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Seven FC personnel martyred as terrorists attack post in Balochistan's Harnai area

Some one in the security apparatus and policy circles must answer for this repeated massacre of the sons of the soil....
Some one in the security apparatus and policy circles must answer for this repeated massacre of the sons of the soil....
Yep, I am sick of seeing our boys get killed. Last time in Pakistan I met a young lad about 19 who had signed up and was posted on the LOC near Bagh sector. He came from a poor family and his humble pay was keeping his family going. Everytime I see reports like this I think of such boys.
For your information ordinary Jawans do get houses on retirement, and no General gets a plot on retirement in DHA or a House. Your delusions and ignorance is of epic proportions. But yet again you are again among those who believe in lies. The house which Generals get after retirement are in Askaries. And even Jawans get flats in Askaries. Let me guess you didn't knew that. First go get your facts straight before debating with me.
Hi zarvan I thought you are well versed with the armed forces rules & laws don’t get me wrong with more then 50k post you don’t even know who is the original owner of these plots in DHA I hope you do understand that jawans can’t buy 500/1000 yards or kanals of plot now I’m not saying they don’t get houses in Askari please amend your info properly or check with someone in your family or outside your family who are The owners of these plots if you like I can take out a reference plot for president musharaff been allo to him as an officer and later as been promoted further which he been swapped with another one in good locality in same DHA in Karachi
I hope you don’t mind my info to set your record straight
thank you
That 23 years old "social media activist" was behind Chinese consulate attack in Karachi?

So you now accept that Iran supports terrorists against Pakistan and hosts them on its territory? Have we agreed on this?

As for uae. F*ck them. I don't care about them. They are bunch of scums. I am not a fan of them. I just quoted you because you were trying to defend Iran and its crimes

And just because I question Iran for its crimes doesn't make me a sectarian bigot


Just becasue you not so cleverly try to hide your sectarian bigotry behind patriot flag and only question Iran AKA SHIA while 10000% ignoring the elephant in the room GCC AKA Wahhabi and BLA terrorist . That makesyou a Sectarian Bigot not a patriot..

Again, you are hiding and not answering, How is social media activist behind terrorist attacks in Pakistan and why is UAE not handing over billions of dollars of stolen Pakistani cash hidden in their banks plus not giving us the terrorist leaders residing in UAE..

I have never ever claimed that If the Iranians are involved That we should overlook them, I am saying any known camps inside any country should be bombed to never never land.
Just becasue you not so cleverly try to hide your sectarian bigotry behind patriot flag and only question Iran AKA SHIA while 10000% ignoring the elephant in the room GCC AKA Wahhabi and BLA terrorist . That makesyou a Sectarian Bigot not a patriot..

It is you who is continuously defending Iran in one way or other but it is me who is sectarian bigot and not you

Again, you are hiding and not answering, How is social media activist behind terrorist attacks in Pakistan

So in love for Iran you are now defending Rashid Baloch too??? :lol:
Hi zarvan I thought you are well versed with the armed forces rules & laws don’t get me wrong with more then 50k post you don’t even know who is the original owner of these plots in DHA I hope you do understand that jawans can’t buy 500/1000 yards or kanals of plot now I’m not saying they don’t get houses in Askari please amend your info properly or check with someone in your family or outside your family who are The owners of these plots if you like I can take out a reference plot for president musharaff been allo to him as an officer and later as been promoted further which he been swapped with another one in good locality in same DHA in Karachi
I hope you don’t mind my info to set your record straight
thank you
Army develops the society but Army officers don't get the plots. Most who own plots in DHA are civilians. Around 99 %. It seems you have no clue what are you talking about. Also who said Jawans get plots in DHA. Jawans get houses just like officers get a house after retirement. But those houses are not in DHA but societies called Askari. So I repeat bother to do research.
Army develops the society but Army officers don't get the plots. Most who own plots in DHA are civilians. Around 99 %. It seems you have no clue what are you talking about. Also who said Jawans get plots in DHA. Jawans get houses just like officers get a house after retirement. But those houses are not in DHA but societies called Askari. So I repeat bother to do research.

