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Shame on you India, it was mutton not beef

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Mind you tongue.... you are speaking to a senior.. evryone has the right to express his ot her views... if you dnt like argue politely or move on...dont Abuse!!! The accusations you made against him are baseless... try following his previous posts... he is against any bigotry...
@Joe Shearer ... pardon him.. he is a kid..

That is the problem with religious extremists like him, be it Islamists or Hindutva goons. They don't want to hear the opposite view point. The concept of peaceful dissent is alien to them.
Mind you tongue.... you are speaking to a senior.. evryone has the right to express his ot her views... if you dnt like argue politely or move on...dont Abuse!!! The accusations you made against him are baseless... try following his previous posts... he is against any bigotry...
@Joe Shearer ... pardon him.. he is a kid..

I beg to differ. He is a poisonous pustule.
That is the problem with religious extremists like him, be it Islamists or Hindutva goons. They don't .want to hear the opposite view point. The concept of peaceful dissent is alien to them.

Coming from a state where the concept of peaceful dissent is unknown, that is very rich of you. Do not say you are an Assamese and so much better off than a Bengali.
The likes of you are abused everyday in this country. Today, except for more antinational Bongs no one speaks up for you. That is how low you have fallen.

I have some shocking news for you.

Unlike you, I need no one to speak for me. And I do not consider speaking up in the face of a mass of savages - you and your like - falling low.
May be you do not know, India permits death penalty. We are not talking EU here.

According to him speaking English confers civilization on people. Him and his chelas used to regale vapid tales of their English breakfast as if the rest of us commoners in India were privileged to be privy to his morning repasts.
Well you muslims are having the misfortune of being downtrodden by your own fellow muslims east of your border!!! :lol: well thats more hurtful i guess...

Albert Einstein was correct in his assumption of articulating the opinion: "Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity". If you have any trouble understanding which category you belong to then please consult the special school needs teacher. Afghanistan is controlled by the Taliban and eventually the Mayor of Kabul recognized as Ashraf Ghani will cease to exists politically. However our troubles from the east does not stem from religious differences. Please continue to laugh, because a old man was lynched and its time to celebrate with your colleagues. Make sure to purchase Indian sweets and distribute it to your neighbors.
Coming from a state where the concept of peaceful dissent is unknown, that is very rich of you. Do not say you are an Assamese and so much better off than a Bengali.

The prob with you is you have mixed nationalism wiyh religion.. you will end up like your western neighbour... many from our minorities have been patriotic leaders in armed forces and civil services... Altaf ahmed was an example... nywaz.. no point in telling fools.... phew!!!
The prob with you is you have mixed nationalism wiyh religion.. you will end up like your western neighbour... many from our minorities have been patriotic leaders in armed forces and civil services... Altaf ahmed was an example... nywaz.. no point in telling fools.... phew!!!

I dont disagree there are a few nationalist Muslims. A few mind you. Muslims in general though will never be nationalistic. This is a Hindu civilization and they are the antithesis of India's civilization.
Generalizing is incorrect. These mob killings are very unfortunate and have happened here too, so to all Pakistani members let us not generalize. One thing i will criticize is the fact that he was killed over allegedly eating beef, no one deserves to die. Understandable Cow is sacred, the elders should have done something to stop the mob. It's time to give that mans family justice, anyone who was involved in his killings should be brought to justice. Can't understand how anyone can justify it, even if the meat was Beef.
That is the problem with religious extremists like him, be it Islamists or Hindutva goons. They don't want to hear the opposite view point. The concept of peaceful dissent is alien to them.
Best to report and ignore.
Albert Einstein was correct in his assumption of articulating the opinion: "Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity". If you have any trouble understanding which category you belong to then please consult the special school needs teacher. Afghanistan is controlled by the Taliban and eventually the Mayor of Kabul recognized as Ashraf Ghani will cease to exists politically. However our troubles from the east does not stem from religious differences. Please continue to laugh, because a old man was lynched and its time to celebrate with your colleagues. Make sure to purchase Indian sweets and distribute it to your neighbors.

Quod, erat demonstrandum, presumably.
The prob with you is you have mixed nationalism wiyh religion.. you will end up like your western neighbour... many from our minorities have been patriotic leaders in armed forces and civil services... Altaf ahmed was an example... nywaz.. no point in telling fools.... phew!!!
Well Its India you can't Separate Nationalism From Religion Here
Albert Einstein was correct in his assumption of articulating the opinion: "Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity". If you have any trouble understanding which category you belong to then please consult the special school needs teacher. Afghanistan is controlled by the Taliban and eventually the Mayor of Kabul recognized as Ashraf Ghani will cease to exists politically. However our troubles from the east does not stem from religious differences. Please continue to laugh, because a old man was lynched and its time to celebrate with your colleagues. Make sure to purchase Indian sweets and distribute it to your neighbors.

Facepalm!!!! Einstein would have commited suicide seeing retardness at this mind blogging scale!!! Nywaz, my mistake... TTP are hindus, LaL Masjid fanatics were christians in disguise... and the 50k+ people died in your country in last decade were killed by yahoodis... the shias killed in your country were done by sikhs...
The prob with you is you have mixed nationalism wiyh religion.. you will end up like your western neighbour... many from our minorities have been patriotic leaders in armed forces and civil services... Altaf ahmed was an example... nywaz.. no point in telling fools.... phew!!!
Why do you have to quote the names of patriotic Muslim civil servants or military professionals to prove that they are patriotic? This country is a house for second biggest population of Muslims for the last seventy years in considerable peace than other Muslim majority nations in South Asia. Why credit should not be given to those unnamed commoners who are toiling hard day in and day out for living just like you and me without any sort of communal hatred against others?
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