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Shall India help USA to topple China or maintain a subtle balance between them?

Shall India help USA topple China?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 25.6%
  • No

    Votes: 58 74.4%

  • Total voters
USA allow China to rise? Tell me how the fck the Tian an men square event happened? All the thugs of the rebel flee to USA after it. You will pay being with USA.

Go read up on your own history and about Nixons visit to china in 1972 and policy changes thereafter. How China became the factory of the world.

Your internal political issues is none of my concern, but US has a wise policy of providing support and then attacking to keep its friends off balance. So far we have been paying for playing straight with China. Maybe a change of policy might help us this time, what say ?
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LOL..... is that why they gave nukes to pakistan ? so that they can sit under the nuclear umbrella and send terrorists into India ?
Crap. Pakistani officials are stupid enough, to not have control over extremists and terrorists.
Go read up on your own history and about Nixons visit to china in 1971 and policy changes thereafter. How China became the factory of the world.

Your internal political issues is none of my concern, but US has a wise policy of providing support and then attacking to keep its friends off balance. So far we have been paying for playing straight with China. Maybe a change of policy might help us this time, what say ?
China didn't beg USA to support us, they just can't handle Soviet by itself. You will receive the same treatment USA gave China after soviet collapse when China is down.
Come out of brotherhood mindset. China has created a string of pearls around India.
Mentality of China is same as that of USA. It also won't let other rise. They vetoed resolution to play down Indian status against Pakistan.
Plus they want India to remain busy in South Asia only.
Yes, they become friendly sometimes.
For SCS, they want us to remain neutral. NATO(USA+ Europe) and Communist Power Block (Russia and China) balance each other's power. among all substantial military powers in world, it's India who remains away.
India carries enough wait to boom up any side in which it will play.
It will surely play up on NATO side because our all interests are crossing China's if talk of SCS dispute. So, they want us to be neutral.
If you believe China will attack you in future then let me remind you, joining US will only speed up things.
I'm not saying Azhar is a good person, but the way you described Dalai Lama as great man really sounds discomposing.

Ok than show me why Dalai Lama is a bad Person according to you with facts .

China didn't beg USA to support us, they just can't handle Soviet by itself. You will receive the same treatment USA gave China after soviet collapse when China is down.

USA or the West don't fear China, they fear the Communism.

You have a Party called Peoples Republic Of China who is ruling the country.
China didn't beg USA to support us, they just can't handle Soviet by itself. You will receive the same treatment USA gave China after soviet collapse when China is down.

India din't beg US to support us either. We can handle China by ourself if need arise.

A deal with the devil might be better than what lies on the other side of the Himalayas.
US encouraged and allowed the rise of China to contain Russia, today they want to encourage and allow the rise of India to contain China.

We should welcome the US initiative whole heartedly the same way the Chinese welcomed the US initiative 20 years back.

Don't let paranoia be your guide, let it be your guard.
What's guarantee US won't learn from last mistake and will not keep India in limited power? o_O
USA allow China to rise? Tell me how the fck the Tian an men square event happened? All the thugs of the rebel flee to USA after it. You will pay being with USA. It just used China as a leverage against Soviet, that's all.
Look buddy, you clarified it yourself. :lol:
What's guarantee US won't learn from last mistake and will not keep India in limited power? o_O

Look buddy, you clarified it yourself. :lol:

How is it a mistake for the US to try to limit the power of any other nation ?

That is just good smart policy and I respect them for their aggression.

It is for India to learn from history and prepare for the future. It is for us to play the game to our benefit. For one, we can learn from China.
India wants good relation ship with both China and USA.

It is more interested in development and business than playing politics.

We have long history with and share many similar concerns asChinese but also a democracy like US.

I hope that border disputes will be settled early and amicably. We will always put India first. May peaceful trade with both countries prosper.

in order to keep US out of east/south east Asia, India will have to better her relationship with both China and Pakistan, if US sees India more inclined towards China then all they have to do is supply 50 more airplanes and even more weapons to Pakistan.
in order to keep US out of east/south east Asia, India will have to better her relationship with both China and Pakistan, if US sees India more inclined towards China then all they have to do is supply 50 more airplanes and even more weapons to Pakistan.

They are already supplying Pakistan much more than that.
in order to keep US out of east/south east Asia, India will have to better her relationship with both China and Pakistan, if US sees India more inclined towards China then all they have to do is supply 50 more airplanes and even more weapons to Pakistan.
Was there anybody talking of Pakistan here?
US and China are major powers. India is left insecure. Today, we aren't in position of tackling US or China.
so decided to have friendship with both and play as a swinger state till reach that level (just like China played between US and Soviet).
Pakistan has no roll here.
in order to keep US out of east/south east Asia, India will have to better her relationship with both China and Pakistan, if US sees India more inclined towards China then all they have to do is supply 50 more airplanes and even more weapons to Pakistan.
The US itself has an excellent working relationship with China. There can be no objection to India having as close a relationship . There is no way that a country as large and proud as India is going to be any other country's lapdog and both US and China knows that.

US supplies Pak airplanes in exchange for favors and promises of favors in Afghanistan and WOT. This has nothing to do with India. It is a separate issue altogether. India can only influence to a very minor degree.
Of course we should. There is simply no comparison.

China --->
  1. Armed and continues to arm Pakistan with nukes, nuclear capable missiles, Submarines to launch nuke-tipped SLCM's, fighter jets, over-glorified patrol boat(F22p), tanks and everything under the sun although keeps it strictly to export-only stuff rather than selling it with top technologies, something which it will itself use.
  2. Blocks India from P5, NSG etc.
  3. Supports Pakistani terrorists in UN
  4. Supports NE rebels alongside Maoists in Central India
  5. Prevents any business in areas where India is competitive such as IT, Pharma etc.

  1. Used to support Pak against India in the Cold War days but things have changed since NDA-1. Supplied a handful of fighter jets to Pakistan after much wringling as well as junk-class frigates. Allows or turns a blind eye to **** adventures in Afghanistan against India but lest you forget there wouldn't be Indian presence without US presence which would be terribly expensive without allowing Pak some leeway in Afghanistan.
  2. Supported India in NSG waiver (although it made the NSG to keep india out in the first place but all that is in the past now), supports india in MTCR etc. basically everything except P5.
  3. Prepared to supply India with its top of the line military hardware along with help to ISRO albeit with strings attached.
  4. Some normal trade haggles.
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