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Shall we totally boycott Pakistan?

I think Pakistan has decided not to cooperate with us, we are wasting time talking to them. I believe in having good relationship with neighbor, but I also think that if that is not possible. We should forget about them altogether, get to bare minimum contact. There is no need to even start talking to them because all we are doing is wasting money on food and air tickets.

What do you think?

As I feel that Pakistan is taking anti-India stance. Example.
1) Trying to get China in SAARC
2) Refusing to open Trade with India
3) Refusing to get connectivity among SAARC nations.

I believe that their attitude to totally negative. Who can refuse better connectivity and sharing of power between countries, even if that means that you do not like each other. So that makes me believe these are egoist people who will just ignore goodwill of the overall people and try to use SAARC as a tool to settle personal scores.

I do not see any positivity coming from their side. Kashmir cannot be solved any further and they are just stuck with it. We can get no deal with them period and that is why no point talking to Pakistan.

I think Pakistan has decided not to cooperate with us, we are wasting time talking to them. I believe in having good relationship with neighbor, but I also think that if that is not possible. We should forget about them altogether, get to bare minimum contact. There is no need to even start talking to them because all we are doing is wasting money on food and air tickets.

What do you think?
I think you should stop talking to Pakistan. This will save a lot of time for other productive tasks.
Modi's certainly taking that line, not sure if it's a positive though.
If one decide to Pakistan then the first thing to boycott should be PDF...... What is the point in discussing boycott in a pakistani forum????
I did not say I am opposed to saying hello or wishing each other or even talking little bit "". I just think that the environment is not good for even thinking about talks for sometime. As I feel that Pakistan is taking anti-India stance. Example.
1) Trying to get China in SAARC
2) Refusing to open Trade with India
3) Refusing to get connectivity among SAARC nations.

I believe that their attitude to totally negative. Who can refuse better connectivity and sharing of power between countries, even if that means that you do not like each other. So that makes me believe these are egoist people who will just ignore goodwill of the overall people and try to use SAARC as a tool to settle personal scores.

I do not see any positivity coming from their side. Kashmir cannot be solved any further and they are just stuck with it. We can get no deal with them period and that is why no point talking to Pakistan.

All is Pakistan's reaction to Indian actions. For you Kashmir may be no issue. But for Pakistan it is a huge issue. Don't expect any improve in relation unless IOK is not freed from Indian occupation.
All is Pakistan's reaction to Indian actions. For you Kashmir may be no issue. But for Pakistan it is a huge issue. Don't expect any improve in relation unless IOK is not freed from Indian occupation.
Last someone replied with some logic at-least. I disagree with this approach. Total loser approach.
Last time BJP boycotted to pass PLANES from our AIR territry.....that decision exhibits Debacle in ur Air Industry...
Now! ....plz let us explain....your next move......and please this time wont retreat back like before ...hiding you tails under.....:p:
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