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Serb Local Councilman Shot Dead in N. Kosovo

OK getting back to the topic after reading very weird statements here in the end. I think that as in all countries with ethnic problems, these kind of things are mostly politically motivated to keep the hatred alive and not let everyone live in peace. An ordinary Kosovan or Serbian is probably more worried about providing enough for his family. They dont have time for hatred. It is the politicians using them.

Maybe it's unimportant for you but i recently learned that Turkey is very, very, very Pro-Kosova.

Actually this is wrong. Try to see things through a saying we have here :"What you don't like done to you,don't do it to others"(well it actually rhymes in romanian).

So, think that NATO would have declared PKK "freedom fighters" and kurds oppressed in Turkey like they did in Kosovo with that terrorist albanian organisation and than gang up on you in a bombing campaign that ends with the dismemberment of your country .I'm not only saying this because the serbs are orthodox neighbours and generally liked in here but i put myself in their shoes and think that today Serbia,tommorow hungarians in Romania( and this is a real,scaring possibility ,believe me) or kurds in Turkey.

The West is doing this whenever it suits them.

On top of this imagine more.Not only that Kosovo was taken from Serbia by force but why isn't the northern part where serbs are the majority allowed to return to Serbia ? Where is their right to self determination that the albanians got with the help of NATO bombs ? All this violence against the remaing serbs ( indiscriminate killings,destruction of churches) is aimed at making them leave.
Hungary was carved and parts of it given to Romania and Serbia. That is whole different situation.
Well i don't claim that we didn't committed any crimes in that war, but since the end of the war we didn't kill a single Albanian in Serbia, and there is over 50 000 of them here. They are living normally, nobody is attacking them... they have the same rights as everybody else. But on Kosovo they are even destroying our cemeteries and churches, so they could erase all evidence of Serbian existence in that area. But they have won the propaganda war, and they have the support of the western states, so we can't do a shit about it.

For example western countries tried to hide this:

Organ theft in Kosovo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Balkan is/was a very messed up place,all sides should try to live with each other peacefully.

Mate it's not just we are both Muslims.

We share cultural and historical values due to nearly 500 years of Ottoman rule.

Watch from 2:40

This is how they welcomed us.

Of course.
Not all Kosovars are muslim,there are orthodox Serbs,orthodox Roma, and orthodox Kosovars.;)
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Hungary was carved and parts of it given to Romania and Serbia. That is whole different situation.

You do know that those parts had a romanian majority(over 55 % even in hungarian census which was obviously biased) don't you ? And those idiots who are shouting "Transilvania back to Hungary" are asking a land with with 4.8 mil romanians and 1.2 mil hungarians.
You do know that those parts had a romanian majority(over 55 % even in hungarian census which was obviously biased) don't you ? And those idiots who are shouting "Transilvania back to Hungary" are asking a land with with 4.8 mil romanians and 1.2 mil hungarians.
The Hungarians were expelled. Today almost 40-50% of Hungarians are living outside Hungary because of that treaty that was designed to destroy them. Transilvania was never part of Romania. Nor did Hungarians approve huge parts of their land and people being carved up.
You do know that those parts had a romanian majority(over 55 % even in hungarian census which was obviously biased) don't you ? And those idiots who are shouting "Transilvania back to Hungary" are asking a land with with 4.8 mil romanians and 1.2 mil hungarians.

Is there any dispute regarding Transylvania, who are asking back Transylvania.

Facts speak for itself

Facts speak for itself

What facts ? You showed a map of Hungary pre Trianon.So ? Doest that change that Transilvania had a romanian absolute majority or that after WW1 they tried to stop the anexation and we had to push them back and occupy Budapest so we can force a truce ?

What would you want,countries like 1919 Hungary today in Europe with the hungarians a minority in their own country ? A dungeon of nations ?

Is there any dispute regarding Transylvania, who are asking back Transylvania.

Hungarian revizionists ,nationalists like their Jobbik party and under the table their goverment isn't the most honest one either.Plus some loonies in Transilvania burning romanian flags .
Hungarian revizionists ,nationalists like their Jobbik party and under the table their goverment isn't the most honest one either.Plus some loonies in Transilvania burning romanian flags .

Aren't most of the Hungarians majority region lying deep inside Romania, can they even dream about pulling out the independence.
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Alot of Turks and Hungarians support idea of Turanism,go to wiki for more information.

And if you start to read Jobbik idea about Hungarian future you will see that they prefer 2+1 countries policy,Russia and Turkey + Germany.
Russia represents most powerful country in Europe and potential good alliance with Hungary,Turkey represents same roots(by Turan idea,btw they think that Western Europe make enemies between them and Ottomans back in Middle Age),and fast growing economy that can help Hungary,and Germany represents most powerful EU country with historical good relations with Hungary.

But what to expect from people who say"Whole Slovakia is ours,25% of Romania,1/3 of Serbia and 1/5 of Austria and one part of western Ukraine."
They want war,not all Hungarians but 30% of them (all Jobbik supporters).

The Hungarians were expelled. Today almost 40-50% of Hungarians are living outside Hungary because of that treaty that was designed to destroy them. Transilvania was never part of Romania. Nor did Hungarians approve huge parts of their land and people being carved up.

Hungarians in Romania 1.2 mln
Slovakia 500k
Serbia 300 k

It is about 2 mln people.Maybe 20% of Hungarians in Hungary.

The Balkan is/was a very messed up place,all sides should try to live with each other peacefully.

Not all Kosovars are muslim,there are orthodox Serbs,orthodox Roma, and orthodox Kosovars.;)

Not just Orthodox but catholics.More and more Albanians convert to Roman christianity.

I like to say that Albanians dont have a religion barrier.They have their idea about Albania and they follow its regardless religion.
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