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Sex education in schools should be banned, Union health minister Harsh Vardhan says

Yes but not to the children. Aids happens because of multiple sex partener. If people have relation with one partner, where is the question of AIDS. You first teach them to have unrestrained sex and than show them the way to protect them from that. Why do not teach children some good vertue in child hood and give sex education when they are adult.


Have you even read my previous comments?!
sir please visit a school near you, you would agree that they need the most, with the rate Indian kids are banging ... we need to provide them with free condoms !

I am closely associated with some school (As i look after the coounts and finance of a trust having 2 international school and 2 other institutes) They are very good.

Any how the problem what you say is because of value less education. You should provide value based education and not sex education. By providing condoms, you will be able to prevent child pregnency but not child sex. The solution is value based education and sex education in child hood.

This is my opinion. I fully agree with mr. Harshvardhan.


Have you even read my previous comments?!

Do not argue if you can't understand what I say.
You certainly did , you should know better than to believe in these prestitutes

The article directly quoted this from his website:

" his "vision" document for Delhi schools, Vardhan, himself a doctor, has said, "So-called 'sex education' (should) to be banned." His website - drharshvardhan.com - also states the need to integrate value education with course content and put strong emphasis on exposing students to India's cultural relations."
I am closely associated with some school (As i look after the coounts and finance of a trust having 2 international school and 2 other institutes) They are very good.
I do regular visits to my old school, the things i see arent worth mentioning

Any how the problem what you say is because of value less education. You should provide value based education and not sex education. By providing condoms, you will be able to prevent child pregnency but not child sex. The solution is value based education and sex education in child hood.

Did pass out of ICSE, most people who pass out of ICSE and CBSE(not sure) are taught sex education ... i havent seen any of their value's go down the drain
The article directly quoted this from his website:

" his "vision" document for Delhi schools, Vardhan, himself a doctor, has said, "So-called 'sex education' (should) to be banned." His website - drharshvardhan.com - also states the need to integrate value education with course content and put strong emphasis on exposing students to India's cultural relations."

Unless we know what exactly he was talking about and the entire context of the statement you cannot come to a conclusion. These prestitutes have already misinterpreted and reported many similar events..
Do not argue if you can't understand what I say.

#Post No.8

When boys and girls get into their puberty, they HAVE TO KNOW WHATS HAPPENING WITH THEM!

Otherwise it will have serious effects on their development. Read any research study on it.

And they will eventually learn about sexuality anyways, may it be from friends or other sources... and its better that they get informed properly by educated teachers than by some friends who spread false information.

And needless to say, a lack of sex education is an important factor in the high birth rate and also helps STD`s like AIDS to spread.

If you cant get these points into your head and if you dont have any proof to contradict them, you the the one who is sticking his head into the sand!
I think you need to do research a bit before making general comments.. Iran has a very progressive sex education program.. And Iranians are a very highly educated population in general.. It has one of the highest human and health development indicators in the region

M Cist: The Iranian authorities are not squeamish about sex education | Comment is free | theguardian.com

Please ready the article you posted and prov that low birth rate in Iran is because of sex education in school. Atleast understand the point in discussion.
The article directly quoted this from his website:

" his "vision" document for Delhi schools, Vardhan, himself a doctor, has said, "So-called 'sex education' (should) to be banned." His website - drharshvardhan.com - also states the need to integrate value education with course content and put strong emphasis on exposing students to India's cultural relations."

Link to the publication please. Also how is "Indian Value Education" less modern than Sex Education? Didn't we practised sex before we established civilizations?

Can we declare it archaic Just because it contains the phrase "Indian Value" inside it? Also, like I said there are people in the US and western nations which link the current methodology of "Sex Education" to "Teen Pregnancy". May be the system is not perfect? May be we need to find an alternative?

Why shoot the messenger and kill the debate just because it hurt the "liberal" extremists?

#Post No.8

When boys and girls get into their puberty, they HAVE TO KNOW WHATS HAPPENING WITH THEM!

Otherwise it will have serious effects on their development. Read any research study on it.

