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Shall we totally boycott Pakistan?

Not sure what do you mean by boycott. Should I stop saying hello to my Pakistani neighbors? And how it is going to work, I need it in details so we can publish FAQ for Indians against Pakistanis.
Pakistan has already boycotted India. India is just so obsessed with Pakistan that it keeps wanting our attention.
An example is LOC violations by BSF. Indian Army had fire up their butt because of Zarb e Azb. Pakistan was not worried about India at all, politicians don't even talk about India. But India and their obsessed media keep portraying Pakistan as villain when in reality Pakistan want nothing to do with India.

We want friendly relationships with India, but we are not pushovers. So keep to your own space India!!
How Pakistan has boycotted India? So you stopped training and funding so called "Freedom Fighter".

I think I solved mystery of LOC firing now. So the logic is that because you boycotted us, BSF got agitated and started firing just like a boyfriend start poking his girlfriend when she is ignoring him.
Not sure many Indians will agree with you.

I couldn't imagine not saying hello to a neighbour or refusing any sort of help or support. It just creates problems. Now if that is the fallout on a micro level, it is a great deal worse on a macro level.
I did not say I am opposed to saying hello or wishing each other or even talking little bit "
get to bare minimum contact
". I just think that the environment is not good for even thinking about talks for sometime. As I feel that Pakistan is taking anti-India stance. Example.
1) Trying to get China in SAARC
2) Refusing to open Trade with India
3) Refusing to get connectivity among SAARC nations.

I believe that their attitude to totally negative. Who can refuse better connectivity and sharing of power between countries, even if that means that you do not like each other. So that makes me believe these are egoist people who will just ignore goodwill of the overall people and try to use SAARC as a tool to settle personal scores.

I do not see any positivity coming from their side. Kashmir cannot be solved any further and they are just stuck with it. We can get no deal with them period and that is why no point talking to Pakistan.
I did not say I am opposed to saying hello or wishing each other or even talking little bit "". I just think that the environment is not good for even thinking about talks for sometime. As I feel that Pakistan is taking anti-India stance. Example.
1) Trying to get China in SAARC
2) Refusing to open Trade with India
3) Refusing to get connectivity among SAARC nations.

I believe that their attitude to totally negative. Who can refuse better connectivity and sharing of power between countries, even if that means that you do not like each other. So that makes me believe these are egoist people who will just ignore goodwill of the overall people and try to use SAARC as a tool to settle personal scores.

I do not see any positivity coming from their side. Kashmir cannot be solved any further and they are just stuck with it. We can get no deal with them period and that is why no point talking to Pakistan.

Yes, and Modi led Indian government should also ban Defence.pk in India to support this boycott..
Yes, and Modi led Indian government should also ban Defence.pk in India to support this boycott..
I am not against time-pass with them, just no serious business. And look at the comment above your conduct is not positive. Forget about wars and other things its Pakistan who does not want to build trade/cooperation and other relationship with India. So whats the point talking to them.

Pakistan behaves like sore loser who talk the same thing all the time everywhere and is stuck to it. Those people are waste of time.
Not saying forever, just saying it is useless at this point of time.
there is virtually no talks happening so boycotting a nonexistence is pointless exercise. the proxy wars and direct hostilities along the border are at the high anyway.

if you are proposing to firebomb another Pakistan bound Samjhota express train then this will be a sad move
I am not against time-pass with them, just no serious business. And look at the comment above your conduct is not positive. Forget about wars and other things its Pakistan who does not want to build trade/cooperation and other relationship with India. So whats the point talking to them.

Pakistan behaves like sore loser who talk the same thing all the time everywhere and is stuck to it. Those people are waste of time.

What serious business is there between Ind-Pak anyway??
Except the flag meeting between every LOC incident??
there is virtually no talks happening so boycotting a nonexistence is pointless exercise. the proxy wars and direct hostilities along the border are at the high anyway.

if you are proposing to firebomb another Pakistan bound Samjhota express train then this will be a sad move
I am a non-violent person by nature. Hardly ever hit anyone in my life and I am proud of it. I do not suggest anything like that, but I am actually asking serious question here, maybe I did not write a page to start this discussion, but in some later comment, I elaborated. What I mean is the following.

What Pakistan wants is solve Kashmir or talk about it. Only then they will support anything. If you do not do this, then we will just block everything including sharing power, reducing cost of food by allowing easier access to route. What India proposed at SAARC could have changed the situation in South East Asia, but honestly disappointed with Pakistan's attitude.

Now Kashmir is not going to get solved the way you or any other Pakistani think, so we will always go in circle. So stop all talks unless people are willing to budge from their stated position.

When I say talks, I mean only official talks that leads to treaties etc. I do not mean any other talks or niceties. I know talks are already stopped, bust mean to say that stop discussing we should being the talks because other then wasting money of both countries it is doing nothing man.
I think Pakistan has decided not to cooperate with us, we are wasting time talking to them. I believe in having good relationship with neighbor, but I also think that if that is not possible. We should forget about them altogether, get to bare minimum contact. There is no need to even start talking to them because all we are doing is wasting money on food and air tickets.

What do you think?

sure -boycott Pakistan by getting off our defense forums :laugh: :laugh:
you are not proposing anything new
your country is not going to settle at stopping to "talk" but is in full gear to get Pakistan isolated and using the 1971 formula start up border tensions .. there was a staged hijacking back then as well blocking our air travel over Indian skies. dont know if a Loke Sabha style "foiled" plot will surface or something worse giving your generals a "go ahead" what best time to do that anyway when half of our army is engaged in dealing with local insurgency just like in east Pakistan.

Modi may tell Nawaz that he should forget Kashmir otherwise there will be more flood related tragedies in Pakistan. this is a new toy in the hands of Indians where they suddenly open the flood gates causing death and destruction in Pakistan recently.
What serious business is there between Ind-Pak anyway??
Except the flag meeting between every LOC incident??
that samjhota travel among Indian Pakistani pilgrims.
Pakistan never brought up the issue of firebombing of Samjhota express by a serving Indian army officer which is a shame. wish Nawaz can bring it up in SAARC conference when Modi will bully him over Mombai attack. but then again Nawaz has much to loose in India , his millions of dollars might get confiscated by vengeful Modil
it should be us boycotting India not vice-versa, because we are the victims of Indian brutality ever since.
that samjhota travel among Indian Pakistani pilgrims.
Pakistan never brought up the issue of firebombing of Samjhota express by a serving Indian army officer which is a shame. wish Nawaz can bring it up in SAARC conference when Modi will bully him over Mombai attack. but then again Nawaz has much to loose in India , his millions of dollars might get confiscated by vengeful Modil

That is correct. Nawaz Sharif is a simple minded politician. He's our Manmohan Singh... No one has any respect for someone that needs to hold a letter 2 inches from his face for a speech...
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