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Shadows of Sikkim in Crimea

Actually the real problem comes from Pakistan, not Afghanistan.

But the post was just a sarcastic rolleyes.

I don't know about you but I believe that map should be in back of our minds even if takes 500 years to achieve it.
British were bright and well educated that they knew what are good things and what are bad things and grabbed all the good things for modern India before the partition.

I think you might want to google the last united India's map under the Marathas (from Maharashtra). We were independent kingdom then but had ties with them historically through trade and other influences. Infact despite being independent, those separate kingdoms had a cultural bond stronger than modern borders.

I don't know about you but I believe that map should be in back of our minds even if takes 500 years to achieve it.

Sure thing. Just let's see where the Peaceful people are in that time. Although I don't think 500 years more are required to achieve that feat if we can focus first on improving what we already have. People want to be associated with stronger entities so if we develop ourselves as a strong nation offering prosperity, then things become easier.
British were bright and well educated that they knew what are good things and what are bad things and grabbed all the good things for modern India before the partition.

The good things are?
I think you might want to google the last united India's map under the Marathas (from Maharashtra). We were independent kingdom then but had ties with them historically through trade and other influences. Infact despite being independent, those separate kingdoms had a cultural bond stronger than modern borders.

Sure thing. Just let's see where the Peaceful people are in that time. Although I don't think 500 years more are required to achieve that feat if we can focus first on improving what we already have. People want to be associated with stronger entities so if we develop ourselves as a strong nation offering prosperity, then things become easier.

It doesn't have to take 500 years. It could take 50 years but it's not a problem even if it takes 500 years. That's a minor blip in the history of mankind. All we have to do is make sure, we continue to grow and that we are strong enough to never have to cede any territory. We're in for the long haul, so to speak.
Actually the real problem comes from Pakistan, not Afghanistan.

But the post was just a sarcastic rolleyes.
I see no problem comes from Pakistan,it's a beautiful country especially its northern part while Afghanistan just a barren land.
I see no problem comes from Pakistan,it's a beautiful country especially its northern part while Afghanistan just a barren land.
Pakistan trains uygher terrorists for jihad
Note to Chinese posters: There are a few posters from North East states including Sikkim (I believe Tshering is from Gangtok, Sikkim, Jaunty is Assamese and there are a few others), who are rabidly pro-mainland-India. But if you do a google search on North East Indian states and look at the history of these places since 1947, you will see a different reality. I suspect these are people who are from collaborator families who have benefited from Indian occupation of these places. Naturally they need to defend Indian occupation which is not welcome by majority population of these places.

What is needed is a campaign of radio broadcasts and websites to reach these populations in their native languages, so they can be informed about their options for the future. North East states has only a 14 mile wide connection through Chicken neck with mainland India. On all 3 sides of this triangular space is China, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The only weak spot currently is Myanmar. When and if Myanmar is back under Chinese sphere of influence, and Awami League is ousted from power in Bangladesh, it will become easy to influence events in this region. The keys are to have a long term plan, convince the local population the seriousness of this plan and then let them fight for their self determination, which is their right under UN Charter. It took 800,000 armed security forces to pacify 7 million Kashmiri's, but India will be bankrupt if it has to pacify a majority of 40 million population fighting against Indian occupation.

If the independence of NE states can be achieved then Nepal, Bhutan as well as NE states will get sea access through Bangladesh sea ports. Currently India forces Nepal and Bhutan to use Indian ports and NE states have no sea access, one is however planned and being constructed via Myanmar.

This will not only help recover South Tibet for China, but it will also help liberate 230 million people in Nepal, Bhutan, NE states and Bangladesh who are currently suffering under mainland Indian occupation/domination. who will forever remain grateful and allied to China.
Note to Chinese posters: There are a few posters from North East states including Sikkim (I believe Tshering is from Gangtok, Sikkim, Jaunty is Assamese and there are a few others), who are rabidly pro-mainland-India. But if you do a google search on North East Indian states and look at the history of these places since 1947, you will see a different reality. I suspect these are people who are from collaborator families who have benefited from Indian occupation of these places. Naturally they need to defend Indian occupation which is not welcome by majority population of these places.

What is needed is a campaign of radio broadcasts and websites to reach these populations in their native languages, so they can be informed about their options for the future. North East states has only a 14 mile wide connection through Chicken neck with mainland India. On all 3 sides of this triangular space is China, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The only weak spot currently is Myanmar. When and if Myanmar is back under Chinese sphere of influence, and Awami League is ousted from power in Bangladesh, it will become easy to influence events in this region. The keys are to have a long term plan, convince the local population the seriousness of this plan and then let them fight for their self determination, which is their right under UN Charter. It took 800,000 armed security forces to pacify 7 million Kashmiri's, but India will be bankrupt if it has to pacify a majority of 40 million population fighting against Indian occupation.

