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Shadows of Sikkim in Crimea

What a joke - how are they "culturally similar" to you aside from the script and a modified version of a faith you don't even follow anymore?

A limited caste system? Okay, there's that. Aside from that they're nothing like any Indians. In terms of interests and race they're more like Chinese, particularly North Chinese. Nothing you say will ever change that. People of the Indian Subcontinent have always been the enemy of Tibet, invading them several times throughout history - and guess who turned those invasions back?
We can agree that you're historically illiterate. The facts of the matter differ.

Yeah, indeed. Well we don't really give a rat's tail because we haven't taken any territory from Tibet as such. It was simply a demarking agreement.

Tibet wasn't recognized as a country between 1912 and 1949 - get over it.

And yet you lose sleep whenever someone mentions the T word. Why worry if it was not even a country?

Speak for yourself.

I have and also from the northeasterners here. Open your eyes and read for once around the forum. There are two members from Arunachal, two from Assam, one from Tripura, one from Manipur and me from Sikkim. If they are not able to tell you the situation here, nothing can convince you.

Then why do so many "Northeasterners" rebel?

Political power. Anyone being a separatist gets an easy political ticket in NE from any local party, free job offer to 'correct' them, free government privileges of education and this and that quota.

That is why.

Those who are extremely violent and show no signs of relenting including killing their own people, get a bullet between their eyes.

LOL. So I guess Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Eastern Siberia should be formed into one country based on cultural ties? Ladakh always part of India? What a joke, Ladakh called for help from Tibet and China when they were invaded. The Chinese/Tibetan joint force kicked the filthy imperialists out of Tibet, but unfortunately could not rescue the Ladakhis. Now they've been flooded with foreign turds.

Is that what your political masters taught you?

Too bad no one here from Ladakh has any complains.

Now go eat your candy.

LOL. The choice of their religion is "Arab-obsession"? I highly doubt now that you're of Tibetan race.

I don't give a rat's rear what you doubt about me or not.

Anyone who attacks my culture and my faith doesn't deserve my respect.

Thank goodness we joined the Indian Union after all the chaos of partition was over.

ROFL. You clearly have your head in your ***, no such thing happened in China in the last 100 years.

Cultural Revolution by your god Mao? Ring a bell?

lol, and this is a good thing? Why is Delhi a crime-ridden shithole?

The same reason why Hong Kong and Shanghai remain Triad strongholds despite a 'strong authoritarian' rule by China.

Uh, no. There are cultural distinctions but they're generally appreciated. It's not like how North Indians treat South Indians.


'All is perfect is the peacefur peopre's lepubric of China while others are imperialist liars'. :lol:

Too bad - China is an exception. Intelligence and self control largely overcomes "hormones" and what you seem to describe as an inherent need for racial attacks. Not only in China but in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Northerners and Southerners don't kill each other.

Yeah, I see you are totally crime free and regionalism-free. Good for you.

Most left on their own accord. The PRC would love nothing less to have those people back, peacefully.

Yeah. Just like 'peaceful' cultural revolution, 'peaceful brotherly help to Vietnam', 'peaceful integration of Tibetans'. You really need to relook at the meaning of peaceful, dude.

ROFL. Vapid, retarded nonsense. Try feeding your own people first and cleaning up that cesspool we call Delhi before you talk about being a "patriot".

Well it is nto the only city in India.

That wasn't the point, my poser friend. You're outnumbered 1,000 to 1. You admitted that North Indians are violent shit-stirring racists that also hate South Indians. You think they're going to vote in your interests?

That is the point, little man. There are violent people everywhere unlike the Utopian peopre's lepubric of China. Just that others are mature enough to accept it and try changing it socially.

You're the one crying about Chinese racism. We only dish it out to those who are asking for it. We are kind to Africans, but if they assault and rob Chinese citizens they get their faces slammed into pavement. Enjoy fucking your own race over in the shithole we call India. Let me know when you have more than half the total wealth of Taiwan:

Ouch... someone just got burnt. :rofl:

Good fascinating crappy history, it wasn't until 1950 that Tibet came under full control of central government of China after remaining independent for almost 50 year. I again ask, what a similarity does a Han Chinese from Guangdong has with the people of Himalayas who had always been culturally more similar to Indians until the Mongol and Manchus occupied them and made them the part of China.

Forget it man. Don't waste your time. He has no choice but to repeat what he has been taught.

I personally love the way these chumps burn and sizzle at the very mention of how northeast is Indian. :lol:
I got it that Sikkimese are proud Indian but the attitude of Tibetan from Ladakh may be negative .

Some chinese tourists know that.
Forget it man. Don't waste your time. He has no choice but to repeat what he has been taught.

I personally love the way these chumps burn and sizzle at the very mention of how northeast is Indian. :lol:

I am always baffled by the fake Sino-Tibetan fraternity of these Han Chinese trying to extend claim on others' land based on fake fantasies of Qing-Ming Empire and remember in Chinese worldview there are two races- Hans and non-Hans even though they pretend here something else. :laugh:

Chinese think they have all right to claim Qing Empire's occupation of others' land based genocide of Dzungarians and wiping out Miaos/Hmong from there own homeland and they parrot about British imperialism, such a duplicity. :wacko:
Well if you are referring to hooliganism then yeah some of the youth are.

But if you are talking about their attitude, they are genrally calm. Though some of them tend to behave that it is their country.

I dislike such personalities.
The main landers can't help it. They have been instilled with this. And you know what happens if they start thinking freely.
I am always baffled by the fake Sino-Tibetan fraternity of these Han Chinese trying to extend claim on others' land based on fake fantasies of Qing-Ming Empire and remember in Chinese worldview there are two races- Hans and non-Hans even though they pretend here something else. :laugh:

Chinese think they have all right to claim Qing Empire's occupation of others' land based genocide of Dzungarians and wiping out Miaos/Hmong from there own homeland and they parrot about British imperialism, such a duplicity. :wacko:

Academic history always baffle people who suffer from inferiority and denial complex. Qing is chinese empire governed by chinese civil system and culture. British Raj is a British empire governed by British system. Remember, historic country like china always have a homogenous majority. Newly created country have multiple race and ethnicities.

In a centralized Chinese empire, any revolt, Dzungarian or Miao, would be crushed. In a land without a centralized power, different kingdoms wage war and slaughter one another. Revolt and war are quite different.:laughcry:
Academic history always baffle people who suffer from inferiority and denial complex. Qing is chinese empire governed by chinese civil system and culture. British Raj is a British empire governed by British system. Remember, historic country like china always have a homogenous majority. Newly created country have multiple race and ethnicities.

In a centralized Chinese empire, any revolt, Dzungarian or Miao, would be crushed. In a land without a centralized power, different kingdoms wage war and slaughter one another. Revolt and war are quite different.:laughcry:

Manchus were as much Chinese as Africaans-British of South Africa were South Africans once. So, you can narrate your fancy history to someone else. :lol::lol::lol:
Manchus were as much Chinese as Africaans-British of South Africa were South Africans once. So, you can narrate your fancy history to someone else. :lol::lol::lol:

Qing is an Chinese-manchu alliance. The flag of Manchu is a Chinese dragon. Another proof why you are always baffled by academic history. :rofl:
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