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Sex education in schools should be banned, Union health minister Harsh Vardhan says

These useless links are not going to prove anything. Aids is very low in Traditional society conservative in sex compared to those free open society where the people have a good knowledge of sex. Nobody oppose sex education. What you conveniently skipped is Sex education in school. There is no need to teach that in school. Innocent children's mind get diverted.

Are you not able to comprehend what I`ve written?!

Kids get into their puberty way before they leave school! They must be taught what is happening with them from a well trained source, otherwise they will find another one and will have numerous other problems!

Sex education is crucial in controlling birth rates and the spread of STD`s.

Here are some studies made about the topic

Why We Need Sexuality Education

And stop coming up with blank arguments like "innocent minds" and put forward proper ones.!

We should follow the Sri Lankan model, they`ve already made it compulsory.
Meanwhile elsewhere in the neighborhood ..

Sex-Education as a compulsory science subject in Sri Lanka

Ceylon Today | Sex-Education as a compulsory science subject

So how Srilanka is benefited out of that? I have not seen srilanka having less aids compare to any traditional state of India like Gujarat, Rajasthan.

Actually this sex education is needed because of free sex in society when people have multiple sex relationship. e.g Why should One man women or one woman man should worry about sex. The key is building virtue and not sex education. I have seen this sex adicts of young age diverting to theft and drugs and ruining their life.
It is to remove that from school. It is a very correct proposal. School children has not reached an age of sex. Their innocent minds should not be inflicted with sex unless they reach an age of sex that is 18 or 21.
Their innocent minds are going to be inflicted with sex even if they dont have sex education.Atleast this way they learn about std's birth control etc think back to when you hit your teenage years how often was sex on your mind during the day.
This "Statement" did not come in the capacity as a health minister. Its the usual congressi pressitutes busy digging dirt on the BJP government.

Its just a passing reference to the so called "Sex education", which could mean banning the sex education in the form we know today, which mind you is very ineffective and needs a lot of improvement.

Best to wait for his clarification.

Dr. Harsh Vardhan
So how Srilanka is benefited out of that? I have not seen srilanka having less aids compare to any traditional state of India like Gujarat, Rajasthan.

Actually this sex education is needed because of free sex in society when people have multiple sex relationship. e.g Why should One man women or one woman man should worry about sex. The key is building virtue and not sex education. I have seen this sex adicts of young age diverting to theft and drugs and ruining their life.


HIV prevalence in SL is <0.1 as of 2012.. They have one of the lowest HIV and other STD prevalence in the world.. And Education was the key to They're health statistics equivalent to the best in the world

UNICEF - Sri Lanka - Statistics
They are innocent. They learn what they see. They should be diverted to spiritualism and yoga. So that they ma build a beautiful life based on virtue.
agreed,,,,,,,but along with compulsory sex education..:agree:
Kids get into their puberty way before they leave school! They must be taught what is happening with them from a well trained source, otherwise they will find another one and will have numerous other problems!
Sex education is crucial in controlling birth rates and the spread of STD`s.
Here are some studies made about the topic
Why We Need Sexuality Education

CHildren should be made alert of protecting themselve from sex abuse only.

Sex education is good for birth control than teach them at an age when they become mature enough to be parents. I have no objection to that.

Do not quote those idiot links. what they have written is not an yardstick or an universal truth.
So how Srilanka is benefited out of that? I have not seen srilanka having less aids compare to any traditional state of India like Gujarat, Rajasthan.

Actually this sex education is needed because of free sex in society when people have multiple sex relationship. e.g Why should One man women or one woman man should worry about sex. The key is building virtue and not sex education. I have seen this sex adicts of young age diverting to theft and drugs and ruining their life.

1.) SL is much more developed than Rajasthan and Gujarat when it comes to health care. Just because less people get diagnosed in Rajasthan than in SL, it does not mean that there are actually less cases. So you cannot make such dumbed down comparisons.

And India has a serious problem with AIDS by now, using condoms and being properly educated about the matter is going to help to curb the problem!

2.) The fertility rate in SL is much less than in Rajasthan and the Indian average as well. So yes, sex education does help in bringing down the growth rate and all problems associated with overpopulation
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