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Seven FC personnel martyred as terrorists attack post in Balochistan's Harnai area

Commenting on IED and land mines, we have sealed Afghan border but they are still coming in.

Did any one thus far demanded fencing of Iran border?
these are passive measures. how much and what else will we fence?
Lasbela ? Gawader? Chaman? Zhob? the border?
we must go in the mountains within our borders and across the borders and kill the terrorists along with their hosts in presence.
pdf posters are blaming it on GCC for un known reasons, while SMQ is pointing at Iran + Afghanistan without giving reasons.
Quite contrary, Imran Khan blamed it on Indians in his tweet.
Clearly regime is trying to confuse masses and objective can't be other than coverup.
In given circumstances, i would not hate to suspect ruling clergy as facilitators of terrorists busy playing deceptive tactics.
Imagining if a single Iranian soldier in Iranian occupied Balochistan, Imran Khan would not wait a second to blame whole nation of Pakistan.
the blames can immediately stop and the attacks will stop too.
once we start the elimination of the lieutenants and foot soldiers whether in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran or UAE.
social media activist my a$$ ....Rashid baloch has family ties with militants. he was involved in transfer of funds via UAE....he was an activist but for BLA,...so no need to advocate for a terrorist here on forum

I do not have access to that information my response was only based on information provided by the @Areesh,

But I stand corrected he was carrying out Anti Pakistan activities from UAE, Including but not limited to, financing for years and only were arrested after Interpol got involved.. What about other Baloch leaders that are currently residing in UAE?

Now i'll post this ;

The Balochistan National Party (BNP) chief, Sardar Akhtar Mengal while addressing a public meeting on the occasion of the thirteenth anniversary of Benazir Bhutto at Garhi Khuda Bakhsh said that Benazir Bhutto started politics and was martyred during the dictatorship era.
He said that Benazir Bhutto was martyred while struggling for the restoration of democracy.
While referring to the Pakistani allegations on India for internal troubles, Akhtar Mengal asked that peoples’ houses were demolished, lands were seized, mothers and sisters were widowed; did the Indian Army do this?
Have the gunship helicopters in Balochistan come from neighbouring Iran to destroy our settlements? He added.
Addressing the public meeting, he said that the problem of missing persons has now increased in Sindh like Balochistan. There is not a single goth (town) here where someone has not been forcefully disappeared.
Akhtar Mengal told the public rally, referring to Karima Baloch, the former chairperson of BSO Azad, that she was killed in Canada last week after being abducted by Pakistani intelligence agencies.
He said that former dictator General Musharraf had said in an interview that we can kill them in foreign countries, and that is what happened. Now they say that Karima has committed suicide, the brave daughter who competed with you here cannot commit suicide, Mengal said.
“We sometimes call them space creatures and sometimes angels but their new name is satanic creatures,” he said.
He drew the attention of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and Maryam Nawaz Sharif to the issue of fences and fishermen in Gwadar and said that this issue should now be raised on the platform of PDM.

Simple question when are we going to wake up and eliminate sardars and waderas from our country once for all Instead, going after foot soldiers while leaving the snakes head intact is foolish and futile, but in Pakistan they are part of mainstream political parties and allowed to spew venom freely?

Instead of killing these snakes and making martyrs out of them, simply increase in property tax to the point where they can't afford such a big property will eliminate this menace once for all

This is what FC needs atleast 500-1000 of them in higj risk areas
I do not have access to that information my response was only based on information provided by the @Areesh,

But I stand corrected he was carrying out Anti Pakistan activities from UAE, Including but not limited to, financing for years and only were arrested after Interpol got involved.. What about other Baloch leaders that are currently residing in UAE?

Now i'll post this ;

The Balochistan National Party (BNP) chief, Sardar Akhtar Mengal while addressing a public meeting on the occasion of the thirteenth anniversary of Benazir Bhutto at Garhi Khuda Bakhsh said that Benazir Bhutto started politics and was martyred during the dictatorship era.
He said that Benazir Bhutto was martyred while struggling for the restoration of democracy.
While referring to the Pakistani allegations on India for internal troubles, Akhtar Mengal asked that peoples’ houses were demolished, lands were seized, mothers and sisters were widowed; did the Indian Army do this?
Have the gunship helicopters in Balochistan come from neighbouring Iran to destroy our settlements? He added.
Addressing the public meeting, he said that the problem of missing persons has now increased in Sindh like Balochistan. There is not a single goth (town) here where someone has not been forcefully disappeared.
Akhtar Mengal told the public rally, referring to Karima Baloch, the former chairperson of BSO Azad, that she was killed in Canada last week after being abducted by Pakistani intelligence agencies.
He said that former dictator General Musharraf had said in an interview that we can kill them in foreign countries, and that is what happened. Now they say that Karima has committed suicide, the brave daughter who competed with you here cannot commit suicide, Mengal said.
“We sometimes call them space creatures and sometimes angels but their new name is satanic creatures,” he said.
He drew the attention of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and Maryam Nawaz Sharif to the issue of fences and fishermen in Gwadar and said that this issue should now be raised on the platform of PDM.

