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Shabir shakir claiming,Pakistani Commandos went 3 KMs inside IOK

Question is did they return

Coz we are getting reports of 15 PA soldiers and 8 jihadis getting killed in crossfire
Will PA claim them
See the video. Zero credibility.

its easier for india to hide its soldiers casualties since their evidence is literally burned out and tossed in super clean ganga.
all pakistani soldiers receive islamic burial and only in indian propaganda media spreads false information about pakistan not accepting bodies.
You are free to look at interviews of Pakistani generals where they say clearly that they did not accept bodies. The bodies of Pakistani soldiers were buried in India with Islamic last rites.
Question is did they return

Coz we are getting reports of 15 PA soldiers and 8 jihadis getting killed in crossfire
Will PA claim them

The question is if they died. Pajeets have lied about how many surgical strikes again???
Question is did they return

Coz we are getting reports of 15 PA soldiers and 8 jihadis getting killed in crossfire
Will PA claim them
Had India killed 15 and the bodies were with them, they would have laid them out in front of the media yesterday.

While I cannot speak to the veracity of some claims by a media personality, let me also assure you, this is not a one way street. Pakistan has multiple options including covert kinetic ones using Special Forces and LCB assets to incur damage on the Indian side. Most of the Indian deployments along the LoC are within reach.
shabir shakir claiming that during CBV last night Pakistani Commandos went for hot pursuit, inside IOK for 3 KMs.

He often reports on military establishment issues. Any member can confirm this ??

the video should be considered in combination with below tweets

Never take old sabir seriously.
But you must say he has an imaginative mind.
I think he has news from the current government as he is considered near among governmnet circles. But he is not at all informed. He makes news. He make so many fakes.

I always try not to use youtube videos as source, but I had this tweet in mind. His tweets are often reliable.

He is also another sabir shakir. Who is he actually. Where did you find these twitter groups.
@The Eagle
Another thread with same source

I will only add that I am allow to that, we have serviced them pretty well for their so-called drama of strike while targeting civilians.

If you know the word Chitrol..... That's been done and nobody from that side is going to speak for a while. One can't even imagine about the options available to hit back.

Coming soon...
Never take old sabir seriously.
But you must say he has an imaginative mind.
I think he has news from the current government as he is considered near among governmnet circles. But he is not at all informed. He makes news. He make so many fakes.

He is also another sabir shakir. Who is he actually. Where did you find these twitter groups.
I've been following Mystic since over one year starting January of last year...his reports of what happened haven't proven false yet...one way or another, what he says either gets confirmed by ISPR or is eventually admitted by the indian media a few days later...
Typical mirasi bhand, like 99% of these so-called TV journalists and anchors. These mirasi bhands lack any kind of critical thinking that are they really helping Pakistan by such BS claims just to get likes on twitter from other mirasi bhands.
Although i utterly despise Shabir Shakir and consider him as the lowest of the low in journalism. Saying that i equally recognise his deep association with the Pindi Boyz. This time there maybe a truth in his Story!!!
Although i utterly despise Shabir Shakir and consider him as the lowest of the low in journalism. Saying that i equally recognise his deep association with the Pindi Boyz. This time there maybe a truth in his Story!!!
I know he is bad! taking advantage of his position as bureau chief making his team dig-up dirt on ganja pandit. it just ain't fair him holding a management position in the newsroom and is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the reporting staff to investigate daku naani
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I think what my analysis said, you don't have much choice left when cowards Indian Army are bringing heavy artillery like Donash on LoC and are using a civilian as a human shield then this type of SSG precision surgical strike is making possible to destroy those guns but there's no valid sources available to claim. Modi is becoming lunatic to planning to attack Pakistan but he has no idea about Pakistani army capabilities. his madness and Muslim enmity will break India in several pieces.
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I've been following Mystic since over one year starting January of last year...his reports of what happened haven't proven false yet...one way or another, what he says either gets confirmed by ISPR or is eventually admitted by the indian media a few days later...
Well it's very comforting nowadays.
You always get the wiff of things before hand that a thing may or may not happen. Announcing it on twitter on the chance that it might happen, would certainly give the the person to claim he ' told you so '.
We need new fighter jets and so dear pdfers made several predictions in 2019. how many times we are told that we are getting f16s in 2019. If we got those f16s then those fanboys would become right on the chance they guessed it right.
They would be totally in their right to claim their know it already to they dreamed it or have divine message telling them we are getting f16s.
Dont know if the Journalist is clickbalting or not, but use of Heavy Artillery from India is already and escalation and a response is needed.
Pakistan should not keep silent and retaliate.
Well it's very comforting nowadays.
You always get the wiff of things before hand that a thing may or may not happen. Announcing it on twitter on the chance that it might happen, would certainly give the the person to claim he ' told you so '.
We need new fighter jets and so dear pdfers made several predictions in 2019. how many times we are told that we are getting f16s in 2019. If we got those f16s then those fanboys would become right on the chance they guessed it right.
They would be totally in their right to claim their know it already to they dreamed it or have divine message telling them we are getting f16s.
cha vaysay ay4 gul vi theek aye!
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