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Serb Local Councilman Shot Dead in N. Kosovo

BTW. Thank you very much @BDforever for this topic.Truth must prevail.
About a possible response to the terror of Albanians or even possible steps to return back Serbian territory.
Europe is not actually single. Above known national conflicts it has financial and political contradictions. Borders of financial and political interests in Europe are actually placed between Britain and the United States. Conductor of U.S. financial interests is Germany. Serbia could use to go on developing close relationships with those separate European countries, which will support the interests of the Serbs. Certainly important is the relationship with Russia.
With a protection against external aggression, Serbia can solve the problem.
Incidentally, there are evidences that current Russian president Putin has close relations with British financial circles (recall from another thread).
And i guess you know what we did in Bosnia? You have probably watched some kind of documentary movie, and now you're some kind of an expert? I don't deny that we committed war crimes in Bosnia, but so did Muslims, and so did Croats. It's not black and white world.

But if someday someone kills some innocent member of your family, we can always say: "**** you, you know what some other people from your country did?"

The serbs were beyond animals

What they did was unforgivable, they are nazi's and should be destroyed

No Kosovan, Bosnian or Albanian should have to live under such horrendous war criminals again
The serbs were beyond animals

What they did was unforgivable, they are nazi's and should be destroyed

No Kosovan, Bosnian or Albanian should have to live under such horrendous war criminals again

Such a simplistic guy you are.Let me fill you on a simple thing,yes the serbs commited atrocities in Bosnia (not in Kosovo,they were found non guilty there for crimes against humanity,guilty for ethnic cleansing-tried to make the albanians leave) but the other sides commited atrocities to( the croats,bosnians).The single reason why the serbs had more killings under their belt was because after the fall of Yougoslavia they had the most numerous,better weapons.If the other ssides would have had access to same quantity of weapons they would have done the same.Nothing to do with particular savagery,they were all savagers in that conflict.
I dunno about Pakistan's stance on this; most probably Pakistanis would be Pro-Kosovo too ! :)

But I do know that we are very....very Pro-Bosnians ! :kiss3:

Mate it's not just we are both Muslims.

We share cultural and historical values due to nearly 500 years of Ottoman rule.

Watch from 2:40

This is how they welcomed us.

Pro Kosovo or not but killing of innocent people should not be condoned.

Of course.
Mate it's not just we are both Muslims.

We share cultural and historical values due to nearly 500 years of Ottoman rule.

Well for us its because we're both Muslims ! :bunny:

I do hope that the one's responsible for any innocent death - Serb or Albanian - are brought to Justice !

There can be no justification for taking an innocent's life !
Well for us its because we're both Muslims ! :bunny:

I know you, you don't think this way but.....

Assad is also a muslim..... I don't believe in, supporting a nation or a group because they are just sharing our religion. I will support them if their cause is just.
I know you, you don't think this way but.....

Assad is also a muslim..... I don't believe in, supporting a nation or a group because they are just sharing our religion. I will support them if their cause is just.

No you're thinking this wrong; I don't support or oppose them because of their religion just as I won't support or oppose my kinsmen because of our shared ethnicity !

I feel a sense of affinity towards them because we're both Muslims & that is important enough for me to be interested in what goes on in their lives as a Nation !

Take the example of Turkiye - We, even before we had a country, sent whatever help we could muster to you guys during the First World War - Why ?

Because of a shared culture ? Shared Ethnicity ? Because of that douche bag of a Caliph ? No - we sent it because we cared because you were Muslims & that meant enough for us to care about what was or wasn't happening to you guys !

But that doesn't imply that Religious Affinity should be misconstrued to mean 'Do whatever the heck you want to do we're always gonna be on your side' - All it means is that I care enough to be interested in what is happening in your life; what are the issues you face, the problems you have, what are your triumphs, your failures & how can I help you achieve some of what you'd like to achieve ?

China isn't a Muslim Country or even a Religious Country for that matter but I'm fiercely.....fiercely Pro-Chinese as are almost all Pakistanis & why ? Because they were there for us when we needed them - Loyalty & Friendship - that means a lot to us !

And so I'd oppose Assad, I'd oppose Saddam, I'd oppose Mullah Omar, I'd oppose some of what our Arab & Iranian Friends have been up to in the Middle East in general & my country in particular (Read - Sectarianism) - In short I'd oppose anyone who'd oppose me !

In this case if it is true that an innocent Serb was killed by Albanians - Of course I oppose that & I condemn that because I fervently believe in what the Scripture so eloquently puts : to take a (innocent) human life is as if you've killed the whole of humanity & to save a human life is as if you've saved the whole of humanity !

:lol: We are saying the exact same thing.

I said "because they are just sharing our religion.". :)

Okay ! :oops:

But I think that @proka89 hates me ! :cray:

So what if Jelena Jankovic scares the living out of me whilst my Serbian Brother Proka really fancies her, should that mean that our friendship should end ? :(

I may have a thing for Ana Ivanovic but at 5'8 I'd probably be the size of her pet doggie so I dunno about that one either ! :cry:
Okay ! :oops:

But I think that @proka89 hates me ! :cray:

So what if Jelena Jankovic scares the living out of me whilst my Serbian Brother Proka really fancies her, should that mean that our friendship should end ? :(

I may have a thing for Ana Ivanovic but at 5'8 I'd probably be the size of her pet doggie so I dunno about that one either ! :cry:

I don't think Proka will fancy her if he doesn't have a weird taste. :lol:

About Ana Ivanovic....., i will show your post about her to Nur Fettahoğlu :agree:
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