Simple question when are we going to wake up and eliminate sardars and waderas from our country once for all Instead, going after foot soldiers while leaving the snakes head intact is foolish and futile, but in Pakistan they are part of mainstream political parties and allowed to spew venom freely?

Instead of killing these snakes and making martyrs out of them, simply increase in property tax to the point where they can't afford such a big property will eliminate this menace once for all
Establishment has failed pakistan
Military instead is now trying to bring them back in power like it did in the 1990s

This is what FC needs atleast 500-1000 of them in higj risk areas


Establishment has failed pakistan
Military instead is now trying to bring them back in power like it did in the 1990s
Isn't like Mengal like friends with PM and election ally?

and isn't that what he says is parroting what PM used to say before elections about Balochistan?

The same rinse and repeat. I am just glad no one blamed Iran apart from Batman. Even I had to put diplomatic statement like elements in Iran not friendly to CPEC.
So ridiculous. Detailed dossier and that there are 66 terrorist camps. Go and wipe em out or stay shut.
If eliminated, India will take its turtle neck back in its shell and CPEC will be saved and all regional countries will know that Pakistan means business.

But Pak is just one pathetic whiner. Such shame.
Isn't like Mengal like friends with PM and election ally?

and isn't that what he says is parroting what PM used to say before elections about Balochistan?

The same rinse and repeat. I am just glad no one blamed Iran apart from Batman. Even I had to put diplomatic statement like elements in Iran not friendly to CPEC.
poor decision by imran khan, screw him for supporting mengal
also screw Maryam and nawaz sharif for supporting him now
remeber Imran khan never supported mengal army bashing, but maryum nawaz does
poor decision by imran khan, screw him for supporting mengal
also screw Maryam and nawaz sharif for supporting him now
remeber Imran khan never supported mengal army bashing, but maryum nawaz does

you are assuming that a poison that kills slowly is more marketable than instant blue tota.
I am tired of ranting after such attacks happen so in anger and pain and a big **** you to the generals and commanders especially Bajwa the fat ****.Its a rest in peace to the foot soldiers from me
No they are not getting any plots in DHA. Neither commercial nor for houses. Army officers get house in Askari society after retirement. Even for them they pay. If they have plot in DHA then they bought them on their own. They didn't got them for free. Army doesn't give free plots to anyone in DHA. Bother to get your facts before spreading big fat lies.
Hi I thought you know better then me & with these so many post under your belt at least you won’t be blaming someone with using big fat lies when did I use these words against your posts earlier that you are spreading big fat lies when you write on this forum about getting bla bla from bla bla country did I wrote big fate lies
no sir anyways thanks for your reply and I’ll get my facts right from whom and where those guys plots who sold these to civilians in DHA
thank you
putting everything in military equation is not resonable dear.You have to look why there is insurgency in first place.Solve their problems give them basic facilities boom no more insurgency.

Yeah thats such a typical and lazy excuse for terrorism. Even if there is all development is given to them they want, they will find another excuse. Terrorism is based on genuine grievances but who gets to benefit from unrest is the direction we need to look into as well.

With EU Disinfo Lab expose, there is nothing left to imagination. I feel the state and government is still in paralysis as it does not know how to react to this dossier. This is like Panama Leaks of terrorism. If we still want to defend the terrorists, we are doomed to this bleak circumstance where our enemy kills our soldiers and civilians and we still try to find academic reasons for insurgency.

It really is time to avnge our soldier's deaths by targeting Indian army anywhere we find it. India understand only this language.
Some Pakistanis here are accusing Iran... can anyone tell me why Iran would want to cause trouble for Pakistan ? Pakistan despite being friends with useless Arab sheikhs never had anti-Iran rhetoric or made some move against Iran. So why on earth would Iran want to trouble Pakistan ? No conspiracy theories please.
I agree, this is not an Iran issue. These elements are being supported by Indian and Afghan intelligence with some additional actors who are against CPEC. The more Baloch nationalism this stokes, the bigger the problem for Iran.

However unlike East Pakistan, Indians can try till kingdom come, Balochistan cannot be undermined to the extent they want it. The issue is that Pakistani response has been very covert. Some statements have to be made sooner or later.

The fencing will certainly help as will Afghan peace talks.
ISPR statements are nothing but a VERY BAD JOKE for ordinary jawans and their families. I wonder how much further will Gen Bajwa bend his back this time around?? It was a terrible idea to give extension to this guy. Just a very bad, terrible decision.
ISPR statements are nothing but a VERY BAD JOKE for ordinary jawans and their families. I wonder how much further will Gen Bajwa bend his back this time around?? It was a terrible idea to give extension to this guy. Just a very bad, terrible decision.
Before APS, TTP terrorists were killing innocent pakistanis like mosquitoes, GHQ never given damn fuk on these attacks, but when TTP attacked their kids they urgently started zarb e azab, now they are still waiting for some thing big again theat can decent our country our economy into stone age, then from no where suddenly they will start operation in Balouchistan for 5 nore years and we will bw down below Mogadishu, ghana and Afghanistan... Here is how they realized us pakistanis look how important your military is.... Lagy raho Munna bhai.. Sanp palty phir unko marty raho.. This will never end
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