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Shaukat Aziz advisor to Lakshmi Mittal

Indians wanted him desperately.... i believe if it was not political reasons he may have been appointed financial advisor to indian state next day he left Pakistan.
Smart move by mittal... he has world's top financial person as his advisor.

Yea right like Mittal Industries was owned by Indian government...After reading all these posts by Indians and Pakistanis its surprising that you didnt understand anything ..
Indians wanted him desperately.... i believe if it was not political reasons he may have been appointed financial advisor to indian state next day he left Pakistan.
Smart move by mittal... he has world's top financial person as his advisor.

A banker is not the same as a financial advisor firstly. And India has Dr. Manmohan Singh, the true economic guru.

Economics not the same as finance which is not the same as banking.

Also, Mittal's business is entirely out of India.
Shaukat Aziz Denies He's Adviser To Mittal | PK on web
NEW YORK/KARACHI: The former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr Shaukat Aziz, on Thursday denied that he had been appointed as a financial adviser by Indian billionaire and ArcleorMittal chief executive Lakshmi Mittal, reports the Asian Age London correspondent.

Reports emanating from Pakistan had claimed that Mittal, a British of Indian-descent, who is the richest man in the UK, had appointed Shaukat Aziz as a financial adviser.
Lakshmi Mittal, who is owner of some 30 steels mills in India, made Shaukat Aziz’s appointment in his London office, said Financial Daily. It is alleged that the former Prime Minister had reportedly accepted bid from Mittal’s group for sale of Pakistan Steel Mills, which was later stopped by the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

However, Aziz, a former banker with CitiGroup, told the Indian newspaper that the reports of being appointed Financial Adviser to Mittal were “absolutely incorrect.”

Here is a news item, but i dont know whether we can trust this one or not
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Does not make sense at all.
First, if Aziz knew the secrets of our country's assets than he would be dead by now. The reason for this is that he went straight to the U.S. or U.K. which shows that he was potentially a security threat for our country. See the example of Musharaf..I am not saying that he did or will spell out secrets but he is potentially a risk to our country. It is right that former PM's or presidents also have to earn money but I think they made enough money to live an executive life in Pakistan. It if a fact that they could live a lavish life and if they could than why did they go abroad. I think Aziz was an appointed PM by someone else...rather than a "truly' nominated person...
So, if the top brass knew the role of Aziz as a PM than why didn't they take an action against him....and same goes with Musharaf..he did not take any action against "his" PM...CJ had to take an action against them...

anyways...Aziz is not given a **** by Pakistani people..so he joins Mittal or Buffett we don't care as he left us all alone and went...
Why not George Bush is given a job as an advisor to Mansha or A P K Abdul Kalam given an advisor job...the question is will they accept it?
I don't think that they will...
So the cheese melts in a plate of patriotism...
thats all I have to say...
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Why not George Bush is given a job as an advisor to Mansha or A P K Abdul Kalam given an advisor job...the question is will they accept it?
I don't think that they will...

Perhaps because they are not MBAs... and perhaps Abdul Kalam will prefer the job of a physicist than an economic adviser.... and George Bush will prefer well ..... a Rambo Rambo Jhon Rambo kind of job :oops:
Indians wanted him desperately.... i believe if it was not political reasons he may have been appointed financial advisor to indian state next day he left Pakistan.
Smart move by mittal... he has world's top financial person as his advisor.

Don't exagerate too much.

If aziz was world's best pakistan has become Japan in economic terms.
Perhaps because they are not MBAs... and perhaps Abdul Kalam will prefer the job of a physicist than an economic adviser.... and George Bush will prefer well ..... a Rambo Rambo Jhon Rambo kind of job :oops:

I gave a random example...anyways..
Based on Aziz's theory..Manmohan should work as an advisor to Mansha as Manmohan is an Economist...rest search on google about other people who can fit as an advisors to Pakistani companies...
Regardless of Aziz or Uncle Mushy are working as advisors or not...they should not have left Pakistan at all..
Same goes to Sharif, Bhutto, MQM etc..
God damn..you are Pakistani leaders..and some of them consider themselves as Bond 001..still they prefer to live outside...
Proof the pudding is in eating it? Where is Pakistan Steel and Mittal Steel today?

The man has successfully turned around many a steel mill and saved many a jobs.

You don't become the third richest man by just being an Indian?



My pakistanis colleagues have a really really hard time understanding who Mittal really is.

Mittal would turnde this steeel mill around and taken its production to the next level.

The pak steel mill was running at a loss when Musharraf came into power---he appointed a very capable man who turned it around to show profit. The steel mill was ready to be taken over by someone who had money to invest in it.

Mittal was a God sent oppurtunity----and we decked him---some people turn dirt to gold---we turn gold to dirt---the steel mill has been mismanaged so much again---old machinery has broken dowwn----it is in horrible condition now---a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars---.

Only and only pakistanis can do it to themselves---all that hoopla about the land attached to the steel mill was a farce---it was only one fourth of what was mentioned---if Judge Chaudhry would have found proof that Mittal was not investing money in the steel mill as he had promiased---the judge could have ordered the takeover of the mill---.

