Me – “Why do Indians lie? Is it in your Culture?” I answered "YES".

what trolling ?

north Indians and bengalis are 2 totally different set of people. people here on average tall, light skinned and more Caucasoid while people in bangal region are very short, dark and drives main ancestry from Australoid race.

islam is universal but allah made us different so we must preserve our genetic diversity. our culture,history,race almost everything is different.
Your entire reply is trolling...

LOL, you are talking with a Sylheti Bengali here. Your taller than Everest height and milky white skin type superiority complex just dont work here. And your "Bangal" located in Indian union.

Islam teach us to be good human and prepare ourselve for afterlife with good deeds. Allah created humankind from just a couple. Islam doesn't stop you to practice your culture as long as it doesn't contradicts with Islamic value. So, racism has no place in Islam.

If you cant make sensible reply, just dont quote me. Thanks...
The most difficult question: Are you a liar?
Your entire reply is trolling...

LOL, you are talking with a Sylheti Bengali here. Your taller than Everest height and milky white skin type superiority complex just dont work here. And your "Bangal" located in Indian union.

Islam teach us to be good human and prepare ourselve for afterlife with good deeds. Allah created humankind from just a couple. Islam doesn't stop you to practice your culture as long as it doesn't contradicts with Islamic value. So, racism has no place in Islam.

If you cant make sensible reply, just dont quote me. Thanks...
So you are an assamese ?
Gora are funny they dont like it when other lie to them but when it comes to government and other important roles they say its ok to lie.

The indian should have asked her about the weapons of mass destruction in iraq cough cough
And there, by answering in "yes" - you lied again:rofl:

This whole article is :blah::blah:
he is stupid enough

what is Hindu mindset ? for your own Information, Delhi/Agra is filled with Muslims, most of low paying jobs such as tourist guide, Autowalas, shops are dominated by Muslims.
he does not understand your language
I have a book narrating the events of down fall, but currently I am busy with some other books, I would have started reading this book, but it takes a lot of courage to read about the downfall and all that followed...... may be someday I would start reading it. However, what made them stop focusing on military strength?

The subject has always greatly interested me, so I've had time to read several books on Al-Andalus. Without going too off topic, the downfall in terms of military really begins with fracturing the Umayyad Caliphate around the end of the 10th century, when you had Al-Hisham (A child) as the puppet monarch behind the strongman Al-Mansur (known in the west as Almanzor). Al-Mansur, a very astute politician and great general, was generally disliked by the Caliphate' traditional elite, so he for,ed his own private army made up mostly of Berber mercenaries from North Africa. He used these troops to attack the Christian Kingdoms in Spain's north, as a way of making glory for himself, alleviating political pressure and uniting the realm.

Although these campaigns were successful in looting and gaining tribute in Al-Mansur's life time, things turned for the worse upon his death. A civil war broke out between his descendants and those of the Umayyad dynasty, and as well his campaigns had the reverse effect of actually uniting the previously divided Christian Kingdoms , under the leadership of Sancho the Great, who made advantage of the Umayyad Civil War, taking much territory whilst forming his own Muslim barrier states.

I could go into further detail but I think we should start a seperate thread.
I used to have a Canadian Indian friend. He is now an enemy. However, that cockroach was a compulsive liar. He was not intelligent, not competent, just a liar. An expert liar with no brain. He thought he was really good at lying, too. 99% of the time I played along because that faggerjot seemed so invested in his obvious lies.

To be fair, a lot of Pakistani Punjabis have the exact same trait. Not as bad as Indians, but up there in BSery.
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Are you trolling here?

Islam is universal. There is no country or racial specific practice in Islam. Its the same with difference in style.

If you dont know meaning of Muslim, then please educate yourself or dont talk rubbish...
as i said before, i am Muslim according to Arabs. i dont need validation from other converts. :)
According to Arabs ? What Arabs? Syrian, Saudi emarti? theyre are many arabs

Unlike you I am not convert. ( ie if you're) Arabs do noise own Islam.
@Oscar @waz Please guys check this bharti troll taking cheap shots at Islam
According to Arabs ? What Arabs? Syrian, Saudi emarti? theyre are many arabs

Unlike you I am not convert. ( ie if you're) Arabs do noise own Islam.
@Oscar @waz Please guys check this bharti troll taking cheap shots at Islam
guy who converted me or a online witness was a arab Imam thats all i know. scroll up and read few of my post and you will get all answers.

why are u getting Angry. you can deny all you want but Islam is started by arabs, and when we read quran we read it in Arabic. i was advised to pray in Arabic as well. Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) was an Arab as well.

I am a Muslim now, and a proud one. nobody have right to judge whos muslim beside Allah(swt). and only due to his Grace upon me i Accepted Massage of Muhammad(PBUH).

if you still want to know more about me ask to @lcarus .
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