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Separatist Insurgencies in India - News and Discussions.

Maoist problem has been ignored for too long, it's been there since 70s, and tribal insurgency/war predates mao by almost two centuries, the problem is now the so called maoists do not care for tribal anymore, they want power by the virtue of gun. Our soft spoken intellectuals who are supporting maoist should keep it in mind the way mao got rid of these so called intellectuals once he came to power. But perhaps they are gonna be among the firsts to flee from India if ever some communist regime succeed to rule the land.
well, the upper class rich indians with US/UK passports don't seem to understand the plight of the lower class.

how would you feel as a farmer in rural india whose land was going to be taken over by a giant corporation? thanks to systemic poverty, you can't read. your land, the only source of income, is going to be gone. if you try to protest the police beat you down. what option is there besides either wait to die on the streets, or take up the gun and fight for your freedom?
yeah go tell that to all the farmers in China whose lands were taken for the SEZ and to those who lost their lands building all ur dams etc.
I don't believe this,

A Chinese talking about human rights. What a joke.

Indeed a joke! And couldn’t believe in 2010, such a joke can still perpetuate on the land of Bharat!

In Hindu caste system, only certain groups of people can entertain certain privileges. Lower castes are not supposed to talk things such as human rights, because they don’t deserve human rights. In upper caste’s inhuman eyes and twisted brains, human rights, including the discussion of it, are reserved only for upper castes. :disagree:

Shadowed under such a backward and medieval mentality, number of billionaires in India with per capita GDP only one third of that of China, surpasses that in Japan the wealthiest country in Asia, while 2 million Indian children die every year as India’s economy “booms”.

Now if you limit your human rights only to upper caste, there is no question that vast lower caste, the suffered, will revolt and thus forms the Naxalites. That's the root cause of your Maoist problem.

In fact, India, especially in NE of India, has the worst human rights record of all countries in the world, ten times, if not one hundred times, worse than that in China! :tdown:
India says that IT represents shining india.

An equal number of starving children die per year as all IT professionals in india added together.

So why can't we say that starving children represents India?
caste system is the closest thing to apartheid that i can think of

such a backwards and medieval system. Thank God I dont have to worry about it here in this country.
Indeed a joke! And couldn’t believe in 2010, such a joke can still perpetuate on the land of Bharat!

In Hindu caste system, only certain groups of people can entertain certain privileges. Lower castes are not supposed to talk things such as human rights, because they don’t deserve human rights. In upper caste’s inhuman eyes and twisted brains, human rights, including the discussion of it, are reserved only for upper castes. :disagree:

Shadowed under such a backward and medieval mentality, number of billionaires in India with per capita GDP only one third of that of China, surpasses that in Japan the wealthiest country in Asia, while 2 million Indian children die every year as India’s economy “booms”.

Now if you limit your human rights only to upper caste, there is no question that vast lower caste, the suffered, will revolt and thus forms the Naxalites. That's the root cause of your Maoist problem.

In fact, India, especially in NE of India, has the worst human rights record of all countries in the world, ten times, if not one hundred times, worse than that in China! :tdown:

Oh yeh...but we dont crush young students protesting peacefully for democracy under tank tracks.

And if u a US citizen...dont u dare open ur mouth abt Human rights killing millions of Innocent Red Indians as if they were animals.:angry:
We Indians,Chinese are living on our own land..but u US are living on land that is stained by the blood of the natives.
Oh yeh...but we dont crush young students protesting peacefully for democracy under tank tracks.

And if u a US citizen...dont u dare open ur mouth abt Human rights killing millions of Innocent Red Indians as if they were animals.:angry:
We Indians,Chinese are living on our own land..but u US are living on land that is stained by the blood of the natives.

well said....:victory:
Oh yeh...but we dont crush young students protesting peacefully for democracy under tank tracks.

And if u a US citizen...dont u dare open ur mouth abt Human rights killing millions of Innocent Red Indians as if they were animals.:angry:
We Indians,Chinese are living on our own land..but u US are living on land that is stained by the blood of the natives.

He is no US guy..he is Chinese who lives in US ...
caste system is the closest thing to apartheid that i can think of

such a backwards and medieval system. Thank God I dont have to worry about it here in this country.

Are you come here to troll only??so much for a think tank...caste system is bad i agree..but this is not because of caste system..these people are not benefited from the economic devalopment of India..they are mainly illitrate and from backward areas...some one can easily misguided them abpout social equality and all others if maoism rule the country..in reality you know its not practicable as we seen in China..well you have to worry about other things in your country right??so you are also not residing in a heaven..
caste system is the closest thing to apartheid that i can think of

such a backwards and medieval system. Thank God I dont have to worry about it here in this country.

Yes, as you should worry about those stupid suicide bombers.

How does it feel when your own people kill you to impose stupid laws, beat your women, blow up schools?

Thank God I am not in a country of suicide bombers..
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