We were presented with a goose that laid the golden egg---the judge cut it up and had it for dinner----judge Chaudhry another one of your great judgements---.
Don't exagerate too much.

If aziz was world's best pakistan has become Japan in economic terms.


If you would have known us pakistanis better, you would not have made that comment.

We had another finacial advisor---they used to worship him in south korea---setup their econimic and industrial system---when we got him---we hung him.
We were presented with a goose that laid the golden egg---the judge cut it up and had it for dinner----judge Chaudhry another one of your great judgements---.
And you know what?

---he appointed a very capable man who turned it around to show profit.
The same very capable man who turned it around to show profit was against selling Pakistan Steel; and you want to know some more? The same very capable man who turned it around to show profit and apposed the privatization of Pakistan Steel was thrown out by Aziz/Musharraf so the shady deal could take place...And should I tell you some more? Let it go, next time...

If you would have known us pakistanis better, you would not have made that comment.

We had another finacial advisor---they used to worship him in south korea---setup their econimic and industrial system---when we got him---we hung him.
You know why? he made a fundamental mistake...He thought Pakistan was South Korea. Any policy that is designed for Pakistan while keeping the system of a foreign country in mind is bound to fail.
Regardless of Mittal or anyone else..our doors are open for everyone..
The question here is not to point out Mittal but his biological roots..
Do you know for sure Mastan Khan, Mittal would have turned Steel Mills upside down with Russian investment in it according to some sources (I am not ratifying them)..I do not think so Mittal was planning to do that...based on pure speculation of mine as I am no one to judge the acts....
Had I been Mittal, I would have taken over Steel Mills to further weaken a wounded hen i.e. Pakistan...
The way deal struct between Mushy and Mittal was not made a golden egg in newspapers which meant something else was going on....
How the earth can you afford so much luxury life without the bribes of beloved dads of our politicians i.e. the U.S.

The point of discussion everywhere including forums, chatting sites, parliaments etc has turned either you agree with me if not than go to :smokin:...

Blame game or taking sides lead us nowhere except a dark road..
The concept of discussion is to understand and understand based on facts not on your view points about things....
If, before posting something we have decided that no matter what we will justify Mushy or Mittal than we are not regarded as a person who has academic and facts based reviews...

We have blamed that ohh my God Mushy was a great person but his team was stupid/whatnot....but than we give all the good credit to Mushy and the things which went wrong are blamed on his team...you see pick and choose what you like...
People know what I am talking about...
and there are many examples on this forum who always always always take Musharaf as a hero...they post articles saying Pakistan a golden dinosaur under Mushy and when someone posts an article stating wrong decisions made by Mushy..people blame that on Mushy's team or the previous governments...
When people say that the problem of terrorism was an on going issue and was not started under Mushy's era than the foundation of our "golden dinosaur" economy was also laid before Mushy...you cannot pick and choose what you like...
General Musharaf made Pakistan a living hell and it is a reality...

Increasing mobile phones from 7 million to 70 million is not an economic revolution instead increasing literacy rate from 30 percent to 70 percent is a true revolution..Construction of a 7 star hotel in Islamabad is not an economic revolution instead sustaining 7 star hotel is an economic revolution..buying aircrafts from other countries is not Pakistan tujhe Salam instead flying home made 5 gen aircraft is Pakistan tujhe Salam....Pakistani people saving Pakistan is a true meaning of a united and patriotic nation not China saving Pakistan is a glorious Pakistan..Me, you and others saving Steel Mills is a unity not Mittal saving Steel Mills is a golden egg...
Getting a good education from abroad and going back to Pakistan to serve your country is something achievable not getting education from the U.S. or Canada and yaking on the forums is considered to be an achievement...
Supporting people of Pakistan will make Pakistan an international power...
Supporting people like Musharaf, Zardari, Fazal ur Rehman, Altaf Hussain, Sharifs etc will make Pakistan an international beggar..which we already have achieved...
Qsaark and other guys...if you have technical eduction than go to Pakistan...serve the people of your nationality...getting a million dollar in the U.S. will lead us nowhere except living a 70 years life in better condition...
I am going to university InshAllah this September in Canada and I am starting a NPO this year with professional people who will work in Swat, Balochistan and other poor areas...construct state of the art hospitals, doing every possible thing which can help my people i.e. people of Pakistan etc..I have learned a lot living in Canada regarding how to improve infrastructure...I will create awareness among Canadians so they know what Pakistan is...Tourism...we don't have to fight with everyone instead we have to tell foreigners that Pakistan is a nice place to visit...Swat, Himalayas, Gwadar...etc..
Maybe I fail to achieve my goals but at least my God will never question me that what did I do for my country....
Someone has to rise and do something instead posting and blaming each other..
I hope people of Pakistan appreciate my mission...
Moreover, people of Pakistan should forget the differences and move forward..
Mittal topic is an old one...Mittal is making another billion right now while Mushy is making another hundred thousand right now....who cares...
Stop blaming the past...Make a valuable future...