And they will eventually learn about sexuality anyways, may it be from friends or other sources... and its better that they get informed properly by educated teachers than by some friends who spread false information.

And needless to say, a lack of sex education is an important factor in the high birth rate and also helps STD`s like AIDS to spread.

If you cant get these points into your head and if you dont have any proof to contradict them, you the the one who is sticking his head into the sand!

Spread of disease has got more to do with standard of living and less with the academic stuff.
Unless we know what exactly he was talking about and the entire context of the statement you cannot come to a conclusion. These prestitutes have already misinterpreted and reported many similar events..

Please ready the article you posted and prov that low birth rate in Iran is because of sex education in school. Atleast understand the point in discussion.

Pls understand that it was you who made another misinformed comment about Iran not having a sex education program.. My response was directly related to that..

Iran inspite of being Muslim and traditional country, Birth rate is very low. I do not think that sex education is compulsory in a country like iran in school.

I think you need to be more informed about the subject before highlighting nonsense about other countries.. first about Lanka and then about Iran.. better if you stop comparisons to argue you're invalid opinions
Link to the publication please. Also how is "Indian Value Education" less modern than Sex Education? Didn't we practised sex before we established civilizations?

How does value education tell teenagers what is happening inside and outside their bodies? How does it explain to them why they might feel different ? How does it explain why they suddenly feel attracted to the other sex?

Modern sex education answers all these questions based on scientific evidence!

Link to the publication please.

TOI, its the OP

Can we declare it archaic Just because it contains the phrase "Indian Value" inside it? Also, like I said there are people in the US and western nations which link the current methodology of "Sex Education" to "Teen Pregnancy". May be the system is not perfect? May be we need to find an alternative?

I am not saying that value education is useless, it is important! But it cannot answer problems like birth control and it cannot explain the biological and psychological problems processes in teenagers and during the sexual act in general.

Also, like I said there are people in the US and western nations which link the current methodology of "Sex Education" to "Teen Pregnancy". May be the system is not perfect? May be we need to find an alternative?

Link pls.

People can say many things, but as long as there is not empiric evidence that proves that sex education leads to an increase in teen pregnancy, its just talk...

Spread of disease has got more to do with standard of living and less with the academic stuff.

The spread of disease is directly linked to education!

(Follow the link on the wiki article, I cannot post multiple links for some reason)
Relationship between education and HIV/AIDS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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How does value education tell teenagers what is happening inside and outside their bodies? How does it explain to them why they might feel different ? How does it explain why they suddenly feel attracted to the other sex?

Modern sex education answers all these questions based on scientific evidence!

TOI, its the OP

A lot of BS is being peddled in the name of "Science". Both the content, and the methodology of "content delivery" must be debated.

As far as sex education is concerned, peer groups and significant others (including family members) play greater role than the schools. Who do you think teaches a girl about Period and stuff (Hint: Mother, Elder SIster, Grandma)? Such changes are not as abrupt as being projected in "scientific" journals, adolescents don't go all crazy about what is happening to them. This is as natural as eating and shitting.
A lot of BS is being peddled in the name of "Science". Both the content, and the methodology of "content delivery" must be debated.

Dont make blunt statements, provide proof.
As far as sex education is concerned, peer groups and significant others (including family members) play greater role than the schools. Who do you think teaches a girl about Period and stuff (Hint: Mother, Elder SIster, Grandma)? Such changes are not as abrupt as being projected in "scientific" journals, adolescents don't go all crazy about what is happening to them. This is as natural as eating and shitting.

Not necessarily, not everyone feels comfortable to talk about such things with family members and visa versa. Furthermore, not every attempt to explain all these things is satisfactory.

I`ve talked to enough teenagers in India to know how much they really know about the processes which are happening inside them, despite the fact that they actually do have sex education at school (which is very superficial).

Adolescence is affecting almost every sphere in the life of a teenager, of course is crucial for them to know what is happening with them. They are learning so many useless topics at school, most of them just by hard without using their brains. So why cant they learn something more useful`?
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