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Seven FC personnel martyred as terrorists attack post in Balochistan's Harnai area

mashallah, that made for very nice reading :D

but I think it's time to let GB and "A"JK go

SMQ just said the atmosphere is not conducive for talks, which is probably cover for talks.. tier 2 , tier 1, highest levels pe karo Kashmir ki baat.. yeh dono mulk.. make the status quo permanent and get on with it already.

IK might have shot himself in the foot, though. He's brought YouTube comment section and forum bakchodi to the UN with his "hindu nazi this, fascist that, genocide there !" talk.. which not one country, major or minor player, muslim or kafir has bought into.

LOC ko final border banaya jaye.. aur khatam karo mamla once and for all.
We can't leave kashmiris alone to be killed.
These are the illegitimate children of indians. It only demonstrates a complete unwillingness from top leadership to end this indian menace.
I don't know whose post you're quoting but it certainly doesn't sound like mine. :what:
I didn't say anything of the above in bold...

Sorry I was answering @Kingslayerr

Mistakenly quoted you
As much as im very sad about our jawans but people who're proposing full blown military deployment in balochistan need to understand that india with 7M deployed personals is still unable to control IJ&K. Military deployment is not the solution, It'll never be. Till military is deployed it means theres unrest in that region and thus resistance will resist. Military deployment without any kind of diplomacy will make things more bad. We all here have seen baloch separatist giving up arms. That has always happned with military and talks going hand in hand. And military solution with diplomacy is the way forward. And everyone here needs to understand that the problem is not only coming from iran and afg alone. These is a reason why our own people are turning against the state. There are no basic facilities in balochistan. They have been facing insurgency for more than 50years, those people need a break man. Build a fence, guard it and develop balochistan, build schools and most of all empower police and other security agencies and pull the army back when things ar under control. It'll be hard for people to understand but till theres army deployed, there will be resistance, our own educated boys picking up arms and becoming terrorists. This needs to end now we have lost enough men.

Same old lack of facilities cr@p

People don't become terrorists or militants because of poverty or lack of facilities. They become terrorists because of ideology. It is the Marxist racist ideology that is being imparted in our universities and colleges. Stop the likes of Ammar Ali Jan or nida kirmani from polluting more minds. Stop all those aurat marches or ptm or ethnic study circles in universities. They all exist to indoctrinate our youth

Hit the ideology that is making terrorists
I am saying this again and again. Poverty isn't making terrorists. It is a certain ideology

Also since you mentioned kashmir Indians have very much successfully crushed kashmiri militancy using force. Whether we like it or not this is a fact. They did the same with insurgency in Punjab too. They are again using force against maoists too. Learn from your enemy if no one else. Don't justify terrorism with poverty mantra
Yar best solution will be pysops,precison troops yes special forces and we need FC also because these guys grew up there know the places what FC needs is strong system and professionalism and i don't think supplying army's officer is enough how about a proper academy for para military just a thought for officer and good budget ofcourse.Give FC good training, good equipment we will see then what a ragtag militia can do but this will help in short run but for long run for completely diminishing the insurgency it will be a combined efforts of all departments.
No real response will come from this attack. Top leadership will continue as nothing occured.
Take care of your farmers first
ignore this small contingent of rabble rousers from Punjab, farmers are doing fine in India otherwise.
British took care of indian people more than anyone.
but bhagat singh still fought them.
we were all Indian then.

Goras did some good though, no doubt.... but they had to leave

and mashallah hamarey führer ne Churchill ki baja di thi

ancient history though, time we moved on just as the Europeans did 70 years ago.. jaago !
Our coward enemy is scared with farmer protest, and in panic, he arranged this attack on our FC soldier and thought Karima Baloch's death sparks the Baloch people riots and starts attacking us and may create a war kind of zone. These all efforts from our coward's enemy are to divert our attention from LoC and Kashmir where a big operation is going-on by IA and also create disturbance in the progress of CPEC and ECO-ITI projects. Lunatic action from dolt. Our political leadership endorsed a country involved in this attack. Kudos to IK.
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Your facts are wrong. Hindus in India were told that Pakistan will fold in few years and will again join Mainland and so they did not do much to push Muslims out of Mainland . Nehru tricked Hindus as he got captive votes to renain PM. You may assume that Against those 15% Muslim, we have kept the Kashmir valley...which as per LAW acceded to India. UN resolutions has no legal validity. Its only Instrument of Accession. Gilgit Baltistan is the only unfinished agenda and as long as BJP rules, this will not be on the backburner. Congress to keep its Muslim Vote bank had kepy Ayodhya on back burner too. BJP reclaimed our holy birth land you see.

My facts are right,, the whole point of partition was that we hated and didn't trust Hindus even a tiny bit

The same is true for Kashmiri

We simply hate Hindus, we don't want them anywhere on Pak zameen or anywhere around us

This includes Kashmiri

Forcing a Muslim state like Kashmir into a majority Hindu India was a act of sheer stupidity that has created endless fassad and conflict in South Asia

GB is 100% muslim, we hate Hindus more then even the Kashmiri in IoK

It's ridiculous that you think the solution to the utter communal shithole India is to force more people into the shithole 🤪

Because Jinnah was RIGHT about hindutva and India, he was right about Partition and now that India is becoming a hate filled disaster it's time for the partition of India as you can't trap hundreds of millions of people in a Hindutva extremist state
RIP to the 7 martyred FC personnel. This kind of incidents seems to be happening way too often in Balochistan. It's not a small scale assassination kind of terrorists attack but relatively large scale operation. Maybe another big sweep opeartion by Pak army and intellige agency is needed to clear the terrorists.

When incidents like these keep happening, it's difficult to attract investments and tourist from other countries because the image of instability and unsafe environment. This seem to be state sponsored terrorism aim to sabotage Pakistan's economy.
RIP to the 7 martyred FC personnel. This kind of incidents seems to be happening way too often in Balochistan. It's not a small scale assassination kind of terrorists attack but relatively large scale operation. Maybe another big sweep opeartion by Pak army and intellige agency is needed to clear the terrorists.

When incidents like these keep happening, it's difficult to attract investments and tourist from other countries because the image of instability and unsafe environment. This seem to be state sponsored terrorism aim to sabotage Pakistan's economy.
Top brass do not seem to listen.
now just wait for Mir Hamid MirMirMir and Salim Liffafi run for terrorist's support and arrange a sit ins for these "Missing person"
India can't fight at LOC so they hired Afghans to fight with us inside Pakistan.

We must need to control Afghan border and Operation cleanup should start ASAP, no cases just direct dispatched to hell.
Can we stay on topic. I'll delete and thread ban anyone who goes off-topic now.

Can we also have proper links as well please, rather than Twitter.
Also by the looks of it, 6 FC troops were martyred but the BLA has also lost a major big commander in the attack.

THIS!!! .... enough with off topic BS

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