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Shall India help USA to topple China or maintain a subtle balance between them?

Shall India help USA topple China?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 25.6%
  • No

    Votes: 58 74.4%

  • Total voters
Was there anybody talking of Pakistan here?
US and China are major powers. India is left insecure. Today, we aren't in position of tackling US or China.
so decided to have friendship with both and play as a swinger state till reach that level (just like China played between US and Soviet).
Pakistan has no roll here.

Pakistan has the biggest role your idiots

They are already supplying Pakistan much more than that.

I was referring to India's objection to 8 F-16 and compared to would be 50
Pakistan has the biggest role your idiots

I was referring to India's objection to 8 F-16 and compared to would be 50

Indian objection for 8 F-16 was for the the reason told by the USA, that they are for the war against terrorists, and they are the subsidized in the name for that.
I want to know Indians answer. As current Defence minister Parrikar visited China after Carter leave India. Shall we take it a good signal sent out by Modi government as'we are not following USA to contain China' or a way to appease China's worry.

No ,we wont topple People Republic of China .Nor we take sides with US.
We only cares about our own permanent interests .I think China also follows that same policy .In geopolitics nations always follow their own permanent interests and any common Indian can understand that existence and rising of the China is also good for our own permanent interests in majority cases .

We need more time to increase our own comprehensive national power.So if we topple China now they will easily turn against us .Something we wouldnt allow at any case .
Rise of China offers opportunities and threats at same time .But threats are not thats serious and can solve through good negotiation .
The fence in peoples' heart can't be removed easily. Neighbour can't be good without trust. Build trust at first then demarcate the border. You already have AP, you are the winner of 1962.

Question is not of who lost or who won. It showed us where we stood vis a vis china's military power and gave us a reality check as to the foreign policy of our bigger and stronger neighbour.
Not bad and totally necessary if you ask me.
I don't understand why India is siding with USA, weren't those were the guys who moved there warship toward west cost of India during our tough time? Trusting them with our bases is big card India throwing which might hit us back in our face.

As per my opinion, India should have made any such deal with Russia/Israeil, just like we had one with soviets, our true friends. Now speaking on China, We as Indian never consider them as our adversaries, I personally take them as inspiration, I admire there growth, but at the same time, after seeing China siding with Pakistan shielding terrorist's doesn't make them so trust worth either. India might be playing safe here balancing between US and China, but still as per me trusting USA is a big bet.
That is a cowardly and spineless assessment.

India should trust India, not Russia, China or US. :lol:

I never said, it was absolute mandatory to have such deal. I said if it was required it was supposed to be made with people whom u have trusted before, that's not a cowardly assessment but a logical one.
Pakistan has the biggest role your idiots.
Anveyin roll hai? :confused:
Na bol na chal, na ata, na pata.
begani shaadi main pakistani deewana. :crazy:

Matter is between NATO, China-Russia and India.
Pakistan has nothing to do. But looks that pakistanis find it cool to butt in others' matter.

better for discussing topics related to pakistan instead of wasting our time. :cool:
I was referring to India's objection to 8 F-16 and compared to would be 50
Show again braincell. :omghaha:
China objects over military support to Vietnam. Does that make Vietnam superior to China?
Conclude rest yourself. Objection is our style. :P
No matter where we would reach. You're our conventional enemies after all. :sick:
That is a cowardly and spineless assessment.

India should trust India, not Russia, China or US. :lol:
India should play a strategic game where US, EU, Russia and China may destroy each other. :P
India would be left only great power on planet after that. :partay:
Of course we should. There is simply no comparison.

China --->
  1. Armed and continues to arm Pakistan with nukes, nuclear capable missiles, Submarines to launch nuke-tipped SLCM's, fighter jets, over-glorified patrol boat(F22p), tanks and everything under the sun although keeps it strictly to export-only stuff rather than selling it with top technologies, something which it will itself use.
  2. Blocks India from P5, NSG etc.
  3. Supports Pakistani terrorists in UN
  4. Supports NE rebels alongside Maoists in Central India
  5. Prevents any business in areas where India is competitive such as IT, Pharma etc.

