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I can't help if you were unaware that there was an Afghan resistance to the Soviets long before the CIA got involved. I know blaming the USA for all that regions problems is an easier way to think...but it's based on fiction. The USA, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and others, ALL supported groups who were fighting the Soviets. After the Soviets left...so did America. We shouldn't have, but we did not create the Taliban or al-Qaeda. That is simply fiction. Indeed, when the Taliban took power, we engaged in efforts to remove them from power. It was Pakistan's own ISI that had a far greater hand in encouraging and supporting the Taliban and al-Qaeda. There have been several other posters here, including Pakistanis, who have stated that very fact.

It will derail the thread, however I can't help as well if you are unaware of the fact that US started training of militants during 1978 and you can find out the dates of soviet war now.
You forget to mention the role India played, using the Northern Alliance militants (strategic assets) inside Afghanistan. Or by initially supporting Dostum against Masood & Rabbani. Another example not related to this thread: India also created the LTTE, & supported it for 15 years against the Sri Lankan government. So realize that India has been dealing with its fair share of Muslim terrorists as well, & allegedly, they are arming the BLA & the BLF as well. No need to single out Pakistan when its neighbors are just as bad.

who is suffering and paying the price cause of those bad decisions. The examples you posted are not related to the terrorism being discussed in this thread. There would have been no dostum had there been no Jalalabad. There would have been no Rabbani had hikmatyar been half the statesman we wanted him to be. And there would have been no Masood had we not denied him his fair share in the war against soviets.

SOmetimes having this discussion reminds me of my elementary school days when if some kid was caught, all he would have in his excuse would be Ma'am Ali and Nauman were fighting and Adnan has a rubber snake in his bag. And I guess you very well know what the response of the teacher used to be.
You might want to ask your friend to do that first. This is what he said in Post # 160:

That doesnt mean you should derail the thread and talk about India too.

Its like saying uf a man jumped of the cliff, would you jump of a cliff too?
and you will never ever win the hearts and minds of people like the TTP and others. You will only win their hearts and minds if you obey what they say.

YEs we can change minds and win hearts of local tribal people who are getting against Army and joing hands with Outsiders because of drone attacks and operation...
About the bold part.

This is happening in Pakistan because a BS war has been waged by Uncle Sam in our neighbor. Before this BS their was no terrorism in Pakistan. Now thanks to this war for terrorism our country is facing all these incidents. Thanks to America's b@stardness this whole region has been converted into hell. If this stupid war has been waged behind the as$ of your home then these incidents would have been happening in your country too. This isn't difficult to understand. Stop speaking BS and taking cheap shots.

There was no terrorism in your country but they are exported to other countries. What did you think will happen? That they'll bear it. We felt the same frustration when we were killed. Unless Pakistan gets rid of terror infrastructure, this will continue.
You quite clearly don't understand what actually happened then. The Madrassahs created the Mujahideen, the Madrassahs were created by Saudi Wahabi ideology & US money. The Madrassahs indoctrinated these people with Wahabi ideology, & 'converted' them into Mujahideen.

Pakistan gave these converted Mujahideen training on combating the Soviet Union. Pakistan didn't play any part in creating the Mujahideen.
You're kidding, right? Pakistan and the ISI played no part? What are you smoking? There are literally dozens and dozens of news stories and authoritative books that counter your claim.

Pakistan: "The Taliban's Godfather"?

"The (Pakistan), ISI trained about 83,000 Afghan Mujahideen between 1983 to 1997 and dispatched them to Afghanistan. Pakistan paid a price for its activities, as Afghan and Soviet forces conducted raids against mujahidin bases inside Pakistan."

"The ISI continued to actively participate in Afghan Civil War, supporting the Taliban in their fight against the Rabbani government. Backing of the Taliban would officially end after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001; however, there are suspicions that sympathetic elements of the ISI continue to aid Taliban fighters."

Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence [ISI] - Pakistan Intelligence Agencies

Pakistan has every bit as much to do with the support of these groups as we did.
who is suffering and paying the price cause of those bad decisions. The examples you posted are not related to the terrorism being discussed in this thread.

They are. You are clearly unaware of Northern Alliance terrorism supported by India. Let me refresh your memory:

Asia Times: Veil lifted on India's embarrassing friends

The Himalayan Times : India looks to revive Northern Alliance with Russia, Iran - Detail News : Nepal News Portal

Bush’s Definition of Terrorism Fits Northern Alliance Like a Glove; TV Interviewers Don’t Notice

Crimes of the "Northern Alliance" Seen Through the Eyes of a Grieving Mother

There would have been no dostum had there been no Jalalabad.

What are you talking about? Do you even know what you are saying?

There would have been no Rabbani had hikmatyar been half the statesman we wanted him to be. And there would have been no Masood had we not denied him his fair share in the war against soviets.

