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Shabir shakir claiming,Pakistani Commandos went 3 KMs inside IOK

This Sabir Shakir just exaggerates nonsense.

Since when did he become dg ispr?
@Jaskier it seems Indian army hiding behind the civilians tactics has got limitation. PAK Army is going inside and grabbing them by throat. ;)

Lol now we have threads based on personnel YouTube channels

This chap knows more then you do, that's for sure.
if he is such an "idiot journo" why did Dr. Alvi give him and Ghulam Hussain over an hour on 9th April 2020? if being inarticulate in English makes one an idiot then what about most of you pdf scholars PhDs MAs and BAs? what are you?
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@Jaskier it seems Indian army hiding behind the civilians tactics has got limitation. PAK Army is going inside and grabbing them by throat. ;)

This chap knows more then you do, that's for sure.

Yeah in today's time everybody seems to know more than anyone else
Even if this news is true, it will not be confirmed by ISPR. But we are sure that after Indian shelling on Pakistani civilians, a response is guaranteed. We can argue what response it would be - and all options are on the table.
this type of journalism give spce to indian media to accuse Pak army. saber shakir is the idiot who spread sensation for his chanel to get some views
He is also claming that CAA/NCA has been suspended??

If true, the strong hindu man has just eaten his own sh!t. Hahahaha
He just exxagerates things thats all

He may have. I have no way to substantiate it. But the fact of the matter is that only yesterday Indians were active showing that how successfully their army has targeted Pakistani army positions across River Nelum.

Therefore, I would say there is no smoke without the fire.
The difference between Pakistani and Indian Army is that PA doesn't try to advertise their successes.
A policy I do not agree with. But imagine if this was IA, all Indian channels would have been showing "Exclusive" news and lying out off their teeth.
There is already a thread on this news.
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