Mr Zarvan, I have seen retired American generals home and Pakistani generals homes and I assure you Pakistani generals kitchens are bigger than entire Americans general's home, so please spare us with your GOO goo gaa gaa..
Mr Zarvan, I have seen retired American generals home and Pakistani generals homes and I assure you Pakistani generals kitchens are bigger than entire Americans general's home, so please spare us with your GOO goo gaa gaa..
Balls. American general's homes are bigger than Pak generals. Most end up being millionaires working for defence contractors where money is lucrative.
For the record:

DOD Retirees: From 4-Star General to 7-Figure Income

US generals salary is between $150,000 to $200,000. Once they retire they often take up lucrative employment in defence related companies and make millions of dollars.

many retired DOD officers to make big money by taking private sector jobs, board appointments and consulting gigs related to their former careers in the military.

According to a recent report by CREW, former Pentagon officials are quietly doing the same thing. In “Strategic Maneuvers: The Revolving Door from the Pentagon to the Private Sector,” CREW outlines how officers are steering money to private businesses they join after retiring.

CREW found that “70 percent (or 76) of the 108 three-and-four star generals and admirals who retired between 2009 and 2011 took jobs with defense contractors or consultants. In at least a few cases, the retirees have continued to advise the Department of Defense while on the payroll of defense contractors, suggesting the Pentagon may not always be receiving unbiased counsel.

These positions are substantially more lucrative than current pay levels for generals - $164,221 per year for a three-star general and $179,700 for a four-star general. Private companies do not have to disclose salaries, but executives at defense contractors often make hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.

For instance, according to the CREW report, Gen. James Cartwright retired from the Marine Corp in 2011 and was elected to the Raytheon Co. board of directors soon after, a post that paid an $85,000 annual retainer. He received a $1,500 speaker fee for each appearance, even if he spoke via teleconference, as well as $120,000 in stock options.

NEWSFLASH: Most general staff officers in countries across the world retire to a very comfortable living and this applies to UK as well. Respect, money and titles given by the Queen are part of the deal. Pakistani generals are not exception to the rule. However the media singles out Pakistan staff officers.
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Mr Zarvan, I have seen retired American generals home and Pakistani generals homes and I assure you Pakistani generals kitchens are bigger than entire Americans general's home, so please spare us with your GOO goo gaa gaa..
I have also seen their homes. I know what I am talking about. And yes a Major General gets 2 Canal House after retirement but not in DHA. But in Askari society. A Society which is specifically developed for retired officers. Up to Brigadier rank people live in separate society and Major General above live in separate Askar society. And even those houses are not free. Massive amount of money is cut from their income. Also to get full ownership they have to pay big amount on retirement. Plus all Army officers don't come from poor families. Many come from already rich families. Many get married and have children who are doing good jobs. So before BS bother to consider everything.
Big bloody deal UAE gave Pakistan a 23 year social media activist, Einstein, not a hard core terrorist or any kind of leader that reside in the UAE. What is Pakistan going to gain from 23 old social media activist how to log in to the Facebook or how to tweet.
social media activist my a$$ ....Rashid baloch has family ties with militants. he was involved in transfer of funds via UAE....he was an activist but for BLA,...so no need to advocate for a terrorist here on forum
Hi zarvan I thought you are well versed with the armed forces rules & laws don’t get me wrong with more then 50k post you don’t even know who is the original owner of these plots in DHA I hope you do understand that jawans can’t buy 500/1000 yards or kanals of plot now I’m not saying they don’t get houses in Askari please amend your info properly or check with someone in your family or outside your family who are The owners of these plots if you like I can take out a reference plot for president musharaff been allo to him as an officer and later as been promoted further which he been swapped with another one in good locality in same DHA in Karachi
I hope you don’t mind my info to set your record straight
thank you
pleaae pick a different thread to discuss dha plots, this is pdf not Zameen.com
Apologies but ISPR’s word is worth nothing here. BLA once again will be able to smuggle a high definition, camera stabilized video into Afghanistan after breaching this ‘cordon’. And will upload it and gloat.

While the level of violence in Balochistan is nowhere near what it was in the last decade and a half, India is dropping a shit load of money to turn it into a war of perception. And we are running around like headless chickens on this. We have no counter narrative, no idea on how to push a counter message forward and no capacity to one up the enemy on this front.
Apologies but ISPR’s word is worth nothing here. BLA once again will be able to smuggle a high definition, camera stabilized video into Afghanistan after breaching this ‘cordon’. And will upload it and gloat.

While the level of violence in Balochistan is nowhere near what it was in the last decade and a half, India is dropping a shit load of money to turn it into a war of perception. And we are running around like headless chickens on this. We have no counter narrative, no idea on how to push a counter message forward and no capacity to one up the enemy on this front.


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