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Shabqadar: 87 killed, dozen injured in twin explosions

wat is this???

Wahabism/Salafism is the ideology of the Al-Qaeda. Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of the Wahabi ideology, & has promoted it inside their country through their Monarchy. If you're not a Muslim, you won't be able to understand the technical details of this wretched ideology.
Wahabism/Salafism is the ideology of the Al-Qaeda. Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of the Wahabi ideology, & has promoted it inside their country through their Monarchy. If you're not a Muslim, you won't be able to understand the technical details of this wretched ideology.

Thank u for letting me know...
u said where it originated....But i want to know wat that ideology says????
Someone has got to do something about these Indian trolls that make multiple accounts with Pakistani flags on their profiles.

Dude while you live in USA while I am a Pakistani living in Islamabad. sector f-6/1 next to farooqia market. half a mile south of super market and 1.5 miles north of melody market. 3 minutes walk from NAFDEC.

So typical of the likes of you that when they are left speechless they start questioning the nationality of the poster. So convenient.

Of the point I also spent some time in PAF.

Need to know more details????
There are attacks almost every 2-3 days in Pakistan, seems like USA drones are not helping either. It needs to stop.
Dude while you live in USA I am a Pakistani living in Islamabad. sector f-6/1 next to farooqia market.

So typical of the likes of you that when they are left speechless they start questioning the nationality of the poster. So convenient.

Of the point I also spent some time in PAF.

Need to know more details????

Leave him alone dude, he is having a bad time I guess, accusing everyone of trolling and flaming and having false flags, give him time to recover.
Thank u for letting me know...
u said where it originated....But i want to know wat that ideology says????

That will completely derail this thread, & I can keep going for that for hundreds of pages. If you want, shoot me an email, & I'll respond to you in detail, because if I post stuff here, it will completely derail the thread:

FYI, the Mujahideen was not created by Saudi Arabia or the USA or bin Laden. The Mujahideen was created by the Soviet Union's invasion of that country. It was aided by the USA and others, but it was an indigenous reaction to that invasion.

What????????????? thats news for me.
It was US who was giving money for these Mujahideen (their then loved ones). The recruitment were carried out through SA financed Religious Institutions. Dont trust me ? just listen to the Mrs. Clinton recent statement.
Dude while you live in USA while I am a Pakistani living in Islamabad. sector f-6/1 next to farooqia market. half a mile south of super market and 1.5 miles north of melody market. 3 minutes walk from NAFDEC.

So typical of the likes of you that when they are left speechless they start questioning the nationality of the poster. So convenient.

Of the point I also spent some time in PAF.

Need to know more details????

Ok fine, I've grown up in Islamabad too so I know you're telling the truth. There are a lot of Indian trolls out there with Pakistani flags though. Although NAFDEC doesn't exist anymore, it was closed down many years ago.

I'm not left speechless, the fact of the matter is that you are touching on a huge range of issues. I think you need to familiarize yourself with the differences between the Deobandi (Taliban's) ideology & the Wahabi/Salafi (Al-Qaeda's) ideology to understand what is going on in India & Afghanistan.
1) I am asking you why did you let these so called Mujahideen and Saudi ideology infiltrate the society. Iran also had its share of refugees but neither these refugees not US nor Saudis were given a free hand. We were not the only country bordering Afghanistan.

2) Even if the mother was created by US it was created by Pakistani consent you please dont simply shift the blame.

3) When US left the region you decided to play a game bigger than you. You decided to use them as strategic assets against India. it was a move bound to backfire. You decided to assault Jalaabad under the orders of Hamid Gul led by Hikmatyar. You wanted to annex Afghanistan as your fifth province or atleast use it as strategic depth. What were the Pakistani policy makers thinking when they were planning all this. And when they were planning about these utopian strategic depth and assets the same groups were poisoning your whole society.

3) By funding these groups after US left you didn't gain any strategic depth but signed your own death warrant.

Come with you real flags man, and please stop trolling.
What????????????? thats news for me.
It was US who was giving money for these Mujahideen (their then loved ones). The recruitment were carried out through SA financed Religious Institutions. Dont trust me ? just listen to the Mrs. Clinton recent statement.
I can't help if you were unaware that there was an Afghan resistance to the Soviets long before the CIA got involved. I know blaming the USA for all that regions problems is an easier way to think...but it's based on fiction. The USA, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and others, ALL supported groups who were fighting the Soviets. After the Soviets left...so did America. We shouldn't have, but we did not create the Taliban or al-Qaeda. That is simply fiction. Indeed, when the Taliban took power, we engaged in efforts to remove them from power. It was Pakistan's own ISI that had a far greater hand in encouraging and supporting the Taliban and al-Qaeda. There have been several other posters here, including Pakistanis, who have stated that very fact.
Ok fine, I've grown up in Islamabad too so I know you're telling the truth. There are a lot of Indian trolls out there with Pakistani flags though. Although NAFDEC doesn't exist anymore, it was closed down many years ago.

I'm not left speechless, the fact of the matter is that you are touching on a huge range of issues. I think you need to familiarize yourself with the differences between the Deobandi (Taliban's) ideology & the Wahabi/Salafi (Al-Qaeda's) ideology to understand what is going on in India & Afghanistan.

I am simply touching the root cause.

Pakistan tried to use these Mujahideen(so called) as strategic assets for its regional ambitions and it back fired. What it believed would be strategic assets turned out to be a huge liability. And the interesting part is that the establishment still hasnt learnt the lesson. So the only way to fix the problem is to accept it exists and stop blaming others.
I am simply touching the root cause.

Pakistan tried to use these Mujahideen(so called) as strategic assets for its regional ambitions and it back fired. What it believed would be strategic assets turned out to be a huge liability. And the interesting part is that the establishment still hasnt learnt the lesson. So the only way to fix the problem is to accept it exists and stop blaming others.

You forget to mention the role India played, using the Northern Alliance militants (strategic assets) inside Afghanistan. Or by initially supporting Dostum against Masood & Rabbani. Another example not related to this thread: India also created the LTTE, & supported it for 15 years against the Sri Lankan government. So realize that India has been dealing with its fair share of Muslim terrorists as well, & allegedly, they are arming the BLA & the BLF as well. No need to single out Pakistan when its neighbors are just as bad.
Can we please keep India out of this, as no Indians were involved in the killings today.
I can't help if you were unaware that there was an Afghan resistance to the Soviets long before the CIA got involved. I know blaming the USA for all that regions problems is an easier way to think...but it's based on fiction. The USA, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and others, ALL supported groups who were fighting the Soviets. After the Soviets left...so did America. We shouldn't have, but we did not create the Taliban or al-Qaeda. That is simply fiction. Indeed, when the Taliban took power, we engaged in efforts to remove them from power. It was Pakistan's own ISI that had a far greater hand in encouraging and supporting the Taliban and al-Qaeda. There have been several other posters here, including Pakistanis, who have stated that very fact.

You quite clearly don't understand what actually happened then. The Madrassahs created the Mujahideen, the Madrassahs were created by Saudi Wahabi ideology & US money. The Madrassahs indoctrinated these people with Wahabi ideology, & 'converted' them into Mujahideen.

Pakistan gave these converted Mujahideen training on combating the Soviet Union. Pakistan didn't play any part in creating the Mujahideen.
Can we please keep India out of this, as no Indians were involved in the killings today.

You might want to ask your friend to do that first. This is what he said in Post # 160:

3) When US left the region you decided to play a game bigger than you. You decided to use them as strategic assets against India. it was a move bound to backfire
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