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Lets put it this way. I would prefer deeper relations with Turkic states rather than ME states.

But i don't support carving each country's Turkic minorities and annex their region into Turkey.

You forgot about us ? :cray:

At least you mentioned the Middle East & Turkic States but no mention of us ! :(
Hungarians are majority in regions they claim but some jobbik nationalist also claim other regions since they believe it was unfairly given to Romania and Serbia, etc.

Romania is 20 million but huge part of it are Hungarians and others like gypsies. I don't know what percentage are turanist but is growing with the year.

Turanist in Turkey are not busy with Hungarians because they are cut off by land. Their priority lies with uniting with Azerbaijan first.

I have to say that turanism is not black and white. Even davutoglu who is not turanist active wants unification or at least very close ties with Azerbaijan which almost speaks same language.

Turkey also is close to Kazakhstan. Surprisingly most pro Russian Turkic country is also most supporter of turanism. It was Kazakh president who wanted Turkic counsel? They are holding meetings every year in Baku. But before anything can get off the ground there must be economic rise in the region first.

Hungarians never joined these meetings. I wonder if Hungarians are truly turanism supporters or support it for altruistic motives.

Uniting with Azerbaijan ? Likely won't happen .Aliyev has his own fiefdom and plus there is Russia right next to it.
As for Kazakhstan its entering customs union.But the dream of the kazakh elite is create a slavic-turkic union . So yes they might try to bring Russia and turkey in a common platform.

Lets put it this way. I would prefer deeper relations with Turkic states rather than ME states.

But i don't support carving each country's Turkic minorities and annex their region into Turkey.

for that you would need to be part of sco or csto.
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