If the independence of NE states can be achieved then Nepal, Bhutan as well as NE states will get sea access through Bangladesh sea ports. Currently India forces Nepal and Bhutan to use Indian ports and NE states have no sea access, one is however planned and being constructed via Myanmar.

This will not only help recover South Tibet for China, but it will also help liberate 230 million people in Nepal, Bhutan, NE states and Bangladesh who are currently suffering under mainland Indian occupation/domination. who will forever remain grateful and allied to China.

Note to Chinese posters: There are a few posters from North East states including Sikkim (I believe Tshering is from Gangtok, Sikkim, Jaunty is Assamese and there are a few others), who are rabidly pro-mainland-India. But if you do a google search on North East Indian states and look at the history of these places since 1947, you will see a different reality. I suspect these are people who are from collaborator families who have benefited from Indian occupation of these places. Naturally they need to defend Indian occupation which is not welcome by majority population of these places.

What is needed is a campaign of radio broadcasts and websites to reach these populations in their native languages, so they can be informed about their options for the future. North East states has only a 14 mile wide connection through Chicken neck with mainland India. On all 3 sides of this triangular space is China, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The only weak spot currently is Myanmar. When and if Myanmar is back under Chinese sphere of influence, and Awami League is ousted from power in Bangladesh, it will become easy to influence events in this region. The keys are to have a long term plan, convince the local population the seriousness of this plan and then let them fight for their self determination, which is their right under UN Charter. It took 800,000 armed security forces to pacify 7 million Kashmiri's, but India will be bankrupt if it has to pacify a majority of 40 million population fighting against Indian occupation.

If the independence of NE states can be achieved then Nepal, Bhutan as well as NE states will get sea access through Bangladesh sea ports. Currently India forces Nepal and Bhutan to use Indian ports and NE states have no sea access, one is however planned and being constructed via Myanmar.

This will not only help recover South Tibet for China, but it will also help liberate 230 million people in Nepal, Bhutan, NE states and Bangladesh who are currently suffering under mainland Indian occupation/domination. who will forever remain grateful and allied to China.
No mainland Indian just Indian with the meaning for outsiders.
Nope. Their independence is illegitimate. Regardless, that's fine with me since they're independence.

Hilarious coming from someone who supports the McMahon line, even though the British themselves saw it as illegal.

No, you have bullied and arm-twisted them from establishing any relations with China. Now they are eagerly negotiating, and there's nothing you can do about it.

What a joke - they "settle" to steal Chinese territory and you think that's ripoff? You have absolutely no right to even Ladakh or South Tibet, and China is willing to negotiate in good faith but your government has refused for decades after invading north of the illegal McMahon line. No wonder all your neighbors hate you.

Oh right, if your states aren't race based then stop your precious India from murdering your brethren ... or do you simply turn a blind eye to it?

LOL, a patriot to racial others who want nothing but to slowly annihilate your people.

Taiwan has nothing to envy.

Tough talk. Stop a single rape of a Northeast girl and maybe you'll be taken seriously.

Holy shit! a fucking commie starts to explain democracy! Leave me genius! :coffee: Nothing can be argued on if one has his own propaganda to follow forever!


These treacherous jamatis (with possible AQ links) are real funny.

They want BD mercenaries to fight with Al-Qaeda in Syria and die for them while earning only contempt in return.

They obsess with India for some weird reasons while we don't give a fig to these pathetic obsessed and ungrateful traitors who don't belong to our land and never did.

They need to be given one chance to bugger off to their 7th century desert.

Some of them also claim to have traveled to the Uighur regions before the latest terror by those Uighur terrorists. Given their possible AQ links and obvious terrorist sympathies with the genocidal terrorists in Syria, China should investigate the links and get these people extradited if they were linked with causing the tragedy.

These global Islamists with no place to call their home are just a curse. Good that BD has got rid of many of them and put the rest in their place.

Their only salvation now is to beg a kaffir country to "intervene" and to wet dream of that day, even if they have to die waiting. They have no other hope.

What a wretched pathetic waste of life...

Nor did you dirtbags ever have control of South Tibet before you invaded in 1950 :omghaha::omghaha:

It's not about "Chinese see" it's about the Qing officially and legally abdicating for the Republic. No one ever recognized an independent Tibet. A large number of Tibetans threw their lot in with the Republic, fought on the side of China during WW2, and the Lhasa administration was in negotiations with the KMT.

Primitive dirtbag, no one cares for your pathetic sweatshop of an island.

Remain in your pathetic limits. You and your pathetic island don't matter. You will be crushed and taken over soon after the USA stops protecting you traitors.
Primitive dirtbag, no one cares for your pathetic sweatshop of an island.

Remain in your pathetic limits. You and your pathetic island don't matter. You will be crushed and taken over soon after the USA stops protecting you traitors.

Taiwan could buy your festering shithole of a country and still have change left over to enjoy your mother's services 100,000,000,000 times.
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