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Shahrukh Khan exposes Indian secularism

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Babri Mosque wasnt built on top of a temple.

And even Haga Sophia was a Church

Your logic is flawed

Before a temple there was non-religious ppl living there. Therefore, most Indians are not Hindus.

Why would we be jealous of a nation like India?

Kya bol rahe ho yaar?

and jealousy? Man please accept the facts. search for india vs Pakistan and their future and you will know it.
And who supported Taliban. North Korea ?

And he said it has been recent killings. I just proved it has been going for 24 years.

did i comment on who supported it or defended anyones stance ...why you always jump on conclusions too early

Who says he is a Hindu ? I go to Gurudwara, does that make me Sikh ? I went to Mahavir Jee, all Jain Temples, does that make me Jain ?

He is an Indian first and Muslim second and we are proud of it.

Look at his charity work. And he doesn't flaunt about it. But Indian Media are good stalkers and they got the records of his Charity work.

Does he has to take certificate from you or a Maulvi ?

he has a temple at his place and practices some hinduism rituals .... its not what you do or your religion says ...your religion have different views

Its what Islam says and you cant impose your own wishes that are already forbidden
did i comment on who supported it or defended anyones stance ...why you always jump on conclusions too early
Jumping on Conclusion ?

Talbanization in Pakistan is due to whom ?

Don't you admit there is a significant number of people in Pakistan who sympathize and support Taliban. Even few Army officials and ISI officials favor the,.
I sympathise with you. That's exactly what I feel when I think of his bank balance.....:lol:

is the bank balance only sole variable for someones success ....for you it may be but for a muslim it is not ...rest you can twist the way you want
is the bank balance only sole variable for someones success ....for you it may be but for a muslim it is not ...rest you can twist the way you want

In which case one should stop handing out such certificates of "losers" to others. Shah Rukh Khan doesn't care for it obviously & neither do the rest of us. What then is your locus standi here?
Will you accept Pew Survey Report ?

On the other hand, in Pakistan, where 6% of the survey respondents identify as Shia, Sunni attitudes are more mixed: 50% say Shias are Muslims, while 41% say they are not.

The World' s Muslims: Unity and Diversity - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life

But I will give you a point that Sample Size is too small to make a generalization for over 180 million people. Only 1450 Muslims took part in this Survey.

The sample size is fine, statistically as well as on a thread about misinterpreted opinion of ONE super rich supersuccessful person :)

These people will question PEW scientifically conducted surveys, but will will link the fact that ''Khan said that he pronounced names of his children with his epiglottis when asked by Muslims '' to india's secularism, democracy, rights and what not, just because they are biased and insecure, always looking to justify their experiment to themselves.
Jumping on Conclusion ?

Talbanization in Pakistan is due to whom ?

Don't you admit there is a significant number of people in Pakistan who sympathize and support Taliban. Even few Army officials and ISI officials favor the,.

you are bringing a whole different debate here.... you mentioned the time span and no of causalities and i said that time period also witnessed the existence of talibans ...so they are not new..they just became more prominent in retrospect of afghanistan attack .... neither i said who created it nor i said all Pakistanis hate or like them

The point you are bringing here is from another thread that doesnot make any sense to be discussed here ...rest in every society there are people who support some and those who doesnot ....many had soft spots for them in past but now they are turning against them ....also keep my one point in mind when you bring me in such debate that i always said TTP and afghani talibans are two different entities ...nobody in Pakistan supports TTP ..may be some but thats the case everywhere in the world...many american soldiers are/were against any war with afghanistan or iraq.. there will also be many in the indian military ranks that may have soft spots for maoists ...so whats the point here ...you just want to prolong the debate and want to take it to such extent where pragmatism dies and senseless replies prevail...or mods have to come into party to rock and roll

In which case one should stop handing out such certificates of "losers" to others. Shah Rukh Khan doesn't care for it obviously & neither do the rest of us. What then is your locus standi here?

Its my point of view and i have a reason for it no one is calling you to support or be affirmative ... i said from a religious point of view and you from a materialistic point of view ..so we already have contrary view to judge...then why to jump in and call other one wrong at first place
I realize that you guys don't actually understand what democracy is so I will help you out.
Democracy means all citizens are equal, all have the rights to freedom of worship and live in peace, and no one has the right to harass you over your Identity.
Non of these rights are actually respected in India as a large part of the society don't have any real protection from the Hindu mobs. Untouchables still have to fight for their rights, minorities like Muslims and Christians are often targeted, and anyone who descents from the majority narrative is brutally put in their place, sometimes violently.

