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Seven FC personnel martyred as terrorists attack post in Balochistan's Harnai area

There is a simple solutions to this baloch problem:

1) Work with the Chinese on creating massive internment camps for re-educated baloch on a massive scale. This is more of an issue with education than seperatism that the sardars are able to take advantage of. We need camps to house thousands of these jahils in shackles. This is actually the far more peaceful solution.

2) We need to resettle millions of punjabis, pushtuns, sindhis, chinese, etc... to balochistan asap on a massive scale. Settlement communities need to be settup in major population centers including Gwadar. We can easily resettle 10+ million people within a few years with Gwadar becoming a transit hub.

3) Our troops on the ground need to properly equiped and the SOP needs to be changed to allow them to shoot terrorist! our troops are handcuffed due to avoiding "civilian casualities", the truth of the matter is there wont be any collateral damage because most of these attacks have been in the mounanous sparcely populated areas of Balochistan. The Pakistan military should bomb 💣 these mountains example create a 1-3km killzone using A-100s, drones, artillery, airstrikes, etc...

4) Strike these terrorist using air/drone assets in Iran/Afghanistan. Work with US, China, hell even Israel to get as much intelligence as possible to strike them.
It's been occuring for nearly 2 decades now. We keep asking when but keep suffering.
When we close border Afghands start crying like sisyes and other countries / UN start pressuring our Govt and army to re-open border on humanitarian basis.
But we should make very clear that Afghands must not play in the hands of Cow piss drinker otherwise they will eat grass and die without medical aid.
It wont matter at the end of the day. The gullible peaceful Punjabis/kashmirirs/sindhis by nature will give compromise with the aggressive natured baloch/afghan. Until Punjabis/Kashmiris/Sindhis (Pakistanis) show the same militantism and aggression that the baloch/afghan show at a much higher level then this will continue.
Don't include Baloch, they are Pakistanis.....and loyal citizens...

You might be an Indian false flagger....Am i Correct?

@waz @Irfan Baloch @Foxtrot Alpha
Kindly check above post, should be punished severely.
Curse this so-called upper-level bunch of **** busy taking pleasure in growing affluence they receive. Have already had enough of this "Naraz Baloch". In reality, we don't have what is needed to eliminate such element.
When we close border Afghands start crying like sisyes and other countries / UN start pressuring our Govt and army to re-open border on humanitarian basis.
But we should make very clear that Afghands must not play in the hands of Cow piss drinker otherwise they will eat grass and die without medical aid.
Need to act upon our own national security first.
No offense to Any Punjabi but I find them cucks ... Pashtuns regularly talk shit about them but they welcome them in university and other places... Sad thing to see is that those same racist Pashtuns also have self-hating punjabi girlfriends.

Then we have baloch who regularly attack punjabis and urdu speakers in balochistan and talk shit about them and then we have the same punjabis giving them cover in civil society and leading anti state causes.

Punjabis are behaving with maturity that should be appreciated. Those who support ptm or BLA are leftist fascists snd majority Punjabis

Why do you want yo start another civil war in Pakistan?
Commenting on IED and land mines, we have sealed Afghan border but they are still coming in.

Did any one thus far demanded fencing of Iran border?
Commenting on IED and land mines, we have sealed Afghan border but they are still coming in.

Did any one thus far demanded fencing of Iran border?
Should have fenced the iranian border a decade ago. I dont trust the iranians.
If Pakistan has balls and does not worship British Raj divided provenances then for the sake of national interest they MUST divide Balochistan into smaller provenances but before that Iranian and Indian backed goons need to be sodomized and tossed in Indian ocean.
Some Pakistanis here are accusing Iran... can anyone tell me why Iran would want to cause trouble for Pakistan ? Pakistan despite being friends with useless Arab sheikhs never had anti-Iran rhetoric or made some move against Iran. So why on earth would Iran want to trouble Pakistan ? No conspiracy theories please.

UAE hosts Baloch leaders and known to be involved in Gwadar, Balochistan , the problem is blaming the real culprit makes Bakistani whole existence worthless therefore they blame everything on Iran.

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