  1. Used to support Pak against India in the Cold War days but things have changed since NDA-1. Supplied a handful of fighter jets to Pakistan after much wringling as well as junk-class frigates. Allows or turns a blind eye to **** adventures in Afghanistan against India but lest you forget there wouldn't be Indian presence without US presence which would be terribly expensive without allowing Pak some leeway in Afghanistan.
  2. Supported India in NSG waiver (although it made the NSG to keep india out in the first place but all that is in the past now), supports india in MTCR etc. basically everything except P5.
  3. Prepared to supply India with its top of the line military hardware along with help to ISRO albeit with strings attached.
  4. Some normal trade haggles.
Play and dume them. :P
China fooled both US and Soviet Union. Why can't we?
There is no trust between nations. Only leverage and self interests and strength and weaknesses.

THAT is the logical way to look at it. Not use childish words like "trust" and "friendship".
We have someone here who inhabits the real world. Thank You.
Lord of the flies ? :angel:
Even these flies would be spatted because nobody will be blocking our nuclear program and tests, no sanctions will be blocking our technical development programs which will make us self reliant. Believe me, if there were no commies and westies,we would have done it long ago. :enjoy:
Unfortunately, they and we will have to play the game. :(
funny to see Indian posters licking chinese feet whenever they are asked about their opinion about whether they would support china or usa ?? slave mentality nothing else... you are finding china's assertiveness hard to bear thus you lick their feet and still are willing to do it even after they continuously support every thing anti India. Not saying USA is good either, but I have to be a total shameless to expect all the support from US and still side against them between China and US. Not saying we should join hem but we should definitely have a strict stance against Chinese anti India moves.

Every country works for their interest, so does US. we claim to learn from rhe mistakes hat Pakistan made by alligning wih USA but we dont learn from the chinese tacticts that have been used against India everytime...whether it is occupying land or vetoing againts UNSC seat, or CPEC through Kashmir, or sending nuclear submarines in IOR or supporting Pakistan, or vetoing against Azhar Mahmood... heck they vetoed againts azhar mehmood for technical reasons... this is how India is slapped... marr jao salo....grow some balls or continue being typical chamcha mentality... I somtimes really miss few old members of PDF.
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Let's see if that is true and India doesn't wind up being used as a pawn by USA to counter check China.

We are too cleaver to be used a pawns buddy. We have few corrupt ppl on the top to become pawns we need to be fully corrupt at the top.
funny to see Indian posters licking chinese feet whenever they are asked about their opinion about whether they would support china or usa ?? slave mentality nothing else... you are finding china's assertiveness hard to bear thus you lick their feet and still are willing to do it even after they continuously support every thing anti India. Not saying USA is good either, but I have to be a total shameless to expect all the support from US and still side against them between China and US. Not saying we should join hem but we should definitely have a strict stance against Chinese anti India moves.

Every country works for their interest, so does US. we claim to learn from rhe mistakes hat Pakistan made by alligning wih USA but we dont learn from the chinese tacticts that have been used against India everytime...whether it is occupying land or vetoing againts UNSC seat, or CPEC through Kashmir, or sending nuclear submarines in IOR or supporting Pakistan, or vetoing against Azhar Mahmood... heck they vetoed againts azhar mehmood for technical reasons... this is how India is slapped... marr jao salo....grow some balls or continue being typical chamcha mentality... I somtimes really miss few old members of PDF.
The damage done to India by US in past is far more than China. They still do it. If you believe US is your wellwisher then god help you. Any major war in this region will include nukes, and only North South America and Australia will survive. Its better to avoid war in this region. China's first few targets will be India and Japan, if India allies with US. If India gets damaged in war, then who is the fool here? Its not our fight. Also the same propaganda which US does against China today will be done against India tommorow.
Please vote as you can, and state the reason behind it. I will let the fellows in China know What you have in your minds. Thanks!

Dude, you cannot use the answer from the Indians here as the sample size is not big enough. At the same time you skewed the bias of the survey by stating your intention.

Rather i would like to put this question other way around.

Will China make any sincere effort to respect India and support India's interest for a Multipolar world or it will only look for interest of China only? If this is the case, then India do not have to make any permanent choices. India should take stand on the basis of the demand of the situation. Rather than asking India to choose sides, i would like to understand the mindset of China to take sides for India or not.
The Chinese side is only against one thing, the LAC. China know the McMahon LAC is non binding and need to revert back to prior boundary. That is the only way China-India will work out their difference and will lead to more prosperity in the region.
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