All these things prove that the "world's largest democracy" is more of a sham than anything else.

First U know the meaning of Democracy, not u r "democrazy". Each and everyone are equal irrespective of religion or caste.
Thats enshrined in constitution. In India anyone can become PM, or president, either a hindu or muslim or dalit.
People are free to do what they like to say or do(within the law of course).
And If some Politician accuses SRK, he have every right to sue that politician, and thats democracy. For that he doesnt get killed or faces boycott by Hindus.

If somebody kills some other, irrespective of religion they are punished u dumbo and thats democracy. Already over 20 people have got life imprisonment and 100 facing sentences in jails. Thats democracy. Anybody can sue any other and still people do not hate them. Thats democracy. Not ur version of democracy.

According to my democratic rights, i can hate SRK, its my wish, its my right to hate even MMS or SRK. Does that mean India is not secular ? Its democracy.
First learn democracy big mouth
OP has a problem between differentiating ignorance/stupidity of masses and communal discrimination.
is the bank balance only sole variable for someones success ....for you it may be but for a muslim it is not ...rest you can twist the way you want
No. Not sole Variable.

1. He do charity a lot and don't tell about it. Media found out.

2. He defends Muslims of all over the world who are facing prejudice after 9/11 by his profession. Making "My Name is Khan".

3. He gives brilliant interviews to various International Media and denotes the Educated, Moderate and Peace loving class of Muslims.

4. He has millions of Indian fans following, from different religions. He denotes different people united as one - India.

5. He makes blockbusters and has own Production company and helps in economy of the country.

6. He and his films have reached to many parts of the world and built Soft Power of the Nation.

7. He married a Hindu girl but didn't force her to convert. Teaches his kids both Hinduism and Islam and to respect them.

Isn't he a model citizen for any country, any religion ?
First U know the meaning of Democracy, not u r "democrazy". Each and everyone are equal irrespective of religion or caste.
Thats enshrined in constitution. In India anyone can become PM, or president, either a hindu or muslim or dalit.
People are free to do what they like to say or do(within the law of course).
And If some Politician accuses SRK, he have every right to sue that politician, and thats democracy. For that he doesnt get killed or faces boycott by Hindus(In Pakistan i know what will happen :) )
If somebody kills some other, irrespective of religion they are punished u dumbo and thats democracy. Already over 20 people have got life imprisonment and 100 facing sentences in jails. Thats democracy. Anybody can sue any other and still people do not hate them. Thats democracy. Not ur version of democracy.

According to my democratic rights, i can hate SRK, its my wish, its my right to hate even MMS or SRK. Does that mean India is not secular ?
First learn democracy big mouth

hate on bases of religion does not mean democracy or secularism that is not about you hating srk it is about a mind set hating muslims in india
it is about a mind set hating muslims in india

What about the vice versa situation if I may turn the table on you (or Pakistan for that matter)?
No. Not sole Variable.

1. He do charity a lot and don't tell about it. Media found out.

2. He defends Muslims of all over the world who are facing prejudice after 9/11 by his profession. Making "My Name is Khan".

3. He gives brilliant interviews to various International Media and denotes the Educated, Moderate and Peace loving class of Muslims.

4. He has millions of Indian fans following, from different religions. He denotes different people united as one - India.

5. He makes blockbusters and has own Production company and helps in economy of the country.

6. He and his films have reached to many parts of the world and built Soft Power of the Nation.

7. He married a Hindu girl but didn't force her to convert. Teaches his kids both Hinduism and Islam and to respect them.

Isn't he a model citizen for any country, any religion ?

does all these belong to a religious perspective i cant see all of them to be in the category except a couple...btw have you ever heard the quotation "100 chohay kha k bili haj pe chali"

You deny one basic pillar and rest all doesnot mean much
He wouldn't be India's biggest start if Muslims were so hated. For a complicated history with Muslims, Infia has done exceptionally well accommodating them.

as far as parties like shiv senah rss and bjp are active no relief for muslims there we have seen statements from imran hashmi and shabana kazmi that what happens in india
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