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Shabir shakir claiming,Pakistani Commandos went 3 KMs inside IOK

Worrisome if true.... hope our boys will be more alert next time...
Worrisome if true.... hope our boys will be more alert next time...
Sabir Shakir is a bureau chief for a major news channel for a reason...his reports are rarely wrong & nor does he partake in the arnan goswamy type yellow sensationalism type bongi journalism...this did happen.
Question is did they return

Coz we are getting reports of 15 PA soldiers and 8 jihadis getting killed in crossfire
Will PA claim them
Question is did they return

Coz we are getting reports of 15 PA soldiers and 8 jihadis getting killed in crossfire
Will PA claim them

They might be camping inside collecting souvenirs, if you know what I mean. The operation is still ongoing. BAT are notorious at "trophy collection".

Also it is claimed the CAA/NCA has been suspended by Hindu strong man. Any word on that?
Question is did they return

Coz we are getting reports of 15 PA soldiers and 8 jihadis getting killed in crossfire
Will PA claim them

its easier for india to hide its soldiers casualties since their evidence is literally burned out and tossed in super clean ganga.
all pakistani soldiers receive islamic burial and only in indian propaganda media spreads false information about pakistan not accepting bodies.

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