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Shabqadar: 87 killed, dozen injured in twin explosions

China needs to more pro-active in this sisuation, as a dare friend.

Because USA is worsening the sisuation and Pakistan by helping USA.
Can you stop trolling please?

All the members of the Mujahideen (that were created by the US & Saudi Arabia) have formed their terror groups inside Pakistan & Afghanistan today. Is that so hard to understand? It's not great-great-great grandPa, all the terror groups today are a direct off-shoot of the Mujahideen.

dear bilal, why do you side step the role of Pakistan?
the only mofos I know of are the terrorists and their supporters. Its precisely cause of the fact that these b@satards know that they are going to get support from people like you that they attacks innocents.

If you want NATO out ask your buddies to go fight them in Afghanistan rather than blowing themselves up in neighborhoods in Pak. The only way to peace is through extermination of these rodents and their supporters.

Well, the TTP and other groups are exactly doing the same thing what you are mentioning. They are sending men to fight the NATO and also do sucide bomings, many civilians have lost their lives due to these attacks. Secondly, they are also attacking an ally of America which is Pakistan.
it was a noble cause and if confronted with the decision again, I personally would opt for it
Sure. Read this, to get an idea about the safe havens in Nuristan & Kunar:


If you are familiar with Pashtun culture & that region, you would know that the tribes of North Waziristan & Khost are one. Various groups are allied with each other in terms of their tribal affiliations, which is why a terrorist from North Waziristan gets refuge in Khost, Afghanistan; or a terrorist in Bajaur/Mohmand agency gets refuge in Kunar & Nuristan. It is based on their tribal affiliations, & there is practically no border between North Waziristan & Khost. The Durand Line is like the equator: an imaginary line. There are also tribal clashes between different tribes from time to time.

you talk in details about Kunar, Nooristan, but completely silent about NW and border areas of pakistan with Kunar/nooristan. Pakistan army is in a complete cease fire with the terrorists in while our forces is in a constatnt battle with both paksitani and afghani taliban plus AQaeda on this side of the border.
Bloody hell, you sick man.
Walao! I didn't know innocents were killedSORRYZZZZ! my BAD! i thought terrorists were killed as the title didn't say anything...and i didn't read the article!
Sorry! MY BAD!
Walao! I didn't know innocents were killedSORRYZZZZ! my BAD! i thought terrorists were killed as the title didn't say anything...and i didn't read the article!
Sorry! MY BAD!

ic, i thought you were happy for it. i misunderstood you. Those FCs are serving their country, they have family and loved ones. our thoughts with all of them.

i take my words back.
RIP to all the innocent who dies in today's blast. The FC and other security forces are also becoming easy targets for these terrorists. Despite so many suicide attacks and bomb blasts over the last 3-4 years, I haven't heard of even a single instance where the Pakistan security agencies have been able to track down these terrorists and bring them to book.

I ask my Pakistani friends on this forum, why is there no visible public anger/pressure on Pakistani police and intelligence agencies? Have people reconciled to the fact that nothing can be done to stop these blasts? Instead, I only hear discussion about the Soviet war in 1980s and some conspiracy theories.
we have to start hitting the americans inside afghanistan , thats the only way forward
Its might never ever be possible to come out of this terrorist-Jihad mess Paksitan has got into. How can you arm muslim youths to fight 'Hindu oppression of Kashmiri Muslims' and then not arm muslim youths who want to fight 'Christian oppression of Afghani Muslims'.
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