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Shall we totally boycott Pakistan?

Boycotting wont help, coz they will meddle, its their nature. We need to wait until they get their acts right. We are not at loss so why bother....if there is any misadventure at border then use mortars..simple..

I would've mistaken this for a PAKISTANI comment had I not seen your flags and username!
I think Pakistan has decided not to cooperate with us, we are wasting time talking to them. I believe in having good relationship with neighbor, but I also think that if that is not possible. We should forget about them altogether, get to bare minimum contact. There is no need to even start talking to them because all we are doing is wasting money on food and air tickets.

What do you think?
Then just with draw all your extended hands form cooperarion, but keep remember in wars no one wins, because war is nothing else then desteuction.
Nawaz is showing lot of hostility of late,we need to reply in same vein.
You have shown your colours already by killing innocent unarmed civilians. Typical chanakiyas attitude, when you can't do anything take a back track and put everything on the opponents shoulders.

Please kindly boycott Pakistan..we will appreciate that..this will actually refrain us showing the restraint at the borders where you have killed innocent civilians. Hopefully mr. Modi will take you to hell pretty soon where his fate is written already.
You have shown your colours already by killing innocent unarmed civilians. Typical chanakiyas attitude, when you can't do anything take a back track and put everything on the opponents shoulders.

Please kindly boycott Pakistan..we will appreciate that..this will actually refrain us showing the restraint at the borders where you have killed innocent civilians. Hopefully mr. Modi will take you to hell pretty soon where his fate is written already.

Yes we need to learn how to be peaceful people from pakistanis:tup:,i agree we are cunning and barbaric people.
You have shown your colours already by killing innocent unarmed civilians. Typical chanakiyas attitude, when you can't do anything take a back track and put everything on the opponents shoulders.

Please kindly boycott Pakistan..we will appreciate that..this will actually refrain us showing the restraint at the borders where you have killed innocent civilians. Hopefully mr. Modi will take you to hell pretty soon where his fate is written already.

Chanakya was a professor of economics and Political science in the university of Taxila...Modern day Pakistan. If only you could understand the wisdom in his writings and apply them, Pakistan would not be such a failure in diplomacy.
Chanakya was a professor of economics and Political science in the university of Taxila...Modern day Pakistan. If only you could understand the wisdom in his writings and apply them, Pakistan would not be such a failure in diplomacy.
Looks like woman in disguise....so whose desperate these days ..you or us...think about it.
Yes we need to learn how to be peaceful people from pakistanis:tup:,i agree we are cunning and barbaric people.
Thanks for admitting that we know this since our existence...rest of the world may find this out soon.....Modi is a mass murderer...Pakistan should not be bothered talking to the murderer as long as he is in power...if that satisfies your false ego.
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