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Separatist Insurgencies in India - News and Discussions.

We were just afraid that non-state actors from 'you-know-where' would attack the innocent people like they did in Mumbai
For gods sake ..."Afraid"?
Theres a thing Called Protocol that security agencies follow depending on the threat assessment .
^ Bharatis have a god-given right to worry about other countries but other's shouldn't worry about bharat. :lol:
100s of people died every week in Pakistan in no of bomb blasts and you still worry about Indian situation :lol::lol::lol:

i'm not at all ''worried about indian situation'', kiddo. Just reporting the news related to the topic.

it's your own mess to deal with
^ Bharatis have a god-given right to worry about other countries but other's shouldn't worry about bharat. :lol:

Hey Maoists haven't attacked Pakistan and will never do but extremists from Pakistan have attacked India in the past (they are attacking Pakistan too). That's why Indians worry about Pakistan. We don't want an unstable Pakistan.
Hey Maoists haven't attacked Pakistan and will never do but extremists from Pakistan have attacked India in the past (they are attacking Pakistan too). That's why Indians worry about Pakistan. We don't want an unstable Pakistan.

indian religious extremists have attacked Pakistanis/Muslims....that is as much a problem for us as when extremists inside Pakistan or anywhere else attack Pakistanis/Muslims.
indian religious extremists have attacked Pakistanis/Muslims....that is as much a problem for us as when extremists inside Pakistan or anywhere else attack Pakistanis/Muslims.

Really which Indian religious extremist organisation reached Pakistan???? This thread is about Maoists by the way who don't even believe religion.
Really which Indian religious extremist organisation reached Pakistan???? This thread is about Maoists by the way who don't even believe religion.

the same people that the late Mr. Karkare was investigating

as for second part of your post, couldnt agree more. So we can go back to subject now.
if so, im glad to hear about it

re-read my post carefully it would sort out some confusion you may be having
Really which Indian religious extremist organisation reached Pakistan???? This thread is about Maoists by the way who don't even believe religion.

they can even create a wikileak cable if they have to prove their point...difference is the world stops beliving even on wikileaks cable, if it comes in support of pakistan..thats the image.
indian religious extremists have attacked Pakistanis/Muslims....that is as much a problem for us as when extremists inside Pakistan or anywhere else attack Pakistanis/Muslims.

Okay champ the party is over.

Aseemanand takes back all he said, was ‘coerced’

So as of now its the good ol' LeT and its Arif Qasmani who planned and executed Samjautha Blasts. Better arrest and make Hafiz Sayed 'sing'.Maybe you guys can get some clues.

BTW are all Muslims Pakistanis ?

hmmm...same like Kasab I guess.

So as of now its the good 'ol LeT and its Arif Qasmani who planned and executed Samjautha Blasts. Better arrest and make Hafiz Sayed 'sing'.Maybe you guys can get some clues.

no because we are fairly certain that the answers lie across the border in the neigbhour country of ours....

according to the same source you posted

“The investigation is genuine and we do not want to comment about Aseemanand’s application to the court.”

meaning the proceedings are also still underway. Not sure how you suddenly came to judgement before your courts did. It is sad however the the late Karkare is no longer and can't be present as a witness to testify. Seems he had crossed what some could call ''red lines'' -- and he paid for it.

BTW are all Muslims Pakistanis ?

neither are all Muslims Pakistanis, nor are all Pakistanis Muslims.
hmmm...same like Kasab I guess.

A big,crucial difference seems to have escaped from your mind - unlike Kasab who was Pakistani (or was Amar Singh ??) caught in India, Aseemanand was an Indian and the second even more important thing is that unlike Kasab who was caught with his one hand in the cookie jar and another hand holding an AK-47, Aseemanand was not caught planting bombs on the train tracks.

no because we are fairly certain that the answers lie across the border in the neigbhour country of ours....

Just because I am fairly certain you are a Klingon with blue blood doesnt mean you are one such. :lol:

Qasmani has worked with LET to facilitate terrorist attacks, including the July 2006 train bombing in Mumbai, India, and the February 2007 Samjota Express bombing in Panipat, India.

Treasury Targets Al Qaida and Lashkar-E Tayyiba Networks in Pakistan

As I said make Hafiz Sayed sing and you can solve the case.

according to the same source you posted
meaning the proceedings are also still underway. Not sure how you suddenly came to judgement before your courts did. It is sad however the the late Karkare is no longer and can't be present as a witness to testify. Seems he had crossed what some could call ''red lines'' -- and he paid for it.

Should I thank LeT and its 10 foot soldiers for it ?

neither are all Muslims Pakistanis, nor are all Pakistanis Muslims.

Ah so good to hear that.
A big,crucial difference seems to have escaped from your mind - unlike Kasab who was Pakistani (or was Amar Singh ??) caught in India Aseemanand was an Indian an the second even more important thing is that unlike Kasab who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Aseemanand was not caught planting bombs on the train tracks.

it makes no difference. Pakistanis died on the train. Doesnt matter where it was, fact of the matter is that they were killed and a lot of people are waiting for the indians to take action on it. And we have been waiting much longer than just 2008.

more relevantly, in any respectable legal system a suspect is innocent until proven guilty....interestingly enough, in both cases suspects made confessions and then retracted them --claiming they were under duress

Just because I am fairly certain you are a Klingon with blue blood doesnt mean you are one such. :lol:

it's burgundy after February

Qasmani has worked with LET to facilitate terrorist attacks, including the July 2006 train bombing in Mumbai, India, and the February 2007 Samjota Express bombing in Panipat, India.
Treasury Targets Al Qaida and Lashkar-E Tayyiba Networks in Pakistan

your own ATS --including the late Karkare --continue to assert that it is indian extremist elements --not Pakistanis or ''LeT'' that were involved in the crimes --not just Samj. Expr. but also Mecca Masjid and Malegaon. blasts as well.

As I said make Hafiz Sayed sing and you can solve the case.

not sure where HS figures into this conversation

Should I thank LeT and its 10 foot soldiers for it ?

his wife and some other sceptics seem to be thanking some other people :whistle:

anyyywaz..there are many threads on this topic so best to continue this interaction in one of those.

Ah so good to hear that.

well i am flattered that you wait for my confirmation before accepting things as basic fact
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