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Don't exagerate too much.

If aziz was world's best pakistan has become Japan in economic terms.

i think aziz have clarified this news is crap
Lets do some empirical checking on the thesis... lets see whats the economic indicators has to say on the matter. Lets compare the Data for different primers and see how they performed in economic terms.

GDP Growth in 1999: 3.1 % [Nawaz Sharif's Era]
GDP Growth in 2005: 8.4 % [Shaukat Aziz's Era]
GDP Growth in 2007: 7 % [Shaukat Aziz's Era]
GDP Growth in 2009: 2.7 % [Gillani's Era]
GDP Growth in 2010 (estimated): 2.4% [Gillani's Era]
(putting it simply it shows at what rate your economy is growing)

And the performance of Large Scale Industries (i'll talk about its importance for a country in future)

Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) in 1999: 1.5% [Nawaz Sharif's Era]
Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) in 2005: 19.9% [Shaukat Aziz's Era as FM]
Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) in 2007: 8.6% [Shaukat Aziz's Era]
Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) in 2008: 4.8% [Late Aziz and Early Gillani's Era]

And Per Capita Income (which means how much on the average every citizen of the country in earning per year... off course in real life its not normally distributed but is a single representative figure)

GDP per Capita Income in 1999: $ 450
GDP per Capita Income in 2007: $ 926
GDP per Capita Income in 2008: $1085

Now why is this figure so important... because most of the WTO [World Trade Organization] are effective for countries with less than $ 1,000 per capita income.

You can compare the performance of pre-aziz era and post-aziz era with the links given below [i'll be glad to help you with that]. But all this establishes that he was a good economist or policy maker or whatever you may say.

But coming down to the point 'why didn't he made Japan out of the country'. The answer is simple it takes decade to reach that level. It took America, Japan and Germany years to become the economic power houses we now know them to be. And even after 2 decades of steady growth it will take China and India at least 2 more decades to reach that point.

Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Pakistan
I gave a random example...anyways..
Based on Aziz's theory..Manmohan should work as an advisor to Mansha as Manmohan is an Economist...rest search on google about other people who can fit as an advisors to Pakistani companies...
Regardless of Aziz or Uncle Mushy are working as advisors or not...they should not have left Pakistan at all..
Same goes to Sharif, Bhutto, MQM etc..
God damn..you are Pakistani leaders..and some of them consider themselves as Bond 001..still they prefer to live outside...

Okay here is Forbes richest 20 people of the world list
# William Gates III
# Warren Buffett
# Carlos Slim Helú
# Lawrence Ellison
# Ingvar Kamprad
# Karl Albrecht
# Mukesh Ambani
# Lakshmi Mittal

# Theo Albrecht
# Amancio Ortega
# Jim Walton
# Alice Walton
# Christy Walton
# S Robson Walton
# Bernard Arnault
# Li Ka-shing
# Michael Bloomberg
# Stefan Persson
# Charles Koch
# David Koch

I don't see any of my country men over here, nor will you see them in the top 100 list, nor in the top 250 lists. Where as you see 6 Indian citizens or people of Indian origin in top 100 list, and 15 in top 250 list. Which means they can afford to hire them and we can't. A better argument would have been ' Manmohan working for Warren Buffet or Ingvar Kamprad'. But the counter is 'will those people hire Manmohan.':smokin:

Source: The World's Billionaires - Forbes.com
Richest People in the World 2009 - Billionaire List
List of billionaires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Okay here is Forbes richest 20 people of the world list
# William Gates III
# Warren Buffett
# Carlos Slim Helú
# Lawrence Ellison
# Ingvar Kamprad
# Karl Albrecht
# Mukesh Ambani
# Lakshmi Mittal

# Theo Albrecht
# Amancio Ortega
# Jim Walton
# Alice Walton
# Christy Walton
# S Robson Walton
# Bernard Arnault
# Li Ka-shing
# Michael Bloomberg
# Stefan Persson
# Charles Koch
# David Koch

I don't see any of my country men over here, nor will you see them in the top 100 list, nor in the top 250 lists. Where as you see 6 Indian citizens or people of Indian origin in top 100 list, and 15 in top 250 list. Which means they can afford to hire them and we can't. A better argument would have been ' Manmohan working for Warren Buffet or Ingvar Kamprad'. But the counter is 'will those people hire Manmohan.':smokin:

Source: The World's Billionaires - Forbes.com
Richest People in the World 2009 - Billionaire List
List of billionaires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The only point of my post was to ask that are the people of hostile nations ready to work for our country..
I don't think so..
Try to read the posts and understand the questions please.

once again please...

and understand the concept of GDP..
I am reading about it in my school (Canadian one)...
so don't use the label of a conspiracy theorist...
Search what alternative indicators are being used to monitor economic growth..
A tip for you..
the more the GDP is the more the country is surrounded by social issues...
Rest...search and understand according to your believes..
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