Again, you fail to understand that what transpired after the Soviet war were not chronological events that Pakistan initiated, but everyone was hedging their bets in Afghanistan in the 90s. India was hedging its bets, Iran was doing it, the newly formed Russia was doing it; so I see no reason why Pakistan shouldn't be doing the same, in the interests of its own security.

SOmetimes having this discussion reminds me of my elementary school days when if some kid was caught, all he would have in his excuse would be Ma'am Ali and Nauman were fighting and Adnan has a rubber snake in his bag. And I guess you very well know what the response of the teacher used to be.

Please don't derail this thread.
You're kidding, right? Pakistan and the ISI played no part? What are you smoking? There are literally dozens and dozens of news stories and authoritative books that counter your claim.

Pakistan played a part in training the Mujahideen to fight the Soviets, not creating them. The creation was done by the Madrassahs with Saudi Arabia's Wahabi ideology, & the US that gave the money to create these Madrassahs. They also gave Pakistan money to train the Mujahideen. I don't know what is so difficult to understand here. No one is saying the ISI didn't play a role, it played a role in training them, but the Mujahideen themselves were created by Saudi Arabia & the US.
They are. You are clearly unaware of Northern Alliance terrorism supported by India. Let me refresh your memory:

Asia Times: Veil lifted on India's embarrassing friends

The Himalayan Times : India looks to revive Northern Alliance with Russia, Iran - Detail News : Nepal News Portal

Bush’s Definition of Terrorism Fits Northern Alliance Like a Glove; TV Interviewers Don’t Notice

Crimes of the "Northern Alliance" Seen Through the Eyes of a Grieving Mother

What are you talking about? Do you even know what you are saying?

Again, you fail to understand that what transpired after the Soviet war was not chronological that Pakistan started, but everyone was hedging their bets in Afghanistan in the 90s. India was hedging its bets, Iran was doing it, the newly formed Russia was doing it; so I see no reason why Pakistan shouldn't be doing the same, in the interests of its own security.

Please don't derail this thread.

Does any of the links you posted point to a single bomb attack in Pakistan by Northern alliance? If Northern alliance are relatively pro Iran due to ethnic and linguistic ties it makes them terrorists?

OK lets put it this way. Please give me a count of total casualities caused by BLA, Northern alliance combined in Pakistan and then give me a tally of death toll by TTP/AQ/TNSM and affiliates.

Do you have any idea what hedging is. Living next to the financial capital of the world thats how you define hedging? Putting all the eggs in one basket and that too an ideologically extremist suicidal one is called hedging?

Hedging is an offsetting position to a related security that is your main bet.
Pakistan played a part in training the Mujahideen to fight the Soviets, not creating them. The creation was done by the Madrassahs with Saudi Arabia's Wahabi ideology, & the US that gave the money to create these Madrassahs. They also gave Pakistan money to train the Mujahideen. I don't know what is so difficult to understand here. No one is saying the ISI didn't play a role, it played a role in training them, but the Mujahideen themselves were created by Saudi Arabia & the US.

You still didnt answer the question why did you allow these madrassas to be setup without any check whatsoever? Is it equivalent to selling your souls for petro dollars?
"The (Pakistan), ISI trained about 83,000 Afghan Mujahideen between 1983 to 1997 and dispatched them to Afghanistan. Pakistan paid a price for its activities, as Afghan and Soviet forces conducted raids against mujahidin bases inside Pakistan."

Even the US was backing the Mujahideen at the time, & the Soviet Union was trying to strengthen Najibullah's government in 1987.
Does any of the links you posted point to a single bomb attack in Pakistan by Northern alliance?

It points to the attacks inside Afghanistan. This is about the Northern Alliance funding terrorism inside Pakistan:


Do you have any idea what hedging is. Living next to the financial capital of the world thats how you define hedging? Putting all the eggs in one basket and that too an ideologically extremist suicidal one is called hedging?

Hedging is an offsetting position to a related security that is your main bet.

Hedging: investment position intended to offset potential losses that may be incurred by a companion investment

Investment: Pakistan's alleged support for the Taliban.
Potential losses: Terror activities inside Pakistan
Companion investment: India's support for terror activities for the Northern Alliance
You forget to mention the role India played, using the Northern Alliance militants (strategic assets) inside Afghanistan. Or by initially supporting Dostum against Masood & Rabbani. Another example not related to this thread: India also created the LTTE, & supported it for 15 years against the Sri Lankan government. So realize that India has been dealing with its fair share of Muslim terrorists as well, & allegedly, they are arming the BLA & the BLF as well. No need to single out Pakistan when its neighbors are just as bad.

Dont derail the thread with useless conspiracy theories, there is no proof of Indian involvement in Pakistan other than a couple of conspiracy theories that Pakistan is very famous for.
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